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Elon Musk Fuels Dogecoin Speculation With Recent Move

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)最近的举动加剧了狗狗币的投机

发布: 2024/02/04 18:01 阅读: 279



埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)最近的举动加剧了狗狗币的投机

Elon Musk, the tech mogul behind Tesla and SpaceX, has once again shown his affinity for the meme-based cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

特斯拉和 SpaceX 背后的科技大亨埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 再次表现出了他对基于模因的加密货币狗狗币的喜爱。

Musk, who also owns the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter), liked a post from his own account dated Oct. 31, 2021, which suggested tuition payments in Dogecoin with discounts for dog owners.

马斯克还拥有社交媒体平台 X(以前称为 Twitter),他点赞了自己账户上 2021 年 10 月 31 日发布的帖子,该帖子建议用狗狗币支付学费,并为狗主人提供折扣。

This act of self-endorsement has sparked speculation among investors and enthusiasts about a potential upcoming announcement related to Dogecoin, reigniting interest in the cryptocurrency's future.


X's payment integration: New frontier?

X 的支付集成:新领域?

As reported by U.Today, Musk's X is poised to launch peer-to-peer payments within the year, aiming to expand the platform's utility and commerce opportunities. This initiative is part of Musk's broader vision to transform X into an "everything app," encompassing a wide range of functions from social networking to financial transactions.

据《今日美国》报道,马斯克的 X 准备在年内推出点对点支付,旨在扩大该平台的实用性和商业机会。这一举措是马斯克将 X 转变为“一切应用程序”的更广泛愿景的一部分,涵盖从社交网络到金融交易的广泛功能。

The announcement has generated excitement about the possible inclusion of cryptocurrencies in X's payment options, but it remains unclear whether Dogecoin will be among the supported currencies.

该公告引起了人们对 X 支付选项中可能包含加密货币的兴奋,但目前尚不清楚狗狗币是否会成为受支持的货币之一。

The introduction of peer-to-peer payments marks a significant step in Musk's ambitious overhaul of X since his acquisition, promising a blend of social and financial services.

点对点支付的推出标志着马斯克自收购 X 以来雄心勃勃的改革迈出了重要一步,承诺将社会和金融服务融为一体。

Musk's support for Dogecoin


Musk's relationship with Dogecoin has been a major driving force behind the cryptocurrency's popularity and volatility.


The saga took a notable turn when Musk replaced Twitter's iconic bird logo with the Doge image, shortly after acquiring the social media platform for $44 billion in October 2022.

当马斯克于 2022 年 10 月以 440 亿美元收购社交媒体平台后不久,用总督图像取代了 Twitter 标志性的小鸟徽标,这一传奇故事发生了显着转折。

This move sent Dogecoin's value soaring by 8%, illustrating the significant impact of Musk's endorsements on the cryptocurrency market. Although, Musk later removed the Doge logo in favor of rebranding the platform to X.

此举使得狗狗币价值飙升8%,可见马斯克背书对加密货币市场的重大影响。尽管如此,马斯克后来删除了 Doge 标志,转而将该平台重新命名为 X。

Over the years, his tweets and public statements have played a pivotal role in shaping the cryptocurrency's trajectory, often leading to sudden surges in its value.


However, the future of Dogecoin remains uncertain amid speculations of its integration into X's upcoming payment services.

然而,由于人们猜测狗狗币将被整合到 X 即将推出的支付服务中,狗狗币的未来仍然不确定。


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