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Dogecoin Founder Reveals Shocking Fact About FTX Creator SBF


リリース: 2023/12/05 20:09 読む: 941




Billy Markus, who is known as a co-founder of the popular meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin – it was created by him in collaboration with Jackson Palmer and launched in 2013 as a parody on the flagship digital currency Bitcoin.


Now, Markus is an active Twitter/X user and a pen-pal of Elon Musk on the same social media platform, unlike Palmer, who tweets very seldom and in a critic of the Tesla CEO. Markus has taken to Twitter to share a curious and perhaps (shocking to some) fact about the founder of FTX – the bankrupt crypto exchange created by Sam Bankman-Fried. SBF planned to buy an island, survive and apocalypse and enhance the mankind genetically on a “sensible” scale.

現在、マーカス氏はツイッター/Xのアクティブユーザーであり、同じソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム上でイーロン・マスク氏の文通友でもあるが、ツイートはほとんどせずテスラCEOを批判するパーマー氏とは異なる。マーカスはツイッターで、サム・バンクマン・フリードが設立した破産した仮想通貨取引所であるFTXの創設者に関する、好奇心旺盛でおそらく(一部の人にとっては衝撃的な)事実を共有した。 SBFは島を購入し、生き残って終末を迎え、人類を「賢明な」規模で遺伝的に強化することを計画しました。

SBF looked to buy Nauru Island to build survival bunker 


Before his brainchild FTX exchange collapsed, the young crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried planned to acquire the Nauri Island with a whole nation living on it. He did it out of security concerns, since apparently SBF expected the human civilization to collapse in the near future. He was unable to predict the collapse of FTX, though.


did you know that SBF wanted to buy the island of nauru for himself and his EA friends and make a giant bunker there in case the world ended? 🤣 pic.twitter.com/VUCB2IGEt6

SBFが自分とEAの友人たちのためにナウル島を購入し、世界が終わった場合に備えてそこに巨大なバンカーを作りたいと考えていたことをご存知ですか? 🤣 pic.twitter.com/VUCB2IGEt6

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) December 4, 2023

— 中本シベトシ (@BillyM2k) 2023年12月4日

Therefore, the acquisition of the island was his survival plan for FTX and his own trading firm Alameda Research and their staffers, according to the court filings in a federal bankruptcy court in Delaware in late July.


The memo written by SBF’s brother Gabriel Bankman-Fried (who was also a high-ranked FTX Foundation official) says that the plan was to acquire the Nauru island and build a “bunker/shelter” in case an event may happen that will destroy a significant part of the population (e.g., a massive fire or flood). Among those who that bunker was planned for were members of the effective altruism movement.


In that bunker, the survivors led by SBF wanted to potentially create a lab and establish “sensible regulation around human genetic enhancement”.


Here’s comes intriguing part why SBF chose Nauri Island


Nauri is the smallest island state in the world with several times in its history when money-laundering activities were conducted there. Thus, this particular choice of a location for SBF’s “bunker” adds a flavor of intrigue to this story.

ナウリは世界最小の島国で、歴史上何度かマネーロンダリング活動が行われたことがある。したがって、SBF の「バンカー」の場所のこの特定の選択は、この物語に陰謀の風味を加えています。

According to the court filings, Bankman-Fried himself was accused to defrauding FTX customers of roughly $8 billion in cryptocurrencies they held in the platform’s wallets.


Thus, the actions of SBF do not seem to match the concept of effective altruism, which implies that a group of people accumulates wealth to help those who are underprivileged and his survival plan raises ethical concerns, as well as questions whether he indeed wanted to accumulate a large wealth to help the less privileged.


SBF knew how to save FTX, John Deaton claims


Founder of Crypto-Law.US and a vocal Ripple/XRP advocate John Deaton is a harsh SBF critic. In a recent tweet, he stated that now “crypto is back in full swing again”.

Crypto-Law.US の創設者であり、リップル/XRP の声高な支持者である John Deaton は、厳しい SBF 批評家です。最近のツイートで、同氏は「暗号通貨が再び本格的に戻ってきた」と述べた。

Deaton stated that if Bankman-Friend had not filed for FTX’s bankruptcy and managed to raise enough money (or provide his own funds) to “stop the bleeding” of the FTX platform, he would have managed to save his business and himself from prison.





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