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BitMEX to Send Physical Bitcoin to the Moon


リリース: 2024/01/06 08:30 読む: 331



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: BitMEX to Send Physical Bitcoin to the Moon

COINTURK NEWS でもこのニュースを読むことができます: BitMEX が物理的なビットコインを月に送る

It appears that a date will soon be set for the BitMEX exchange to send a physical Bitcoin (BTC) to the moon. According to emerging information, the Bitcoin provided by BitMEX will find its place among 201 pieces of cargo that will travel to the lunar surface as part of the Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative of governments, private companies, higher education institutions, and NASA.


BitMEX and the Bitcoin Moon Mission

BitMEX とビットコイン ムーン ミッション

According to the published report, the BitMEX moon mission is expected to take place on January 8 at 02:18 ET. The mission will be carried out in collaboration with many companies.


BitMEX is preparing to sign off on an interesting event like sending a physical Bitcoin to the moon, aiming to draw attention to how the cryptocurrency can play a revolutionary role in payments beyond Earth.

BitMEX は、物理的なビットコインを月に送るなどの興味深いイベントの承認を準備しており、仮想通貨が地球外の決済においてどのように革新的な役割を果たすことができるかに注目を集める狙いがあります。

In addition to sending Bitcoin to space, the event itself holds historical significance. It will be the West’s first soft lunar landing since NASA’s Apollo 17 mission in 1972, making it of considerable importance.


Since Bitcoin is inherently a virtual asset, BitMEX plans to create a physical coin weighing a total of 43 grams with a market value of $45,000 on January 8, 2024, following its decision.

ビットコインは本質的に仮想資産であるため、BitMEX は決定を受けて、2024 年 1 月 8 日に総重量 43 グラム、市場価値 45,000 ドルの物理的なコインを作成する予定です。

The space rocket that will carry this 43-gram coin to space is known as the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Vulcan rocket. It is also stated that this coin will be integrated into the Peregrine-1 commercial lunar lander.

この 43 グラムのコインを宇宙に運ぶ宇宙ロケットは、United Launch Alliance (ULA) バルカン ロケットとして知られています。このコインは商用月着陸船ペレグリン-1に統合されるとも述べられています。

BitMEX CEO Stephan Lutz made the following statement:

BitMEX CEO の Stephan Lutz 氏は次のように述べています。

The Bitcoin on the moon, perfectly preserved for future generations, is a time capsule that captures one of humanity’s most significant innovations and technological advancements. This determined step forward is just the beginning of a new era.

将来の世代のために完全に保存された月のビットコインは、人類の最も重要な革新と技術の進歩の 1 つを記録したタイムカプセルです。この決意を持った一歩は、新たな時代の始まりにすぎません。

Doge-1 and the Moon Mission

Doge-1 と月面ミッション

Particularly, the crypto ecosystem seems to be more in tune with space research as the next phase of advancing technological conditions. Especially, the Dogecoin community has entered into a collaboration with Geometric Energy Corporation, a renewable energy-focused logistics company.

特に、暗号通貨エコシステムは、進歩する技術条件の次の段階としての宇宙研究とより調和しているようです。特に、Dogecoin コミュニティは、再生可能エネルギーに焦点を当てた物流会社である Geometric Energy Corporation と協力関係を締結しました。

Within this collaboration, it is known that a moon mission, which will send the Dogecoin logo to space, has been financed.


More importantly, it has been announced that the necessary licenses, including approval from the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), have been obtained for the execution of the Doge-1 mission.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: BitMEX to Send Physical Bitcoin to the Moon

この投稿は COINTURK NEWS に最初に掲載されました: BitMEX が物理的なビットコインを月に送る


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