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Dogecoin Founder Gives Crucial AI Statement: Details

Release: 2024/07/01 19:46 Reading: 206

Original author:U.Today

Original source:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/en/articles/668291ea8c5e117a11d3eb1e

Dogecoin Founder Gives Crucial AI Statement: Details

Cover image via U.Today

Billy Markus, known on social media as Shibetoshi Nakamoto, has raised concerns about the future of artificial general intelligence (AGI). The Dogecoin (DOGE) founder has previously shared his views on artificial intelligence (AI), but this time, his focus is on AGI.

AGI is a field of AI that seeks to develop self-learning systems with human-level intelligence. These systems are capable of performing tasks they were not specifically designed for.

Artificial intelligence has gained significant attention in recent years, with AGI emerging as a notable area of interest. Markus posed the following question on his Twitter account:

"Are you more optimistic, more concerned, or more doubtful of AGI in the next 10 years?" - Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) July 1, 2024

Markus sought feedback from his followers regarding their perspectives on AGI and its potential impact over the next decade. Concerns have been raised about AGI's potential to displace workers in various industries.

Markus has previously expressed apprehensions about the future of AI. In May, he highlighted the potential disruption AI could bring to industries like web search, leading to reduced website traffic and decline in revenue for companies reliant on search engines.

He has also raised ethical concerns regarding the training of AI systems using data from diverse individuals rather than solely from experts in specific fields. Markus's concerns underscore the potential challenges and implications associated with the advancement of AI and its subfields, including AGI.

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