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Top cryptocurrencies to watch this week: MOG, KAS, FET


发布: 2024/07/01 01:02 阅读: 487




Bearish Market Sentiment Persists in Cryptocurrency, but Certain Assets Defy Trend


The bearish sentiment that has gripped the cryptocurrency market throughout June continued last week, with Bitcoin (BTC) falling below $59,000 for the first time in eight weeks, triggering widespread losses across the market.

上周,笼罩整个 6 月加密货币市场的看跌情绪仍在继续,比特币 (BTC) 八周来首次跌破 59,000 美元,引发整个市场广泛下跌。

However, amidst the market downturn, a few assets bucked the trend, recording new all-time highs. Selective bullishness proved insufficient to prevent the overall crypto market cap from declining by 4.6% to $2.24 trillion.

然而,在市场低迷的情况下,少数资产却逆势而上,创下历史新高。事实证明,选择性看涨不足以阻止加密货币整体市值下降 4.6% 至 2.24 万亿美元。

Based on their strong performances last week, the following cryptocurrencies warrant attention this week:


MOG: New All-Time High and Overbought


MOG Coin (MOG) enjoyed a bullish week, starting with a decline but rebounding sharply on June 24th and 25th due to increased social volume. It reached a new all-time high of $0.00002123 on June 29th, driven by growing interest. MOG closed the week at $0.000018355, with a 67% gain. However, its Commodity Channel Index (CCI) suggests it is overbought, indicating a potential pullback.

MOG Coin(MOG)经历了牛市一周,一开始下跌,但由于社交量的增加,在 6 月 24 日和 25 日大幅反弹。在人们日益增长的兴趣的推动下,它于 6 月 29 日创下了 0.00002123 美元的历史新高。 MOG 本周收于 0.000018355 美元,涨幅为 67%。然而,其商品通道指数(CCI)表明其已超买,表明可能出现回调。

Kaspa: Enters Price Discovery After Breaking ATH

Kaspa:突破 ATH 后进入价格发现阶段

Kaspa (KAS) also saw an uptrend last week, reaching a new all-time high of $0.1939 on June 30th. This rally was partly attributed to reports of Marathon Digital mining $16 million in KAS. Kaspa continued to reach new record prices, entering the new week with an 8.96% increase over the past 24 hours. However, its relative strength index (RSI) has entered overbought territories, suggesting a possible retracement.

Kaspa (KAS) 上周也出现上涨趋势,于 6 月 30 日触及 0.1939 美元的历史新高。此次上涨的部分原因是有报道称 Marathon Digital 在 KAS 中挖掘了 1600 万美元。 Kaspa继续创下新的价格纪录,进入新的一周,过去24小时内上涨了8.96%。然而,其相对强度指数(RSI)已进入超买区域,表明可能出现回调。

FET: Rebounding After Steep Decline


Fetch.ai (FET) initially experienced bullish momentum, rising 26% from June 23rd to 26th. However, this peak was met with strong resistance, leading to a sharp decline over the following three days. FET dropped by 27% from June 27th to 29th. It ultimately closed the week with an 8.56% loss. Despite a rebound effort, FET remains below the 20-day SMA. While this indicates bearishness, FET's MACD line remains above the signal line, suggesting potential upside.

Fetch.ai (FET) 最初经历了看涨势头,从 6 月 23 日到 26 日上涨了 26%。然而,这个峰值遇到了强大的阻力,导致接下来三天的大幅下跌。 6月27日至29日,FET下跌27%。最终该周收盘下跌 8.56%。尽管出现反弹,但 FET 仍低于 20 日移动平均线。虽然这表明看跌,但 FET 的 MACD 线仍位于信号线上方,表明潜在的上涨空间。


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