フロントページ > 情報ニュース > NuggetRush を中心に、Shiba Inu と Dogecoin の代替品を評価する

Assessing Shiba Inu and Dogecoin alternatives, focus on NuggetRush

NuggetRush を中心に、Shiba Inu と Dogecoin の代替品を評価する

リリース: 2023/11/12 00:19 読む: 227



  • Shibarium’s recent performance disappoints the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community.
  • しばリウムの最近のパフォーマンスは、柴犬(SHIB)コミュニティを失望させています。

  • Demand for Dogecoin (DOGE) Futures rising in November.
  • 11月にドージコイン(DOGE)先物への需要が増加。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) offers new utilities in the memecoin scene
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) はミームコインシーンに新しいユーティリティを提供します

The Shibarium network has shown a lackluster performance, sparking concerns among analysts that its popularity may be waning. In contrast, Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced a recent surge in open interest, surpassing both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Meanwhile, there is growing optimism among analysts regarding NuggetRush (NUGX). Over 30 million have been sold in the ongoing presale. 


Shiba Inu disappointed by the underwhelming Shibarium metrics


Shiba Inu introduced Shibarium on Aug. 28, and the layer-2 network completed a million transactions within its first month. 

柴犬は 8 月 28 日に Shibarium を導入し、レイヤー 2 ネットワークは最初の 1 か月以内に 100 万件のトランザクションを完了しました。

However, the community is now concerned as Shibarium’s daily transactions are down to approximately 9,470 on Nov. 6.


Despite Shibarium’s network activity decline, SHIB prices have been firm in the past few weeks. 


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こちらもお勧めです: 柴犬の開発者が技術的課題の中でシバリウムのスケーリング計画を発表

On Oct. 10, SHIB was changing hands at $0.000006898; by Nov. 7, it had risen by 19.0% to $0.00000821.

10 月 10 日、SHIB は $0.000006898 で取引を変更しました。 11月7日までに19.0%上昇し、0.00000821ドルとなった。

Initially expected to drive Shiba Inu’s position in decentralized finance (defi), Shibarium’s current state raises questions on whether it can reclaim its September peak. 


Given the disappointment surrounding Shibarium, some SHIB holders are hopeful that recent token burns may support prices.


Shiba Inu has responded to Shibarium’s underwhelming performance by intensifying token burns. 


Analysts suggest this strategy could drive SHIB prices by 19.1% to $0.00009782 in the days ahead.


NuggetRush (NUGX): P2E Meme Game Offers Innovative NFT Staking

NuggetRush (NUGX): P2E ミーム ゲームが革新的な NFT ステーキングを提供

NuggetRush offers a non-fungible token (NFT) staking feature. As a play-to-earn (P2E) project, NuggetRush allows users to stake characters and other rare NFTs, rewarding users.

NuggetRush は、非代替トークン(NFT)ステーキング機能を提供します。 Play-to-Earn (P2E) プロジェクトとして、NuggetRush ではユーザーがキャラクターやその他の珍しい NFT を賭けることができ、ユーザーに報酬が与えられます。

Players can engage in mining challenges within mineral-rich terrains. Custom avatars, created by players, assist in the mining adventure, requiring them to initiate and manage profitable mining operations.

プレイヤーは鉱物が豊富な地形内で採掘に挑戦できます。プレイヤーが作成したカスタム アバターは採掘の冒険を支援し、収益性の高い採掘作業を開始して管理する必要があります。

Players commence with basic machinery and a few experienced miners, progressing to receive rewards such as enhanced mining equipment, additional character NFTs, and in-game currency upon completing mining quests. 


You might also like: Meme coins struggling, NuggetRush drawing investor attention

こちらもお勧めです: 苦戦するミームコイン、投資家の注目を集めるナゲットラッシュ

Investment in-game currency into advanced machinery and improving miner skills directly amplifies mining efficiency, increasing potential rewards. 


Additionally, players can sell upgraded players and machinery at higher prices on the marketplace.


Analysts suggest that incorporating NFT staking is a significant factor contributing to the rapid growth of NuggetRush’s blockchain ICO.

アナリストは、NFT ステーキングを組み込むことが、NuggetRush のブロックチェーン ICO の急速な成長に寄与する重要な要因であると示唆しています。

Since the start of the presale, NuggetRush has sold over 30 million NUGX. Notably, the token price is now up by 20% from stage 1 and will increase by 8.3% in the next round. 

プレセールの開始以来、NuggetRush は 3,000 万個を超える NUGX を販売しました。特に、トークン価格はステージ 1 から 20% 上昇しており、次のラウンドでは 8.3% 上昇します。

NUGX is expected to list at around the $0.020 mark.


Dogecoin open futures dominate market


Velo data shows Dogecoin’s open futures have risen from Nov. 1, outperforming Bitcoin and Ethereum.


The data reveals a 14.6% increase in Dogecoin’s open interest, reaching $328 million. This report highlights Dogecoin’s recent bullish trend, driven by the anticipation surrounding potential approvals of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


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こちらもお勧めです: NuggetRush、Polkadot、Ethereum の相乗効果の評価

On Nov. 1, DOGE was trading at $0.0688. By Nov. 7, it was up 6.8% to $0.0735 as open interest rose in tandem. Despite Dogecoin’s recent recovery, meme coins, in general, are on a downtrend.


Since January, Dogecoin has shaved approximately $2 billion in market capitalization. Nevertheless, rising investor sentiment may support prices, even driving it to $0.0853 by the end of the year.


Visit the NuggetRush presale website

NuggetRush プレセール Web サイトにアクセスしてください

Read more: Weekly brief: supporters of NuggetRush, Solana, and Arbitrum bullish

続きを読む: 週刊ブリーフ: NuggetRush、Solana、Arbitrum の支持者は強気

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開示: このコンテンツは第三者によって提供されています。 crypto.news は、このページで言及されている製品を推奨するものではありません。ユーザーは、会社に関連する行動を起こす前に、自分で調査する必要があります。




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