- At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at $62,280 as per data from CoinMarketCap.
- BTC’s price has fallen 7.48% in its most dramatic period after hitting a new ATH recently.
Very soon after reaching an all-time high (ATH) of $69,170, Bitcoin is already seeing a dramatic decline in its price. Up until recently, the Bitcoin price has maintained a steady upward trajectory this week. BTC’s price has fallen 7.48% in its most dramatic and sudden drop since the beginning of the year, according to recent market statistics. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at $62,280 as per data from CoinMarketCap.
ビットコインは史上最高値(ATH)の69,170ドルに達した直後、すでに価格の劇的な下落が見られています。今週までビットコイン価格は安定した上昇軌道を維持してきた。最近の市場統計によると、BTC価格は7.48%下落し、年初以来最も劇的な突然の下落となった。 CoinMarketCapのデータによると、本稿執筆時点でビットコインは62,280ドルで取引されている。

A total of around $680 million has been liquidated in the previous 24 hours due to the unexpected price fall, according to statistics from CoinGlass. The analytics platform estimates that there are 200,243 liquidated traders, with long traders bearing the most of the loss.
CoinGlassの統計によると、予想外の価格下落により過去24時間で総額約6億8000万ドルが清算されたという。分析プラットフォームは、200,243 人の清算トレーダーがおり、ロングトレーダーが損失の大部分を負担していると推定しています。
Necessary Course Correction
With a total of $201.14 million, Bitcoin had the highest number of liquidations among the assets examined. Long traders were affected to the tune of $111.45 million, while short traders lost $89.69 million.
Following its first price surge over the $3,500 level since November 2021, Ethereum also saw heavy liquidations. After 24 hours, the coin’s liquidation totaled $109.6 million, with $37.24 million coming from longs and $72.36 million from shorts.
2021年11月以来初めて3,500ドルレベルを超える価格急騰に続き、イーサリアムでも大規模な清算が行われた。 24時間後、このコインの清算は総額1億960万ドルとなり、うち3724万ドルがロング、7236万ドルがショートとなった。
The positive momentum of other cryptocurrency assets waned as well; $35 million and $33 million were the amounts liquidated by Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu, respectively.
他の暗号通貨資産の好調な勢いも同様に衰えた。 3,500万ドルと3,300万ドルは、それぞれドージコイン(DOGE)と柴犬によって清算された金額です。
After a week of tremendous price gains, the recent pullback in Bitcoin is seen as a necessary course correction. Analysts are hopeful that the current pullback will act as a catalyst to propel the Bitcoin price to new levels.
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