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Vitalik Buterin Unveils Novel Anti-Deepfake Security Solution

Vitalik Buterin 推出新型反 Deepfake 安全解决方案

发布: 2024/02/10 08:35 阅读: 713

原文作者:Coingape News Media


Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, has recently introduced a groundbreaking solution to counteract the growing menace of deepfake technology. As artificial intelligence-generated audio and video become more advanced, distinguishing between authentic and fabricated content is becoming increasingly critical.

以太坊联合创始人维塔利克·布特林 (Vitalik Buterin) 最近推出了一项突破性的解决方案,以应对日益严重的深度造假技术威胁。随着人工智能生成的音频和视频变得更加先进,区分真实内容和伪造内容变得越来越重要。

This problem reached new heights when a company was defrauded of $25 million due to a scam involving a deepfake video call. Buterin’s innovative approach, centered on personalized security questions, aims to provide a dependable authentication mechanism in an era where traditional methods are proving inadequate.

当一家公司因涉及深度伪造视频通话的诈骗而被骗 2500 万美元时,这个问题达到了新的高度。 Buterin 的创新方法以个性化安全问题为中心,旨在在传统方法无法胜任的时代提供可靠的身份验证机制。

Vitalik Buterin Develops New Deepfake Security Measures

Vitalik Buterin 开发新的 Deepfake 安全措施

Vitalik Buterin’s proposal comes in response to the significant concerns raised by the advent of deepfake technology, especially regarding the security of digital communications. This technology poses a particular risk in verifying the authenticity of individuals during video calls or transactions.

Vitalik Buterin 的提议是为了回应 Deepfake 技术的出现引起的重大担忧,特别是在数字通信的安全方面。该技术在视频通话或交易期间验证个人真实性方面存在特殊风险。

Cryptographic signatures, while often lauded for their security in crypto circles, have limitations. They fail to address situations where an individual’s key could be compromised or if they are coerced into authorizing a transaction. Vitalik Buterin suggests a method rooted in personalized security questions to mitigate these vulnerabilities. These questions would be based on shared experiences and knowledge unique to the individuals involved, making it challenging for an outsider to mimic someone successfully.

加密签名虽然在加密圈中经常因其安全性而受到称赞,但它也有局限性。他们无法解决个人密钥可能被泄露或被迫授权交易的情况。 Vitalik Buterin 提出了一种基于个性化安全问题的方法来缓解这些漏洞。这些问题将基于所涉及个人的共同经验和独特知识,这使得局外人很难成功模仿某人。

The strength of this method lies in its reliance on human memory and relationships, areas where AI and deepfakes currently fall short. By focusing on details unlikely to be known by others or discovered online, these security questions can provide a solid defense against identity theft and fraud in digital interactions. Buterin emphasizes the need for specificity and the potential difficulty in recalling the answers, adding layers of complexity and security.

这种方法的优势在于它依赖于人类记忆和关系,而这些领域是人工智能和深度造假目前所缺乏的。通过关注其他人不太可能知道或在网上发现的细节,这些安全问题可以为数字交互中的身份盗窃和欺诈提供坚实的防御。 Buterin 强调了具体性的必要性以及回忆答案的潜在困难,从而增加了复杂性和安全性。

A Multifaceted Approach to Digital Security


Understanding that no security measure is foolproof, Buterin advocates augmenting personalized security questions with additional strategies. These include pre-agreed-upon code words, using duress signals, multi-channel confirmation of critical transactions, and implementing delays on significant actions.

Buterin 明白没有任何安全措施是万无一失的,因此他主张通过额外的策略来增强个性化的安全问题。其中包括预先商定的代码字、使用胁迫信号、关键交易的多通道确认以及对重大行动实施延迟。

This comprehensive approach enhances overall security by erecting multiple barriers against potential attackers, making it exceedingly difficult for them to penetrate all layers of defense. The release of this mechanism follows a recent report by Coingape that Buterin has become a victim of fraudsters using deepfake technology again.

这种综合方法通过针对潜在攻击者建立多重屏障来增强整体安全性,使他们很难突破所有防御层。这一机制的发布是在 Coingape 最近的一份报告中指出,Buterin 再次成为利用 Deepfake 技术的欺诈者的受害者。

Read Also: Dogecoin Foundation Announces Ambitious 2024 Roadmap

另请阅读:狗狗币基金会宣布雄心勃勃的 2024 年路线图

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Maxwell is a crypto-economic analyst and Blockchain enthusiast, passionate about helping people understand the potential of decentralized technology. I write extensively on topics such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, tokens, and more for many publications. My goal is to spread knowledge about this revolutionary technology and its implications for economic freedom and social good.

Maxwell 是一位加密经济分析师和区块链爱好者,热衷于帮助人们了解去中心化技术的潜力。我为许多出版物撰写了大量关于区块链、加密货币、代币等主题的文章。我的目标是传播有关这项革命性技术及其对经济自由和社会福利的影响的知识。

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.



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