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WazirX Battles Cyberattack: Bounty Program Announced

WazirX 对抗网络攻击:宣布赏金计划

发布: 2024/07/21 01:04 阅读: 578

原文作者:Coin Gabbar News


WazirX 对抗网络攻击:宣布赏金计划

WazirX Launches Bounty Program to Recover Stolen Funds

WazirX 启动赏金计划追回被盗资金

Indian cryptocurrency exchange WazirX has announced the launch of a bounty program to aid in the recovery of stolen funds following a major hack.

印度加密货币交易所 WazirX 宣布启动一项赏金计划,以帮助追回重大黑客攻击后被盗的资金。

Immediate Response


WazirX has initiated prompt measures, including filing a police complaint and reporting the incident to the FIU and CERT-In. It is also collaborating with over 500 exchanges to blacklist addresses associated with the stolen funds.

WazirX 已立即采取措施,包括向警方投诉并向金融情报机构和 CERT-In 报告该事件。它还与 500 多家交易所合作,将与被盗资金相关的地址列入黑名单。

Bounty Program and Investigations


WazirX co-founder Nischal Shetty stated the exchange is establishing a bounty program to incentivize individuals and organizations to freeze or recover the stolen funds. They are working with specialized groups tracking cryptocurrency flows and analyzing data to determine the extent of the breach.

WazirX 联合创始人 Nischal Shetty 表示,该交易所正在制定一项赏金计划,以激励个人和组织冻结或追回被盗资金。他们正在与专门小组合作,跟踪加密货币流动并分析数据以确定违规程度。

The exchange is also partnering with forensic specialists and law enforcement to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. The hack resulted in a loss of approximately $235 million, making it the second-largest hack of a centralized exchange in recent history. Crypto sleuth ZachXBT estimates the primary hacker still holds over $104 million.

该交易所还与法医专家和执法部门合作,以查明并逮捕肇事者。此次黑客攻击造成约 2.35 亿美元的损失,成为近年来中心化交易所第二大黑客攻击事件。加密货币侦探 ZachXBT 估计主要黑客仍持有超过 1.04 亿美元。

Incident Details


On July 18, 2024, WazirX experienced a hack that led to the loss of over $230 million in assets. The attack targeted a multisig wallet secured by Liminal, requiring multiple signatures for spending.

2024 年 7 月 18 日,WazirX 遭遇黑客攻击,导致超过 2.3 亿美元的资产损失。此次攻击针对的是 Liminal 保护的多重签名钱包,需要多个签名才能进行支出。

Exploiting a vulnerability in Liminal's interface, the attackers gained control of the wallet and primarily targeted Ethereum (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens. They stole 15,298 ETH and exchanged other assets like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Polygon (MATIC), and Pepe Coin (PEPE), acquiring a total of 59,097 ETH, valued at $206.7 million. Users are concerned about the recovery of their funds.

利用 Liminal 界面中的漏洞,攻击者获得了钱包的控制权,并主要针对以太坊 (ETH) 和 ERC-20 代币。他们窃取了 15,298 ETH,并交换了 Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Polygon (MATIC) 和 Pepe Coin (PEPE) 等其他资产,总共获得了 59,097 ETH,价值 2.067 亿美元。用户担心资金的收回。

Potential Market Impact


A massive ETH sell-off could significantly impact Ethereum's price. The sudden influx of a large amount of ETH into the market could create selling pressure, driving prices down. However, investors often seize such opportunities to acquire assets at a discount. A similar situation occurred when the German government sold 50,000 BTC, causing prices to drop but subsequently recover due to investor accumulation.

以太坊的大规模抛售可能会严重影响以太坊的价格。大量 ETH 突然涌入市场可能会造成抛售压力,压低价格。然而,投资者往往会抓住这样的机会以折扣价收购资产。类似的情况也发生在德国政府出售 50,000 BTC 时,导致价格下跌,但随后由于投资者积累而恢复。



WazirX, India's leading crypto exchange, has initiated a bounty program to recoup the funds stolen in the recent $235 million hack. The exchange is working diligently with law enforcement and collaborating with other exchanges to recover the stolen assets. While the potential liquidation of 59,097 ETH could impact the market, the overall sentiment remains focused on restoring security and recovering lost funds.

印度领先的加密货币交易所 WazirX 启动了一项赏金计划,以追回在最近 2.35 亿美元的黑客攻击中被盗的资金。该交易所正在与执法部门积极合作,并与其他交易所合作追回被盗资产。虽然 59,097 ETH 的潜在清算可能会影响市场,但整体情绪仍然集中在恢复安全和追回损失的资金上。


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