Liquidators Distribute Millions to Hack-Affected Cryptopia Users
Grant Thornton, the liquidating firm for bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia, commenced distributing funds to over 10,000 verified account holders who were impacted by the 2019 hack.
Verified accounts received crypto distributions worth over 400 million New Zealand dollars ($225 million) in Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) over the past two days.
認証済みアカウントは、過去 2 日間でビットコイン (BTC) とドージコイン (DOGE) で 4 億ニュージーランド ドル (2 億 2,500 万ドル) 相当の仮想通貨分配を受け取りました。
Next Steps in the Liquidation Process
Grant Thornton will continue the approved process, including providing notice of cut-off dates before distributing remaining BTC, DOGE, and other coins to account holders.
Additional distributions may be made to account holders who register with the claims portal before the deadlines. They could potentially receive up to 100% of their holdings using "unclaimed holdings" from inactive accounts.
期限前に保険金請求ポータルに登録したアカウント所有者には、追加の分配が行われる場合があります。彼らは、非アクティブなアカウントからの「未請求の保有」を使用して、最大 100% の保有を受け取る可能性があります。
Background on Cryptopia
Cryptopia, established in 2014, was an international cryptocurrency exchange based in New Zealand. The hack in January 2019 resulted in the loss of approximately $16 million worth of crypto assets.
2014 年に設立されたクリプトピアは、ニュージーランドに拠点を置く国際的な暗号通貨取引所でした。 2019年1月のハッキングでは、約1600万ドル相当の暗号資産が失われた。
Grant Thornton, appointed as liquidator in May 2019, estimated the exchange's liabilities to creditors at $4.2 million.
Call to Action
Grant Thornton urges all Cryptopia account holders to register on the claims portal and complete the required steps for future distributions.
Grant Thornton 氏は、すべての Cryptopia アカウント所有者に対し、クレーム ポータルに登録し、今後の配布に必要な手順を完了するよう促しています。
"Further distributions for newly verified users are planned for the New Year," stated Grant Thornton.