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Dogecoin’s Challenging Year and Potential Comeback


リリース: 2023/12/13 10:10 読む: 630



Dogecoin, which swept through 2021 and made a name for itself with its rise, had a difficult 2023. However, there is still a chance to end the year on a high note. It was understandable to see a negative price performance after the countless events of this year, including Elon Musk’s departure. So, what is the reason for the optimism at the end of the year?


Dogecoin (DOGE) Analysis

ドージコイン (DOGE) 分析

The king of meme coins has been stuck below the long-term descending resistance trend line since its peak in May 2021. If you recall the May SNL Show, you would also remember how Elon Musk messed everything up. DOGE, which came close to the $1 target for the first time ever, subsequently experienced a steady decline.

ミームコインの王様は、2021年5月のピーク以来、長期下降抵抗トレンドラインを下回って動けなくなっている。5月のSNLショーを思い出せば、イーロン・マスクがどのようにすべてを台無しにしたかも覚えているだろう。 DOGEは史上初めて目標の1ドルに近づいたが、その後着実な下落を経験した。

Since the ATH (all-time high) day, the DOGE price remained below the long-term trend line until it broke free in October 2023. Breakouts from such long-term structures are exciting for investors as they now may indicate a trend change. Although the trend line has been surpassed, the horizontal resistance area has not been reached yet.


On the weekly chart, the RSI is positive and the price is relatively strong. There’s some weakness due to Bitcoin‘s pressure, but this issue is hoped to end after Powell spills the beans tomorrow at this time.


Dogecoin Target Price


On the daily chart, the DOGE price has broken free from the $0.095 horizontal resistance area. After the upward breakout, the price reached a peak of $0.107 but has not yet determined a clear direction. Even though the altcoin saw its annual high, it created a bearish candle, which was related to BTC sales. The daily RSI gives a mixed reading. On the bullish side, the indicator has escaped the descending trend line but is weakening.

日足チャートでは、DOGE価格は0.095ドルの水平抵抗領域を突破しました。上昇ブレイクアウト後、価格は0.107ドルのピークに達しましたが、まだ明確な方向性は決定していません。アルトコインは年間最高値を記録したにもかかわらず、BTCの売上に関連して弱気のローソク足を生み出しました。毎日の RSI の値はまちまちです。強気側では、指標は下降トレンドラインを抜け出しましたが、弱くなっています。

What will determine the DOGE price is a potential bounce at $0.095. In the past, this would have been expected with Elon Musk’s support, but he is no longer around. However, we might see announcements related to upcoming DOGE space missions. There is a chance that Elon Musk might share something about the DOGE-1 space mission (where several companies will send physical DOGE to the Moon via cargo, with SpaceX being just one of them) and trigger this.

DOGE価格を決定するのは、0.095ドルでの反発の可能性です。以前であれば、イーロン・マスクのサポートがあればこれは予想されていたことでしょうが、彼はもういません。ただし、今後の DOGE 宇宙ミッションに関連する発表が行われる可能性があります。イーロン・マスクがDOGE-1宇宙ミッション(数社が物理的なDOGEを貨物で月に送る予定で、SpaceXはそのうちの1社にすぎない)について何かを共有し、これを引き起こす可能性がある。

In a positive scenario, a bounce from $0.095 could lift the Dogecoin price to $0.145, but in the reverse scenario, we could see a retracement to $0.072.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoins-challenging-year-and-potential-comeback/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoins-challenging-year-and-potential-comeback/


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