首页 > 资讯新闻 > 评估柴犬和狗狗币替代品,重点关注 NuggetRush

Assessing Shiba Inu and Dogecoin alternatives, focus on NuggetRush

评估柴犬和狗狗币替代品,重点关注 NuggetRush

发布: 2023/11/12 00:19 阅读: 227



  • Shibarium’s recent performance disappoints the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community.
  • Shibarium 最近的表现令 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 社区感到失望。

  • Demand for Dogecoin (DOGE) Futures rising in November.
  • 11 月份狗狗币 (DOGE) 期货的需求上升。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) offers new utilities in the memecoin scene
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 在 memecoin 场景中提供新的实用程序

The Shibarium network has shown a lackluster performance, sparking concerns among analysts that its popularity may be waning. In contrast, Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced a recent surge in open interest, surpassing both Bitcoin and Ethereum. Meanwhile, there is growing optimism among analysts regarding NuggetRush (NUGX). Over 30 million have been sold in the ongoing presale. 

Shibarium 网络表现不佳,引发分析师对其受欢迎程度可能正在减弱的担忧。相比之下,狗狗币(DOGE)最近的未平仓合约激增,超过了比特币和以太坊。与此同时,分析师对 NuggetRush (NUGX) 的乐观情绪日益增长。正在进行的预售已售出超过 3000 万份。

Shiba Inu disappointed by the underwhelming Shibarium metrics

柴犬对 Shibarium 的平庸表现感到失望

Shiba Inu introduced Shibarium on Aug. 28, and the layer-2 network completed a million transactions within its first month. 

Shiba Inu 于 8 月 28 日推出 Shibarium,二层网络在第一个月内完成了 100 万笔交易。

However, the community is now concerned as Shibarium’s daily transactions are down to approximately 9,470 on Nov. 6.

然而,社区现在感到担忧,因为 11 月 6 日 Shibarium 的每日交易量已降至约 9,470 笔。

Despite Shibarium’s network activity decline, SHIB prices have been firm in the past few weeks. 

尽管 Shibarium 的网络活动有所下降,但 SHIB 价格在过去几周内一直坚挺。

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On Oct. 10, SHIB was changing hands at $0.000006898; by Nov. 7, it had risen by 19.0% to $0.00000821.

10月10日,SHIB以0.000006898美元易手;截至 11 月 7 日,已上涨 19.0% 至 0.00000821 美元。

Initially expected to drive Shiba Inu’s position in decentralized finance (defi), Shibarium’s current state raises questions on whether it can reclaim its September peak. 

最初预计 Shiba Inu 将提升 Shiba Inu 在去中心化金融 (defi) 领域的地位,但 Shibarium 目前的状况引发了人们对其是否能恢复 9 月份峰值的疑问。

Given the disappointment surrounding Shibarium, some SHIB holders are hopeful that recent token burns may support prices.

鉴于 Shibarium 的令人失望,一些 SHIB 持有者希望最近的代币销毁可能会支撑价格。

Shiba Inu has responded to Shibarium’s underwhelming performance by intensifying token burns. 

Shiba Inu 通过加大代币销毁力度来应对 Shibarium 表现不佳的情况。

Analysts suggest this strategy could drive SHIB prices by 19.1% to $0.00009782 in the days ahead.

分析师表示,这一策略可能会在未来几天推动 SHIB 价格上涨 19.1% 至 0.00009782 美元。

NuggetRush (NUGX): P2E Meme Game Offers Innovative NFT Staking

NuggetRush (NUGX):P2E Meme 游戏提供创新的 NFT 质押

NuggetRush offers a non-fungible token (NFT) staking feature. As a play-to-earn (P2E) project, NuggetRush allows users to stake characters and other rare NFTs, rewarding users.

NuggetRush 提供不可替代代币 (NFT) 质押功能。作为一个即玩即赚(P2E)项目,NuggetRush 允许用户质押角色和其他稀有 NFT,从而奖励用户。

Players can engage in mining challenges within mineral-rich terrains. Custom avatars, created by players, assist in the mining adventure, requiring them to initiate and manage profitable mining operations.


Players commence with basic machinery and a few experienced miners, progressing to receive rewards such as enhanced mining equipment, additional character NFTs, and in-game currency upon completing mining quests. 

玩家从基本机械和一些经验丰富的矿工开始,在完成采矿任务后逐渐获得奖励,例如增强型采矿设备、额外的角色 NFT 和游戏内货币。

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Investment in-game currency into advanced machinery and improving miner skills directly amplifies mining efficiency, increasing potential rewards. 


Additionally, players can sell upgraded players and machinery at higher prices on the marketplace.


Analysts suggest that incorporating NFT staking is a significant factor contributing to the rapid growth of NuggetRush’s blockchain ICO.

分析师认为,纳入 NFT 质押是推动 NuggetRush 区块链 ICO 快速增长的一个重要因素。

Since the start of the presale, NuggetRush has sold over 30 million NUGX. Notably, the token price is now up by 20% from stage 1 and will increase by 8.3% in the next round. 

自预售开始以来,NuggetRush 已售出超过 3000 万枚 NUGX。值得注意的是,代币价格目前较第一阶段上涨了 20%,并将在下一轮上涨 8.3%。

NUGX is expected to list at around the $0.020 mark.

NUGX 预计上市价格约为 0.020 美元大关。

Dogecoin open futures dominate market


Velo data shows Dogecoin’s open futures have risen from Nov. 1, outperforming Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Velo 数据显示,狗狗币的未平仓合约自 11 月 1 日起有所上涨,表现优于比特币和以太坊。

The data reveals a 14.6% increase in Dogecoin’s open interest, reaching $328 million. This report highlights Dogecoin’s recent bullish trend, driven by the anticipation surrounding potential approvals of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

数据显示,狗狗币的未平仓合约增加了 14.6%,达到 3.28 亿美元。本报告强调了狗狗币最近的看涨趋势,这是由对现货比特币交易所交易基金(ETF)可能获得批准的预期推动的。

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您可能还喜欢:评估 NuggetRush、Polkadot 和以太坊的协同作用

On Nov. 1, DOGE was trading at $0.0688. By Nov. 7, it was up 6.8% to $0.0735 as open interest rose in tandem. Despite Dogecoin’s recent recovery, meme coins, in general, are on a downtrend.

11 月 1 日,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.0688 美元。截至 11 月 7 日,随着未平仓合约的增加,比特币价格上涨 6.8% 至 0.0735 美元。尽管狗狗币最近有所复苏,但模因币总体上处于下降趋势。

Since January, Dogecoin has shaved approximately $2 billion in market capitalization. Nevertheless, rising investor sentiment may support prices, even driving it to $0.0853 by the end of the year.

自 1 月份以来,狗狗币市值已蒸发约 20 亿美元。尽管如此,投资者情绪的上升可能会支撑价格,甚至在年底将其推至 0.0853 美元。

Visit the NuggetRush presale website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

Read more: Weekly brief: supporters of NuggetRush, Solana, and Arbitrum bullish

了解更多:每周简报:NuggetRush、Solana 和 Arbitrum 的支持者看涨

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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