フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ChatGPTに、2024年に最大のミームコインはどれになるのか尋ねました。ボンク、シブ、ドージ、それとも何か?

We Asked ChatGPT Which Will be the Biggest Meme Coin in 2024? BONK, SHIB, DOGE, or Something Else?


リリース: 2023/12/16 18:07 読む: 798






  • The cryptocurrency market, especially memecoins like BONK, DOGE, and SHIB, has seen significant growth, with BONK hitting a 900% monthly surge.
  • 暗号通貨市場、特にBONK、DOGE、SHIBなどのミームコインは大幅な成長を遂げており、BONKは月間900%の急騰を記録しています。

  • Predicting the leading meme coin for the next year is difficult due to market volatility and the speculative nature of these tokens.
  • 市場のボラティリティとこれらのトークンの投機的な性質により、来年の主要なミームコインを予測することは困難です。

  • DOGE’s market presence, SHIB’s community-driven ecosystem, and BONK’s recent Coinbase listing and market cap growth are key factors in their potential future success.
  • DOGE の市場での存在感、SHIB のコミュニティ主導のエコシステム、BONK の最近の Coinbase 上場と時価総額の増加は、将来の成功の可能性における重要な要素です。

What to Expect Next Year?


It is safe to say that the cryptocurrency sector has been in a significant state of revival this year, with numerous digital assets, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), hitting yearly-high prices. One particular type of tokens, though, has been even more successful and those are some of the memecoins. 


Bonk Inu (BONK) – a Solana memecoin that saw the light of day at the end of 2022 – recently spiked to an all-time high price, exploding by almost 900% on a monthly basis. The two biggest assets of that kind by market capitalization – Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) – are also well in the green, albeit charting more modest gains than BONK.

Bonk Inu (BONK) – 2022 年末に日の目を見た Solana ミームコイン – は最近、史上最高価格に急騰し、月間ベースでほぼ 900% 爆発しました。この種の時価総額で最大の 2 つの資産であるドージコイン (DOGE) と柴犬 (SHIB) も、BONK よりも緩やかな上昇を示しているとはいえ、十分に利益を上げています。

Having that said, it would be interesting to follow which memecoin would be the largest next year (considering a bull run is in the cards). According to ChatGPT, such a forecast is quite challenging due to the highly speculative and volatile nature of those tokens. It noted that BONK, DOGE, and SHIB are currently “notable” players, but the landscape could change rapidly, and new entrants might also emerge.

そうは言っても、来年どのミームコインが最大になるかを追跡するのは興味深いでしょう(強気相場がカードにあることを考慮すると)。 ChatGPT によると、これらのトークンは非常に投機的で不安定な性質を持っているため、このような予測は非常に困難です。 BONK、DOGE、SHIBが現在「注目すべき」プレーヤーであるが、状況は急速に変化し、新規参入者も現れる可能性があると同紙は指摘した。

“It’s essential for investors to conduct thorough research and stay informed about market dynamics when considering investments in meme coins,” the AI-powered language model warned.


In addition, ChatGPT outlined the biggest advantages of the leading memecoins and their chances of reaching the top. It claimed that Dogecoin has a “long-standing presence in the market” and may flourish in a potential bull run due to its close connection to the wealthiest person on the planet – Elon Musk.


Shiba Inu was highlighted for its strong community and efforts to develop its ecosystem, whereas BONK could continue its uptrend if it builds a dedicated fan base and maintains the hype around it. 


Those willing to dive deeper into the matter and learn more about the different memecoins, their specifics, purposes, and risks could take a look at our dedicated video below:


BONK Seems to be the Current Rock Star


One memecoin that seems to have generated the most buzz lately is Bonk Inu. Besides its skyrocketing price, the token made the headlines on December 14 when Coinbase officially listed it on its platform.

最近最も話題を呼んでいると思われるミームコインの 1 つは、Bonk Inu です。このトークンは、価格が高騰していることに加えて、12月14日にCoinbaseがプラットフォームに正式に上場したことで話題になりました。

Moreover, BONK’s market capitalization surpassed the $1 billion mark, becoming the 68th largest crypto asset in the entire market and the third biggest in the memecoin realm.


The post We Asked ChatGPT Which Will be the Biggest Meme Coin in 2024? BONK, SHIB, DOGE, or Something Else? appeared first on CryptoPotato.

ChatGPTに聞いた記事 2024年に最大のミームコインはどれになるのか?ボンク、シブ、ドージ、それとも何か?最初にCryptoPotatoに登場しました。


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