首页 > 资讯新闻 > 顶级 Memecoin 有望上涨 20,000% – 狗狗币和柴犬会被废黜吗?

Top Memecoins Poised for 20,000% Gains – Will Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Be Dethroned?

顶级 Memecoin 有望上涨 20,000% – 狗狗币和柴犬会被废黜吗?

发布: 2024/08/22 21:07 阅读: 890

原文作者:CoinPedia News


顶级 Memecoin 有望上涨 20,000% – 狗狗币和柴犬会被废黜吗?

Top Memecoins Poised for Explosive Growth


A new wave of promising memecoins is captivating the crypto community, raising questions about the possible end of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu's reign. With chatter of potential 20,000% gains, curiosity is high about which coins might be the next big hits.

新一波有前途的模因币正在吸引加密货币社区,引发人们对狗狗币和柴犬统治可能结束的疑问。随着潜在 20,000% 收益的传言,人们对哪些代币可能成为下一个热门产品感到好奇。

$BLASTUP: Powering the Fastest-Growing Launchpad

$BLASTUP:为增长最快的 Launchpad 提供动力

$BLASTUP, the native token of BlastUP, is rapidly becoming a standout in the crypto market. Built on Blast, a Layer 2 blockchain offering native yield for ETH and stablecoins, BlastUP aims to empower crypto startups from their inception and has already achieved significant successes. It has launched multiple successful IDOs, attracted over 20,000 holders, and raised $8 million in a short time frame.

$BLASTUP 是 BlastUP 的原生代币,正在迅速成为加密货币市场的佼佼者。 BlastUP 建立在 Blast(一个为 ETH 和稳定币提供原生收益的第 2 层区块链)之上,旨在从一开始就为加密初创公司提供支持,并且已经取得了重大成功。它已推出多个成功的 IDO,吸引了超过 20,000 名持有者,并在短时间内筹集了 800 万美元。

With its focus on building a global hub for the Blast community and supporting early-stage startups, $BLASTUP's community-centric approach and drive for innovation are key factors in its rapid rise. Its high utility for holders includes:

$BLASTUP 专注于为 Blast 社区建立全球中心并支持早期初创公司,其以社区为中心的方法和创新动力是其快速崛起的关键因素。它对持有者的高实用性包括:

  • Staking rewards with an APR of up to 24%
  • Exclusive access to IDOs
  • Loyalty perks and exclusive allocations from projects launching on BlastUP

$BLASTUP has recently launched on MEXC and Bitget, with plans to join tier-1 exchanges soon. These new listings increase market exposure and appeal to a broader audience of investors. Analysts predict a potential 1000% surge in value by year-end, as the ecosystem continues to grow.

质押奖励年利率高达 24% 独家获得 IDO 忠诚度福利以及 BlastUP 上启动项目的独家分配 $BLASTUP 最近已在 MEXC 和 Bitget 上推出,并计划很快加入一级交易所。这些新上市增加了市场曝光度并吸引了更广泛的投资者。分析师预测,随着生态系统的不断发展,到年底价值可能会激增 1000%。

PEPE: Deflationary Charm and Memecoin Legacy

PEPE:通缩魅力和 Memecoin 遗产

PEPE, a deflationary memecoin inspired by the Pepe the Frog meme, celebrates early internet culture and stands out for its lack of transaction tax. With its goal of fostering a community and attracting supporters who enjoy meme coins, PEPE hit a $1.6 billion market cap in 2023. Its burning mechanism and security on the Ethereum network offer value to loyal holders.

PEPE 是一种通货紧缩的模因币,其灵感来自 Pepe the Frog meme,它颂扬早期的互联网文化,并因其不征收交易税而脱颖而出。 PEPE 的目标是培育社区并吸引喜欢 meme 币的支持者,PEPE 的市值将在 2023 年达到 16 亿美元。其销毁机制和以太坊网络上的安全性为忠实持有者提供了价值。

SUNDOG: A New Dog Meme on the TRON Network

SUNDOG:TRON 网络上的新狗模因

SUNDOG is the latest dog-themed coin on the TRON blockchain, bringing sunshine and joy to the community. As the "biggest dog meme" on TRON, it taps into the fun and playful side of crypto that has seen success in the past. Its potential growth and community engagement make it an appealing investment for those looking for entertainment and growth opportunities.

SUNDOG是TRON区块链上最新推出的狗狗主题币,为社区带来阳光和欢乐。作为 TRON 上“最大的狗模因”,它利用了过去成功的加密货币有趣和好玩的一面。它的潜在增长和社区参与使其成为那些寻求娱乐和增长机会的人的有吸引力的投资。

$POPCAT: A Fresh Breath of Life in the Altcoin Market


$POPCAT is a meme-inspired coin aiming to revitalize the market with its fun, approachable theme. Leveraging blockchain technology, it seeks to build a community-driven ecosystem with growth potential and high returns.

$POPCAT 是一款受 meme 启发的代币,旨在以其有趣、平易近人的主题振兴市场。利用区块链技术,它寻求建立一个具有增长潜力和高回报的社区驱动的生态系统。

BOME: A New Frontier in Meme Culture


BOME, the BOOK OF MEME, merges memes with web3 technology. Using decentralized storage, it aims to preserve memes permanently. $BOME, a memecoin on Solana, offers opportunities in digital trading and gambling. Its potential for growth in the creative and innovative space of meme culture could attract users worldwide.

BOME,即 MEME 之书,将 meme 与 web3 技术融合在一起。它使用去中心化存储,旨在永久保存模因。 $BOME 是 Solana 上的一种模因币,提供数字交易和赌博的机会。它在模因文化的创意和创新空间中的增长潜力可以吸引全世界的用户。



While PEPE, SUNDOG, POPCAT, and BOME show less short-term potential, $BLASTUP stands out as a promising project with a strong Launchpad on BLAST. Its traction among crypto whales and influencers makes it a top contender for investors seeking maximum earnings.

虽然 PEPE、SUNDOG、POPCAT 和 BOME 的短期潜力较小,但 $BLASTUP 作为一个有前景的项目脱颖而出,在 BLAST 上拥有强大的 Launchpad。它在加密鲸鱼和影响者中的吸引力使其成为寻求最大收益的投资者的首要竞争者。


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