Social Media Attention Shifts Towards Cardano, Bitcoin Dominates Discussions
A recent analysis by Santiment reveals a surge in social media interest towards Cardano, eclipsing its counterparts Ethereum and Dogecoin. The study also highlights Bitcoin's continued dominance in crypto discussions across platforms such as Reddit, Telegram, 4Chan, Bitcointalk, and Farcaster.
Cardano Surges Ahead in Social Media Engagement
Santiment's research indicates that Cardano has attracted significantly more social media attention compared to Ethereum and Dogecoin. The crypto community has shifted its focus towards Bitcoin and Layer 1 assets such as Cardano, with the latter garnering 44.2% of discussions on major social media platforms.
Santimentの研究は、CardanoがEthereumやDogecoinと比較して大幅にソーシャルメディアの注目を集めていることを示しています。 Cryptoコミュニティは、カルダノなどのビットコインとレイヤー1の資産に焦点を移し、後者は主要なソーシャルメディアプラットフォームでの議論の44.2%を獲得しています。
Memecoins Recede as Market Maturation Emerges
The decline in social media buzz around memecoins like Dogecoin points to a shift towards more stable and sustainable market conditions. Santiment interprets this as a sign of a mature and informed crypto community, emphasizing security, innovation, and real-world adoption.
Dogecoinのようなメモコインの周りのソーシャルメディアの衰退は、より安定した持続可能な市場の状況への移行を示しています。 Santimentは、これを成熟した情報に基づいた暗号コミュニティの兆候として解釈し、セキュリティ、革新、実世界の採用を強調しています。
Whales and Sharks Fuel Cardano's Rise
Data from Santiment suggests that Cardano's price surge has been driven by accumulation by large holders, known as whales and sharks. Wallets holding at least 1M ADA have consistently added to their positions since November 2023, contributing to a 107% increase in Cardano's price.
Santimentからのデータは、Cardanoの価格急増がクジラとサメとして知られる大規模な所有者による蓄積によって推進されていることを示唆しています。少なくとも1M ADAを保持しているウォレットは、2023年11月以来、一貫してポジションに追加されており、カルダノの価格が107%上昇しています。
Ethereum's Market Cap Loses Ground
In contrast, Ethereum's market cap has declined by 36% since its recent high. The decrease has led to a drop in the number of ETH tokens in profit, with the supply in profit ratio falling from 97.5% to 65.5% in two months.
Surprising Crypto Market Bounce Possible
Santiment notes that Ethereum has faced negative sentiment due to its underperformance relative to other large caps. Despite this, a significant amount of ETH has recently been moved off exchanges, indicating investor confidence and a reduced likelihood of major selloffs.
Dogecoin Whale Transactions Decline
The analysis also reveals a decline in Dogecoin whale transactions, suggesting waning interest in the memecoin. This coincides with a downturn in Dogecoin's price since its November pump run-up.