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Satoshi Nakamoto’s Twitter account stirs after five years

中本聪的 Twitter 账户五年后引起轰动

发布: 2023/10/07 10:39 阅读: 596



中本聪的 Twitter 账户五年后引起轰动

In recent Twitter activity that has ignited intrigue within the crypto community, an account claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the elusive creator of Bitcoin, has resurfaced. While this development has sparked curiosity, it is important to clarify that it does not imply the actual return of Nakamoto to the crypto scene. The Twitter account in question, @satoshi, which bears Satoshi Nakamoto’s name and features a “verified account” blue checkmark, recently posted a message centered on Bitcoin’s 2008 white paper. In the tweet, the account mentioned that Bitcoin is a predictive machine.

最近在加密货币社区内引发关注的 Twitter 活动中,一个自称是难以捉摸的比特币创造者中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 的帐户重新出现。虽然这一进展引发了人们的好奇心,但重要的是要澄清,这并不意味着中本聪真正重返加密货币领域。有问题的 Twitter 帐户 @satoshi,以中本聪的名字命名,并带有“已验证帐户”蓝色复选标记,最近发布了一条以比特币 2008 年白皮书为中心的消息。在推文中,该账户提到比特币是一个预测机器。

Satoshi Nakamoto’s Twitter account sparks speculation

中本聪的 Twitter 账户引发猜测

The tweet also went further to note that in the next few months, various aspects that were not listed in the Whitepaper would be explored. This marked the second post from the account this week, with the previous activity dating back to October 2018. However, the resurgence of this Twitter account has raised questions about the credibility of the blue checkmark verification. Many Twitter users quickly pointed out that the @satoshi account is associated with Craig Wright, who has long claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

该推文还进一步指出,在接下来的几个月中,将探讨白皮书中未列出的各个方面。这是该账户本周发布的第二条帖子,上一次活动可以追溯到 2018 年 10 月。然而,该 Twitter 账户的重新流行引发了人们对蓝色复选标记验证可信度的质疑。许多 Twitter 用户很快指出,@satoshi 帐户与 Craig Wright 相关,后者长期以来一直自称是中本聪。

Entrepreneur and former nChain CEO, Christen Ager-Hanssen, drew a connection between the timing of the @satoshi account’s activity and his efforts to expose Craig Wright. Ager-Hanssen suggested, “Isn’t it a coincidence that the @satoshi account was used during this time when I exposed Craig? That account has been taken over by Craig.” It’s worth noting that Ager-Hanssen had recently left his post and had been actively tweeting about Wright and developments at nChain. Craig Wright has been at the center of a contentious and long-standing debate regarding his claim to be the inventor of Bitcoin.

企业家、nChain 前首席执行官 Christen Ager-Hanssen 将 @satoshi 帐户活动的时间与他揭露 Craig Wright 的努力联系起来。 Ager-Hanssen 表示:“我在曝光 Craig 的这段时间使用了 @satoshi 账户,这不是巧合吗?该帐户已被克雷格接管。”值得注意的是,Ager-Hanssen 最近离职,并一直在积极发布有关 Wright 和 nChain 发展的推文。克雷格·赖特 (Craig Wright) 一直是关于他声称自己是比特币发明者的长期争论的中心人物。

His assertions have led to various legal battles, including one involving 12 Bitcoin Core developers. These developers are supported by the Jack Dorsey-backed Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund in a dispute concerning 111,000 Bitcoin allegedly stolen from the Mt. Gox cryptocurrency exchange. In February, Wright faced a setback when he lost a copyright legal case in a UK court. He had contended that forks of Bitcoin violated his intellectual property. This legal dispute occurred even though nChain, the company where Wright serves as chief scientist, launched Bitcoin SV—a fork of Bitcoin Cash, which itself is a fork of Bitcoin—in November 2018.

他的主张引发了多起法律诉讼,其中一场涉及 12 名 Bitcoin Core 开发者。这些开发商在涉及 Mt. Gox 加密货币交易所据称被盗的 111,000 枚比特币的纠纷中得到了 Jack Dorsey 支持的比特币法律辩护基金的支持。今年二月,赖特在英国法院输掉了一场版权诉讼,遭遇了挫折。他声称比特币的分叉侵犯了他的知识产权。尽管 Wright 担任首席科学家的 nChain 公司于 2018 年 11 月推出了比特币 SV(比特币现金的分叉,而比特币现金本身就是比特币的分叉),但这场法律纠纷还是发生了。

Ongoing controversy surrounds Craig Wright’s claims


The debate surrounding the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has persisted for years, with various individuals, including Craig Wright, being suggested as possible candidates. Notable names that have emerged in connection to Nakamoto’s identity include SpaceX CEO and Dogecoin advocate Elon Musk, British cryptographer Adam Back, physicist Dorian Nakamoto, and computer scientists Hal Finney and Nick Szabo. In a noteworthy development, Hal Finney’s Twitter account came back online in December after a decade of inactivity.

围绕中本聪真实身份的争论已经持续多年,包括克雷格·赖特在内的许多个人都被建议作为可能的候选人。与中本聪身份相关的著名人物包括 SpaceX 首席执行官兼狗狗币倡导者埃隆·马斯克、英国密码学家亚当·巴克、物理学家多里安·中本聪以及计算机科学家哈尔·芬尼和尼克·萨博。一个值得注意的进展是,哈尔·芬尼 (Hal Finney) 的 Twitter 账户在沉寂十年后于 12 月重新上线。

This occurred following his passing in December 2014, and the account was utilized by Finney’s wife, Fran, to post a statement and prevent its removal after the account was briefly taken over by Elon Musk earlier in the year. The recent resurgence of the @satoshi Twitter account, coupled with the ongoing debate surrounding Craig Wright’s claims, serves as a reminder of the enduring mystery surrounding the true identity of the individual or group behind the creation of Bitcoin. While the blue checkmark verification may have sparked speculation, it does not conclusively reveal the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, leaving the crypto community with questions that remain unanswered.

这发生在芬尼于 2014 年 12 月去世后,芬尼的妻子弗兰 (Fran) 使用该帐户发表声明,并在今年早些时候该帐户被埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 短暂接管后防止其被删除。 @satoshi Twitter 帐户最近的复兴,加上围绕克雷格·怀特 (Craig Wright) 的主张的持续争论,提醒人们围绕比特币创建背后的个人或团体的真实身份存在着持久的谜团。虽然蓝色复选标记验证可能引发了猜测,但它并没有最终揭示中本聪的身份,这给加密社区留下了悬而未决的问题。


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