首页 > 资讯新闻 > XRP价格飙升10%,带动其他代币市场,而比特币的主导地位虚弱

XRP Price Skyrockets 10%, Boosting Altcoin Market While Bitcoin Dominance Wanes


发布: 2023/07/20 14:17 阅读: 471



In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Ripple's XRP continues to gain momentum, outperforming Bitcoin (BTC) and leading the pack of smaller tokens.

在不断发展的加密货币世界中,Ripple 的 XRP 继续保持强劲势头,其表现超越了比特币 (BTC),并在较小的代币中处于领先地位。

In the past 24 hours, XRP surged by 10%, solidifying its position as one of the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

在过去 24 小时内,XRP 飙升 10%,巩固了其作为市值最高的加密货币之一的地位。

The recent favorable ruling in the ongoing court battle with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has played a significant role in boosting XRP's appeal to investors.

最近与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)正在进行的法庭诉讼中的有利裁决在增强 XRP 对投资者的吸引力方面发挥了重要作用。

As a result, major exchanges like Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitstamp have relisted XRP, attracting renewed interest and investments in the token.

因此,Coinbase、Kraken 和 Bitstamp 等主要交易所已重新上线 XRP,吸引了对该代币的新兴趣和投资。

While Bitcoin and Ethereum remained relatively stable during the day, smaller cryptocurrencies made significant gains. XLM, the native token of the Stellar network, soared by 24%, catching the attention of investors.

虽然比特币和以太坊当天保持相对稳定,但较小的加密货币却取得了显着收益。 Stellar网络原生代币XLM暴涨24%,引起投资者关注。

Cardano's ADA and Solana's SOL also witnessed notable increases, rising by approximately 6%. Even the popular memecoin Dogecoin (DOGE) experienced a 4% boost after a dog-themed tweet from Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and a prominent figure in the crypto world.

Cardano 的 ADA 和 Solana 的 SOL 也出现了显着增长,增长了约 6%。在特斯拉首席执行官、加密货币世界知名人物埃隆·马斯克发布一条以狗为主题的推文后,即使是流行的 memecoin 狗狗币 (DOGE) 也经历了 4% 的上涨。

The recent court ruling in Ripple's favor has reignited investors' confidence in XRP and other altcoins. XRP's price climbed to around $0.84, coming close to its recent high of $0.93, recorded shortly after the court decision.

最近法院对 Ripple 有利的裁决重新点燃了投资者对 XRP 和其他山寨币的信心。 XRP 的价格攀升至 0.84 美元左右,接近法院判决后不久创下的 0.93 美元的近期高点。

As the market celebrates the victory, it's clear that the regulatory uncertainty surrounding XRP has eased, encouraging investors who were previously wary to return.

随着市场庆祝胜利,围绕 XRP 的监管不确定性显然已经缓解,鼓励了之前持谨慎态度的投资者回归。

Interestingly, Bitcoin's dominance in the overall crypto market has decreased, reaching its lowest level in a month. The BTC dominance rate, which measures Bitcoin's share of the total market capitalization, pulled back to 49.8% from a recent high of 52% in late June.

有趣的是,比特币在整个加密市场的主导地位已经下降,达到一个月来的最低水平。衡量比特币在总市值中所占份额的 BTC 主导率从 6 月底的近期高点 52% 回落至 49.8%。

This shift indicates that investors are diversifying their portfolios by exploring smaller, riskier tokens like XRP and others in the altcoin space.

这种转变表明,投资者正在通过探索 XRP 等较小、风险较高的代币和山寨币领域的其他代币来实现投资组合多元化。

XRP 价格飙升 10% 后,提振了山寨币市场,而比特币主导地位减弱,首先出现在 Optimisus 上。


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