フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 暗号通貨の急落、NuggetRush が 160 万ドル以上を調達、好調なパフォーマンス

Crypto drops, NuggetRush resilient as it raises over $1.6 million

暗号通貨の急落、NuggetRush が 160 万ドル以上を調達、好調なパフォーマンス

リリース: 2024/01/16 22:00 読む: 475



暗号通貨の急落、NuggetRush が 160 万ドル以上を調達、好調なパフォーマンス



  • Crypto markets experienced drops as the week closes after historic regulatory developments.


  • NuggetRush (NUGX) gathers more momentum, raising over $1.6 million in the ongoing presale, primarily because of what the project seeks to present to the broader crypto and blockchain communities.

    NuggetRush (NUGX) はさらに勢いを増し、進行中のプレセールで 160 万ドル以上を集めています。これは主に、このプロジェクトがより広範な暗号通貨およびブロックチェーン コミュニティに提示しようとしているもののためです。

  • Investors scramble to digest the impact of the Bitcoin ETF approval and uncertainty about its impact on the general trajectory of the industry.


The first two weeks of 2024 have brought significant market action, culminating in a drop in the past few days. Market participants are also looking into resilient projects, with emerging candidates like NuggetRush (NUGX) proving to be credible alternatives as its ongoing presale is a notable attraction for cryptocurrency ICO enthusiasts.


Bitcoin and Ethereum prices momentarily reached highs not seen in over a year after news of the Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) approval broke. Notably, prices have since corrected, with Bitcoin losing all gains it made earlier in the week.


Meanwhile, NuggetRush continues to prove a hit, raising over $1.6 million in only a few weeks of its ongoing presale. This project has unique Features that draw crypto enthusiasts and investors alike.

一方、NuggetRush はヒットを続けており、継続中のプレセールのわずか数週間で 160 万ドル以上を集めました。このプロジェクトには、暗号通貨愛好家と投資家を同様に惹きつけるユニークな機能があります。

>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<

>> 今すぐナゲットラッシュを購入する

Crypto market drops


Seasoned crypto traders are used to the volatility of crypto markets. This week was no different, as several top altcoins displayed the typical rollercoaster ride through the week. 


The drop was particularly significant, noting that it came in the same week that Bitcoin ETFs received a historic approval. 


The market is likely experiencing a reset from a phenomenon called “sell the news.” This term refers to crypto owners selling their assets following a positive development. 


Accordingly, more people may have priced in the ETF approval and placed sell orders in anticipation of mountain loads of money flowing into the sector than the initial pump from the ETFs. 


At press time, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin had all experienced dips, with Bitcoin falling to about $41,000. 


The crypto market capitalization is approximately $1.68 trillion per CoinMarketCap.com data, a slight drop from its midweek spike. This figure will make for an interesting read as the enduring impact of this week’s developments becomes more evident.


It is too early to assess the long-term impact of Bitcoin ETFs, and experienced market observers know better than to overreact to short-term cycles. Notably, Bitcoin also has a halving event coming up this year, which will influence its price.


NuggetRush presale surging: $1.6 million raised so far

NuggetRush のプレセールが急増: これまでに 160 万ドルが集まった

As the markets continue to digest the regulatory developments, the NuggetRush presale continues to confound expectations. This ERC 20 token continues to post impressive early returns in the ongoing presale. 

市場が規制の進展を消化し続ける中、ナゲットラッシュのプレセールは期待を混乱させ続けています。このERC 20トークンは、現在進行中のプレセールで早期に素晴らしいリターンを記録し続けています。

As of Jan. 13, NuggetRush has realized $1.6 million from over 149 million NUGX tokens. The token acquisition rate is indicative of the tremendous interest in the project presale. 

1 月 13 日の時点で、NuggetRush は 1 億 4,900 万以上の NUGX トークンから 160 万ドルを実現しました。トークンの取得率は、プロジェクトのプレセールに対する多大な関心を示しています。

NuggetRush introduces a fascinating play-to-earn (P2E) game that harnesses the power of NFTs to create a community-driven robust platform.

NuggetRush は、NFT の力を利用してコミュニティ主導の堅牢なプラットフォームを作成する、魅力的な Play-to-Earn (P2E) ゲームを紹介します。

The presale is currently in round 4, with NUGX trading for 0.015 USDT. NuggetRush has structured its presale to favor early participants continually. Those who initially invested have realized a 50% profit from their initial investment in Round 1 of the presale.

プレセールは現在ラウンド 4 で、NUGX は 0.015 USDT で取引されています。 NuggetRush は、早期参加者を継続的に優遇するようにプレセールを構成しています。最初に投資した人は、プレセールのラウンド 1 で初期投資から 50% の利益を実現しました。

Early adopters could see up to 100% upside for their investments before NUGX lists on major exchanges, given their pivotal role in breathing life into the project.

早期採用者は、プロジェクトに命を吹き込む上で極めて重要な役割を果たしていることから、NUGX が主要取引所に上場する前に、投資の最大 100% の利益が見込める可能性があります。

This trajectory has validated project supporters who view NUGX as one of the best crypto to invest in in 2024. 

この軌跡は、NUGX が 2024 年に投資するのに最適な仮想通貨の 1 つであると考えているプロジェクト サポーターの正当性を証明しました。

NuggetRush has an elaborate whitepaper outlining the project vision for a rewards-based ecosystem and utility value. The project intends to transform the facade of memecoins by creating actual value for its participants. 

NuggetRush には、報酬ベースのエコシステムと利用価値に関するプロジェクトのビジョンを概説した精緻なホワイトペーパーがあります。このプロジェクトは、参加者にとって実際の価値を生み出すことで、ミームコインの外観を変革することを目的としています。

Users can have fun and earn in the course of gameplay and leverage one of the best NFT collections in the sector. NFT collectors can also stake their gaming items for up to 20% APY in NUGX. 

ユーザーはゲームプレイの過程で楽しんで収入を得ることができ、この分野で最高の NFT コレクションの 1 つを活用できます。 NFTコレクターは、NUGXで最大20%のAPYでゲームアイテムを賭けることもできます。

The platform lives up to its name by offering the rare opportunity to redeem the most exclusive NFTs on the platform for real gold. Earning the redemption entitles the winner to direct delivery of the NFTs to their location.


>> Buy NuggetRush Now <<

>> 今すぐナゲットラッシュを購入する



The upheaval in the crypto market is typical of any significant regulatory development. Regardless, the outlook for the crypto market still remains positive. Investors are increasingly looking at emerging alternatives like NuggetRush to diversify their portfolios with potential upside.

仮想通貨市場の激変は、重大な規制の進展の典型的な例です。いずれにせよ、仮想通貨市場の見通しは依然として明るいままです。投資家は、潜在的な上振れを期待してポートフォリオを多様化するために、NuggetRush のような新たな代替手段にますます注目しています。

As the impact of the ETF approval becomes more apparent, the market is likely to pick up, with assets like NUGX leading the way.


Visit the NuggetRush Presale Website

NuggetRush プレセール Web サイトにアクセスしてください

Source: https://thebittimes.com/crypto-drops-nuggetrush-resilient-as-it-raises-over-1-6-million-tbt76728.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/crypto-drops-nuggetrush-resilient-as-it-raises-over-1-6-million-tbt76728.html


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