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Web3 Smartphone Solana Saga Sells Out Amid Price Explosion of Dogecoin Rival BONK

Web3 智能手机 Solana Saga 因狗狗币竞争对手 BONK 价格爆炸而售罄

发布: 2023/12/20 11:00 阅读: 255



Web3 智能手机 Solana Saga 因狗狗币竞争对手 BONK 价格爆炸而售罄

Solana’s (SOL) Web3 smartphone has sold out amid the price explosion of a memecoin built on the smart contract platform.

随着基于智能合约平台的 memecoin 价格爆炸式增长,Solana (SOL) Web3 智能手机已售罄。

Dogecoin (DOGE) competitor Bonk (BONK) is trading at $0.000021 at time of writing, a staggering 10,669% increase from the beginning of the fourth quarter.

截至撰写本文时,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的竞争对手 Bonk (BONK) 的交易价格为 0.000021 美元,较第四季度初上涨了 10,669%。




Solana Mobile announced last Friday that its smartphone, Saga, had sold out. The Ethereum (ETH) challenger first started shipping the web3-enabled phones in April.

Solana Mobile 上周五宣布其智能手机 Saga 已售罄。以太坊 (ETH) 挑战者于 4 月份首次开始销售支持 web3 的手机。

One possible contributing factor to the sales: buying Saga came with a reward of free BONK, according to the project’s website. Decentralized finance (DeFi) crypto wallet Phantom indicates the size of the reward is 30 million BONK, which is worth more than $620 at time of writing. The Saga price was reduced to $599 in August.

据该项目网站称,促成销售的一个可能因素是:购买 Saga 可获得免费 BONK 奖励。去中心化金融(DeFi)加密钱包 Phantom 表示奖励规模为 3000 万 BONK,截至发稿时价值超过 620 美元。 8 月份,Saga 价格降至 599 美元。

A Solana phone, equipped with the unclaimed BONK, was resold on eBay recently for $5,000. Other Sagas are currently being advertised on the e-commerce platform for prices ranging between $2,000 and $10,000.

一部配备无人认领的 BONK 的 Solana 手机最近在 eBay 上以 5,000 美元的价格转售。其他 Sagas 目前正在电子商务平台上做广告,价格在 2,000 美元到 10,000 美元之间。

Solana Labs co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko said earlier this year that the goal of the smartphone is to bring more people into the cryptosphere.

Solana Labs 联合创始人 Anatoly Yakovenko 今年早些时候表示,智能手机的目标是让更多人进入加密领域。

“The Saga is the first device where crypto is actually treated as a first-class citizen in mobile and today without Saga, the user experience of Web 3.0 is still, I would say, pretty bad. Self-custody is really complicated. Security is really, really hard for mobile wallets and for wallets in general and that means that innovation and user experiences in those wallets move very slowly.”

“Saga 是第一款真正将加密技术视为移动领域一等公民的设备,而今天如果没有 Saga,我想说,Web 3.0 的用户体验仍然相当糟糕。自我监护确实很复杂。对于移动钱包和一般钱包来说,安全性确实非常困难,这意味着这些钱包的创新和用户体验进展非常缓慢。”

Source: https://thebittimes.com/web3-smartphone-solana-saga-sells-out-amid-price-explosion-of-dogecoin-rival-bonk-tbt74209.html



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