首页 > 资讯新闻 > Whale 将 300,000,000 枚狗狗币转移给 Robinhood,DOGE 价格将如何反应

Whale Transfers 300,000,000 Dogecoin to Robinhood, Here’s How DOGE Price Will React

Whale 将 300,000,000 枚狗狗币转移给 Robinhood,DOGE 价格将如何反应

发布: 2023/10/05 00:15 阅读: 216



A whale recently conducted a massive transfer of 300 million Dogecoin worth approximately $18.25 million to the popular trading app Robinhood. Blockchain tracker Whale Alert identified the transaction early Tuesday morning, showing DOGE being sent to the platform amid its expanding cryptocurrency services.

最近,一头鲸鱼向热门交易应用程序 Robinhood 进行了 3 亿狗狗币的大规模转账,价值约 1825 万美元。区块链追踪器 Whale Alert 于周二凌晨发现了该交易,显示 DOGE 在其不断扩大的加密货币服务中被发送到该平台。

The whale paid a relatively low network fee of just $0.21 to move the sizable Dogecoin haul to Robinhood, likely taking advantage of periods of low congestion and fees. The exchange added support for DOGE back in 2018 before expanding its listed assets more recently.

鲸鱼支付了相对较低的网络费用(仅 0.21 美元),将大量的狗狗币转移到 Robinhood,很可能是利用了低拥堵和费用低的时期。该交易所早在 2018 年就增加了对 DOGE 的支持,最近又扩大了其上市资产。

In August, Robinhood announced enhanced cryptocurrency wallet capabilities in response to user demand for greater coin diversification. The company initially rolled out Bitcoin and Dogecoin transfers the following month as part of the wallet upgrades.

8 月,Robinhood 宣布增强加密货币钱包功能,以满足用户对货币多元化的需求。作为钱包升级的一部分,该公司最初在下个月推出了比特币和狗狗币转账。

The zero-fee trading app has worked to capture cryptocurrency investors since first adding Dogecoin years ago. Broadening supported assets aligns with its ethos of democratizing finance and investing for the masses.


Despite the attention-grabbing transfer volume, DOGE prices remained relatively unfazed, near $0.061. The whale movement failed to significantly impact market valuation, with Dogecoin showing just a minor 1.5% gain on the day.

尽管转账量引人注目,但 DOGE 价格仍然相对平静,接近 0.061 美元。鲸鱼运动未能对市场估值产生重大影响,狗狗币当天仅小幅上涨 1.5%。

Massive individual transactions typically carry risks of market manipulation or crashes from rapid liquidations. But the DOGE transfer seemed to avoid broader ripple effects.

大规模个人交易通常会带来市场操纵或快速清算导致崩溃的风险。但 DOGE 的转移似乎避免了更广泛的连锁反应。

In November 2022, there was a substantial movement of DOGE, with deep-pocketed crypto whales transferring over $410 million worth of the cryptocurrency during a period of market volatility. This sizable transaction underscored the impact of whale activity on the DOGE market.

2022 年 11 月,DOGE 发生了大幅变动,财力雄厚的加密鲸鱼在市场波动期间转移了价值超过 4.1 亿美元的加密货币。这一规模庞大的交易凸显了鲸鱼活动对 DOGE 市场的影响。

Following this significant movement, the price of DOGE experienced a decline. It’s important to note that the amount involved in that transaction was considerably higher than current levels, so we may not anticipate significant price fluctuations at this time.

在这一重大变动之后,DOGE 的价格出现下跌。值得注意的是,该交易涉及的金额远高于当前水平,因此我们目前可能不会预期价格出现重大波动。

The development exemplifies the growing intersection of mainstream finance and cryptocurrency as platforms like Robinhood embrace digital assets. With its popular brand and mobile accessibility, the app represents a crucial gateway for novice crypto investors.

这一发展体现了随着 Robinhood 等平台拥抱数字资产,主流金融和加密货币之间的交叉日益加深。凭借其受欢迎的品牌和移动可访问性,该应用程序成为新手加密货币投资者的重要门户。

High-volume whale transfers illustrate rising institutional comfort levels amid incremental adoption advances. But the regulatory treatment of cryptocurrencies on mainstream platforms remains heatedly debated.


For now, Robinhood aims to capture crypto demand and evolve alongside maturing digital finance. But its ability to offer seamless access while responsibly navigating oversight challenges could determine its long-term staying power.

目前,Robinhood 的目标是抓住加密货币需求,并随着数字金融的成熟而发展。但其在提供无缝访问的同时负责任地应对监管挑战的能力可能决定其长期的持久力。

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The post Whale Transfers 300,000,000 Dogecoin to Robinhood, Here’s How DOGE Price Will React appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

鲸鱼将 300,000,000 狗狗币转移给 Robinhood,狗狗币价格将如何反应的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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