フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン保有額が6カ月ぶりの高値に上昇、100%上昇は来る?

Dogecoin Open Interest Climbs To 6-Month High, 100% Rally Incoming?


リリース: 2023/12/09 13:52 読む: 916



The Dogecoin open interest has been on a steady climb lately and on the 10-year anniversary of the meme coin, the open interest broke a new 6-month high. Open futures interest rose to $625 million on Wednesday, December 6, showing just how much interest the meme coin has been seeing lately.


Dogecoin Open Interest At New 6-Month High


Dogecoin’s open interest saw a considerable spike between the months of October and December after the price began a steady climb. This took the open interest from around $240 million in August to as high as $625 million by early December.

ドージコインの建玉は、価格が着実に上昇し始めた後、10 月から 12 月にかけてかなりの急騰を見せました。これにより、8月には約2億4,000万ドルだった建玉は、12月初めまでに最大6億2,500万ドルに達しました。

As Bitcoinist previously reported, this steady increase in the open interest could signal a price rally is coming. It actually means more investors are betting on the price of the digital asset, and while it could go either way, it is also a testament to many eyes following DOGE’s price performance.

Bitcoinist が以前に報告したように、建玉のこの着実な増加は、価格上昇が近づいていることを示している可能性があります。これは実際には、より多くの投資家がデジタル資産の価格に賭けていることを意味しており、どちらの方向に進む可能性もありますが、DOGE の価格パフォーマンスを多くの目が注視している証拠でもあります。

The historical performance also shows that there has been a price increase usually when the open interest rises, and DOGE has not failed this time around. Since the initial Bitcoinist report, the DOGE price has risen from $0.084 to as high as $0.1 before correcting back downward. This suggests that the Dogecoin price is following its historical performance and the increase in open interest heralds good tidings for the coin.

過去の実績は、通常、建玉が上昇すると価格上昇があり、今回は DOGE が失敗していないことも示しています。最初の Bitcoinist レポート以来、DOGE 価格は 0.084 ドルから 0.1 ドルまで上昇し、その後下方修正されました。これは、ドージコインの価格が過去のパフォーマンスに従っており、建玉の増加がドージコインにとって良い知らせを告げていることを示唆しています。

The last time that the Dogecoin open interest was this high was back in April 2023 and like always, the price had risen in tandem with this metric. However, given the price performance that followed the spike in April 2023, it might not all be good news for the DOGE price going forward.


DOGE Could See A Price Decline


Given that historical performance points toward a bullish performance, it is also prudent to look at the times when historical performance has ended in a bearish trend. A case of this is in April 2023 when the open interest began to lose momentum. As a result, the price declined rapidly.

過去のパフォーマンスが強気のパフォーマンスを指していることを考えると、過去のパフォーマンスが弱気傾向に終わった時期に注目することも賢明です。この例は、建玉が勢いを失い始めた 2023 年 4 月です。その結果、価格は急速に下落した。

Dogecoin’s open interest is already seeing a decline, as data from Coinglass shows it fell 10% between Wednesday and Thursday, although there was a small 1.89% uptick on Friday. This could suggest a more bearish impulse compared to a bullish trend. If this happens, then the DOGE price could return to $0.08.


However, if the bullish trend holds similarly to October 2022 when the price went from $0.06 to $0.15, the DOGE price could mount a 100% rally from here. This would put the meme coin’s price just shy of $0.2, validating analysts’ expectations of a bullish rally coming for Dogecoin.



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