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Top Meme Coins Set For A Whopping 20% Surge This Month!


リリース: 2023/12/05 20:15 読む: 221

原作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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今月のトップミームコインはなんと20%の高騰に設定! Coinpedia Fintech News に最初に掲載されました

With Bitcoin and Ethereum leading the market to a realm of recovery, the altcoins are preparing for a bull run, evident by their price action. Similarly, the top meme coins like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and Pepe display a breakout entry opportunity arriving shortly. Moreover, the top meme coins did perform exceptionally well over the past two weeks, reflecting a growing possibility of trend continuation. 

ビットコインとイーサリアムが市場を回復領域に導く中、アルトコインは値動きから明らかなように強気相場に向けて準備を進めている。同様に、Dogecoin、Shiba Inu、Pepe などのトップミームコインは、間もなく到来するブレイクアウトエントリーの機会を示しています。さらに、上位のミームコインは過去 2 週間で非常に好調なパフォーマンスを示し、トレンド継続の可能性の高まりを反映しています。

As investors anticipate a price increase in top meme coins, DOGE, SHIB, and PEPE coins are gaining the most attention. 


Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)

Source – TradingView

出典 – TradingView

The Dogecoin shows a high momentum recovery rally, forming a rounding bottom reversal in the daily chart. The recovery rally creating this trend continuation pattern increases the likelihood of a bullish trend in DOGE price in the coming weeks. 


Further, the growing frequency of bullish candles reflects the growing demand and improving sentiments of the meme coin. To further support this thesis, the rising trend in the intraday trading volume projects a high possibility of a new breakout rally.


Despite the intraday fall of 3.92%, the DOGE price is up by 23% in the last 15 days and approaches the neckline at $0.0955. Close to the psychological mark of $0.10, the Dogecoin price trend approaches a pivotal point.


The potential breakout above $0.10 would unleash the trapped momentum and help the DOGE price leap to $0.1150. On the flip side, a reversal could prolong resonance within the pattern. 


Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Source – Tradingview

出典 – Tradingview

Being a top name in the meme coins sector, Shiba Inu hardly disappoints in an altcoin season. With the market recovery gaining momentum, the SHIB price trend is on a recovery track and signals an entry opportunity for breakout traders. 


With a bounce back above the 200D EMA, the SHIB price fractures the overhead resistance trendline and concludes the lower-high streak. Increasing the chances of a golden crossover, the Shiba Inu price trend inn ready for a trend reversal and may shortly launch to the moon. 

200D EMAを超えて反発すると、SHIB価格は頭上の抵抗トレンドラインを割り、下値から高値までの連続を終了します。ゴールデンクロスオーバーの可能性が高まっており、柴犬の価格トレンドインはトレンド反転の準備ができており、間もなく月に打ち上げられる可能性があります。

In the last 15 days, the buyers have pushed the SHIB price higher by 16.28% to surpass the $0.0000090 mark. Currently trading at $0.0000090, the 2.39% intraday drop retests the bullish breakout and teases a bounce back with a tail formation. 

過去 15 日間で、買い手は SHIB 価格を 16.28% 押し上げ、0.0000090 ドルのマークを超えました。現在0.0000090ドルで取引されており、日中の2.39%の下落は強気のブレイクアウトを再テストし、テール形成での反発を誘います。

Considering the buyers sustain bullish momentum, the SHIB price can lead the bullish caravan to the $0.000012 mark. 




Source- TradingView


Following the falling channel breakout rally, the PEPE price trend continues a higher high streak with constant support from the $0.0000010 mark. Further, the recent bounce back teases a double bottom reversal in the daily chart. 


The recent price hike of 32% in the last six days, leading to a short pullback of 1%, forms multiple bullish candles. More importantly, the 15.5% hike last night led to the bullish breakout of the double-bottom pattern with a neckline at $0.000001345.  

過去 6 日間で 32% の最近の価格上昇により、1% の短期反落が生じ、複数の強気のローソク足が形成されています。さらに重要なことは、昨夜の15.5%の上昇が、ネックラインを0.000001345ドルとするダブルボトムパターンの強気の突破につながったことです。

Further, the uptrend challenges the resistance confluence of an ascending trendline and the $0.0000015 mark. However, the long wick formation in the last two daily candles reflects a strong overhead supply and teases a reversal shortly. 

さらに、上昇トレンドは、上昇トレンドラインと 0.0000015 ドルのマークの抵抗の合流点に挑戦します。しかし、最後の 2 つの日足ローソク足における長い芯の形成は、強力な頭上供給を反映しており、近いうちに反転を示唆しています。

Nevertheless, with the market recovery gaining momentum, the PEPE price may give a bullish break for a 23% jump to $0.00000185. Conversely, the reversal rally might retest the $0.0000010 mark. 


In conclusion, the Top Meme Coins are preparing for a breakout rally and tease a sharp jump in the immediate future.  



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