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Vitalik Buterin Unveils Main Challenge of Crypto Regulation

Vitalik Buterin 揭示了加密货币监管的主要挑战

发布: 2024/06/30 20:45 阅读: 611



Vitalik Buterin 揭示了加密货币监管的主要挑战

Vitalik Buterin Raises Concerns Over Crypto Regulatory Landscape

Vitalik Buterin 对加密货币监管格局表示担忧

Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, has expressed concerns regarding the current state of crypto regulation, particularly in the United States. He noted the disparity in treatment between projects with unclear returns, which often operate freely, and those with well-defined value propositions, which face stricter regulation.

以太坊创始人维塔利克·布特林 (Vitalik Buterin) 对加密货币监管的现状表示担忧,尤其是在美国。他指出,回报不明确的项目(通常是自由运作的)和价值主张明确的项目(面临更严格的监管)之间存在待遇差异。

Ineffective Incentives and Regulatory Approach


Buterin argues that this approach creates harmful incentives and inhibits the growth of the crypto industry. He refers to the current situation as "anarcho-tyranny," which he believes is worse than either complete regulatory freedom or strict enforcement.

Buterin 认为这种做法会产生有害的激励并抑制加密行业的增长。他将目前的情况称为“无政府暴政”,他认为这比完全的监管自由或严格执行更糟糕。

Disparity in Treatment of Cryptocurrencies


The contrasting treatment of cryptocurrencies is a key concern. Meme coins like Dogecoin, which often lack tangible value, seem to face less regulatory scrutiny. In contrast, established projects like Ethereum, Cardano, and XRP, which provide detailed plans and user promises, encounter regulatory obstacles.

加密货币的对比处理是一个关键问题。像狗狗币这样的模因币通常缺乏有形价值,似乎面临的监管审查较少。相比之下,以太坊、卡尔达诺和 XRP 等提供详细计划和用户承诺的成熟项目却遇到了监管障碍。

Proposed Solution: Good Faith Engagement


Buterin urges a shift in regulatory practices. He advocates for considering projects without clear long-term value propositions as riskier. Conversely, projects with transparent value models and ethical practices should be deemed safer and experience fewer regulatory hurdles.

Buterin 敦促监管实践发生转变。他主张将没有明确长期价值主张的项目视为风险更大。相反,具有透明价值模型和道德实践的项目应该被认为更安全,并且遇到的监管障碍更少。

To achieve this, the Ethereum founder calls for good faith collaboration between regulators and the crypto industry. He believes this partnership is crucial for establishing a balanced and productive regulatory framework that encourages innovation while protecting investors.



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