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BitMEX moon mission to end with bitcoin burning up on re-entry

BitMEX 登月任務結束,比特幣在重返月球時燃燒殆盡

發布: 2024/01/17 06:00 閱讀: 768



A joint space venture between BitMEX and the private tech firm Astrobotic, intended to take Bitcoin literally ‘to the moon,’ is set to end in spectacular failure with the faulty lunar lander and its crypto cargo doomed to burn up as it plummets back to Earth.

BitMEX 和私人科技公司Astrobotic 之間的合資太空企業,旨在將比特幣真正“送上月球”,但最終以失敗告終,月球著陸器出現故障,其加密貨物在墜回地球時注定會被燒毀。 。

Astrobotic’s mission was to make the moon “accessible to everyone” as it launched the Peregrine spacecraft on its first mission. It offered buyers the chance to send telescopes, rovers, memorial gestures, and brand deals to the moon. 

Astrobotic 在其首次任務中發射了遊隼號太空船,其使命是讓每個人都可以到達月球。它為買家提供了向月球發送望遠鏡、漫遊車、紀念手勢和品牌交易的機會。

BitMEX paid to send a physical “lunar bitcoin” engraved with the private key to a wallet holding 1 BTC. The firm’s apparent goal was to generate publicity for a competition that would see winners walk away with a baseball hat signed by founder and former CEO Arthur Hayes. The competition would also divide 100,000 tethers (USDT) among the top traders.

BitMEX 付費將刻有私鑰的實體「月球比特幣」發送到持有 1 BTC 的錢包。該公司的明顯目標是為一場比賽進行宣傳,獲勝者將獲得由創始人兼前首席執行官阿瑟·海斯 (Arthur Hayes) 簽名的棒球帽。比賽還將在頂級交易者之間瓜分 100,000 個 Tether(USDT)。

Unfortunately, on January 15, Astrobotic announced that, following a catastrophic propellant leak and issues with its solar panels last week, Peregrine would not only fail to land on the moon, it’s hurtling back to Earth and will burn up in our atmosphere.

不幸的是,1 月 15 日,Astrobotic 宣布,繼上週發生災難性的推進劑洩漏和太陽能板問題後,Peregrine 不僅無法登陸月球,還會飛回地球,並在我們的大氣層中燃燒。

NASA and the US government are reportedly working to assess the craft’s trajectory with its latest location estimated at 218,000 miles away.

據報道,美國太空總署和美國政府正在努力評估該飛行器的軌跡,其最新位置估計為 218,000 英里外。

Read more: BitMEX’s Bitcoin moon mission could be lost in space after fuel leak

閱讀更多:BitMEX 的比特幣月球任務可能因燃料洩漏而在太空中迷失

According to Astrobotic, “The spacecraft continues to be responsive, operational, and stable,” while noting that “the propellant leak caused by the anomaly has practically stopped.”

據 Astrobotic 稱,“航天器繼續保持響應、運行和穩定”,同時指出“異常引起的推進劑洩漏實際上已經停止。”

Also onboard the soon-to-be-incinerated lander was a plaque engraved with the details of the first mined Bitcoin block, purchased by Bitcoin Magazine, and according to the Dogecoin Foundation, a single Dogecoin.


Speaking about the inclusion of the engraved plaque, Bitcoin Magazine said, “This endeavor symbolizes the exploration of Bitcoin’s use cases beyond Earth and opens up possibilities for future interaction with the token.”


Bitcoin Magzine also auctioned models depicting the plaque on moon rock in addition to ordinals and commemorative coins.


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Source: https://thebittimes.com/bitmex-moon-mission-to-end-with-bitcoin-burning-up-on-re-entry-tbt76746.html



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