首页 > 资讯新闻 > 特朗普的重罪索拉纳 Memecoin 飙升 13,000%,而 BTC 却落后

Trump the Felon Solana Memecoin Skyrockets 13,000% While BTC Lags

特朗普的重罪索拉纳 Memecoin 飙升 13,000%,而 BTC 却落后

发布: 2024/07/21 01:12 阅读: 345

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence News


特朗普的重罪索拉纳 Memecoin 飙升 13,000%,而 BTC 却落后

Trump the Felon: An Emerging Memecoin with Potential


Former investors in memecoins such as Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Dogecoin (DOGE) saw significant returns. Trump the Felon (TRUMPFEL) presents a similar opportunity for a limited time.

柴犬 (SHIB)、邦克 (BONK) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 等模因币的前投资者获得了可观的回报。重罪犯特朗普 (TRUMPFEL) 在有限的时间内提供了类似的机会。

TRUMPFEL, a newly launched Solana memecoin, is projected to experience substantial growth in the coming days as former SHIB, BONK, and DOGE investors allocate funds towards this new token.

TRUMPFEL 是一种新推出的 Solana memecoin,预计未来几天将出现大幅增长,因为前 SHIB、BONK 和 DOGE 投资​​者将资金分配给这个新代币。

The upcoming listing of TRUMPFEL on KuCoin, one of the largest centralized exchanges, will be a significant development for the token as it will make it readily accessible to millions of potential investors.

通快即将在最大的中心化交易所之一库币 (KuCoin) 上市,这将是该代币的重大发展,因为它将让数百万潜在投资者能够轻松获得该代币。

Early investors stand to benefit greatly from the projected growth of TRUMPFEL. To purchase TRUMPFEL on decentralized exchanges such as Jupiter and Raydium, users can connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallets and swap Solana for TRUMPFEL using its contract address: DspvMmTQrMCdaesTCFPf4PPGQxxRf2UPmj5b6CRUdaQf.

早期投资者将从通快的预期增长中获益匪浅。要在 Jupiter 和 Raydium 等去中心化交易所购买 TRUMPFEL,用户可以连接其 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 钱包,并使用其合约地址 DspvMmTQrMCdaesTCFPf4PPGQxxRf2UPmj5b6CRUdaQf 将 Solana 换成 TRUMPFEL。

Users without a compatible wallet can create one in minutes and transfer Solana from exchanges like Coinbase or Binance to purchase the memecoin.

没有兼容钱包的用户可以在几分钟内创建一个钱包,然后从 Coinbase 或 Binance 等交易所转移 Solana 来购买 memecoin。

TRUMPFEL boasts a market capitalization of $11.1 million, with over $120,000 in locked liquidity, indicating its potential for growth. The token has already surged 4,900% in the past 24 hours, and further gains are anticipated. Investors purchasing at the current price have the potential to turn hundreds of dollars into hundreds of thousands.

通快的市值为 1,110 万美元,锁定流动性超过 12 万美元,显示出其增长潜力。该代币在过去 24 小时内已飙升 4,900%,预计还会进一步上涨。以当前价格购买的投资者有可能将数百美元变成数十万美元。

Early investors in TRUMPFEL could achieve returns comparable to those who invested in SHIB, DOGE, and BONK before these memecoins gained widespread popularity and experienced price explosions. If such a scenario unfolds, a wave of memecoin millionaires could emerge within weeks or even sooner.

在这些模因币广泛流行并经历价格爆炸之前,通快的早期投资者可以获得与投资 SHIB、DOGE 和 BONK 的投资者相当的回报。如果这种情况发生,几周甚至更短的时间内可能会出现一波模因币百万富翁。


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