フロントページ > 情報ニュース > BitMEXの月面着陸ミッションが終了、ビットコインは月に帰還する際に燃え尽きる

BitMEX moon mission to end with bitcoin burning up on re-entry


リリース: 2024/01/17 06:00 読む: 768



A joint space venture between BitMEX and the private tech firm Astrobotic, intended to take Bitcoin literally ‘to the moon,’ is set to end in spectacular failure with the faulty lunar lander and its crypto cargo doomed to burn up as it plummets back to Earth.


Astrobotic’s mission was to make the moon “accessible to everyone” as it launched the Peregrine spacecraft on its first mission. It offered buyers the chance to send telescopes, rovers, memorial gestures, and brand deals to the moon. 

Astrobotic の使命は、最初のミッションでペレグリン宇宙船を打ち上げたとき、月を「誰もがアクセスできる」ようにすることでした。それは望遠鏡、探査車、追悼のしぐさ、ブランドの取引を月に送る機会を購入者に提供した。

BitMEX paid to send a physical “lunar bitcoin” engraved with the private key to a wallet holding 1 BTC. The firm’s apparent goal was to generate publicity for a competition that would see winners walk away with a baseball hat signed by founder and former CEO Arthur Hayes. The competition would also divide 100,000 tethers (USDT) among the top traders.

BitMEX は、秘密鍵が刻印された物理的な「月のビットコイン」を 1 BTC を保持するウォレットに送信するために料金を支払いました。同社の明らかな目標は、勝者が創業者で元CEOのアーサー・ヘイズ氏のサイン入りの野球帽をかぶって帰るコンテストの宣伝を起こすことであった。この競争では、上位トレーダー間で 100,000 テザー (USDT) が分配されることになります。

Unfortunately, on January 15, Astrobotic announced that, following a catastrophic propellant leak and issues with its solar panels last week, Peregrine would not only fail to land on the moon, it’s hurtling back to Earth and will burn up in our atmosphere.


NASA and the US government are reportedly working to assess the craft’s trajectory with its latest location estimated at 218,000 miles away.


Read more: BitMEX’s Bitcoin moon mission could be lost in space after fuel leak

続きを読む: BitMEX のビットコイン月ミッション、燃料漏れにより宇宙で失われる可能性

According to Astrobotic, “The spacecraft continues to be responsive, operational, and stable,” while noting that “the propellant leak caused by the anomaly has practically stopped.”


Also onboard the soon-to-be-incinerated lander was a plaque engraved with the details of the first mined Bitcoin block, purchased by Bitcoin Magazine, and according to the Dogecoin Foundation, a single Dogecoin.


Speaking about the inclusion of the engraved plaque, Bitcoin Magazine said, “This endeavor symbolizes the exploration of Bitcoin’s use cases beyond Earth and opens up possibilities for future interaction with the token.”


Bitcoin Magzine also auctioned models depicting the plaque on moon rock in addition to ordinals and commemorative coins.


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Source: https://thebittimes.com/bitmex-moon-mission-to-end-with-bitcoin-burning-up-on-re-entry-tbt76746.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/bitmex-moon-mission-to-end-with-bitcoin-burning-up-on-re-entry-tbt76746.html


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