フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの価格予測、ドージは大幅な上昇、トレーダーらはこの新しいミームトークンを10倍に戻す

Dogecoin Price Prediction as DOGE Sees Significant Gains & Traders Back This New Meme Coin to 10x


リリース: 2023/10/24 10:15 読む: 632

原作者:CoinPedia News


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Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen significant gains recently, with the coin’s price up almost 12% from last Thursday’s low.

ドージコイン (DOGE) は最近大幅な上昇を見せており、コインの価格は先週木曜日の安値から約 12% 上昇しています。

This surge has revived speculation around DOGE’s potential, with some traders predicting the rally could continue until the end of the year.


Meanwhile, a new gaming meme coin called Meme Kombat (MK) is gaining steam in its presale phase – and is being touted as the next low-cap crypto to 10x in value.

一方、Meme Kombat (MK) と呼ばれる新しいゲームミームコインは、プレセール段階で勢いを増しており、価値が 10 倍になる次のローキャップ暗号通貨として宣伝されています。

Dogecoin Surges Past Key Technical Level as Meme Coin Revival Continues


Dogecoin is trading around $0.064, with its recent surge helping it break above the 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) on the daily chart for the first time since mid-August.


Trading volumes have also spiked 121% over the past 24 hours, hitting $387 million as interest in the world’s largest meme coin grows.


DOGE’s price rise follows a broader revival in the crypto sector, with Bitcoin volatility declining and altcoins rallying.


Dogecoin has likely benefited from this renewed optimism, helping it post four bullish daily closes in a row.


The DOGE Fear & Greed Index, a widely-used gauge of investor sentiment, is now in “Positive” territory regarding price score – potentially setting the stage for further gains.

投資家センチメントの尺度として広く使用されているDOGE Fear & Greed Indexは現在、価格スコアに関して「ポジティブ」の領域にあり、さらなる上昇への布石となる可能性があります。

However, DOGE is fast approaching a crucial resistance level at $0.068, which price rejected aggressively on August 29.


This could serve as an inflection point for the coin since failure to break above the level could prompt a bearish retracement.


DOGE Faces Pivotal Moment as $0.068 Emerges as Crucial Resistance Zone


Given the context above, the coming weeks could be decisive for DOGE’s price trajectory.


Breaking the $0.068 resistance level could pave the way for a rally towards the $0.077 mark, especially given the positive investor sentiment seen in recent days.


However, several factors, such as Bitcoin’s performance and macroeconomic indicators, will continue influencing Dogecoin’s behavior.


Failure to break $0.068 might trigger a pullback, with the 50-day EMA acting as a dynamic support level.


Analysts and traders are keenly watching these levels since they will likely determine the coin’s short-term trend.


According to TheDogeCoach, a prominent Twitter analyst, there could be some “slow consolidation” at this price point and a continuation to the upside before the end of the month.


This bullish view was echoed last week by John Morgan, who predicted that the $0.055 level would be a springboard for the DOGE price. 


Given these opinions and technicals, all eyes will be on Dogecoin in the coming weeks.


Red-Hot Presale Project Meme Kombat Positions Itself as the Next Big Player with Innovative Battling System

Red-Hot Presale Project Meme Kombat が革新的な戦闘システムで次のビッグプレイヤーとしての地位を確立

As interest in Dogecoin grows, meme coin enthusiasts are also paying close attention to Meme Kombat (MK), a new gaming meme coin gaining steam in its presale phase.

Dogecoin への関心が高まるにつれ、ミームコイン愛好家は、プレセール段階で勢いを増している新しいゲームミームコインである Meme Kombat (MK) にも細心の注意を払っています。

Meme Kombat is a trending meme coin currently making waves in the crypto space, blending the viral fun of memes with high-stakes battling and gambling mechanics.

Meme Kombat は、現在仮想通貨業界で波紋を広げているトレンドのミームコインで、ミームのバイラルな楽しさと一か八かの戦闘やギャンブルの仕組みを融合させています。

The project’s presale has already raised $650,000 in just over one month, positioning it as a serious contender in the meme coin market.

このプロジェクトのプレセールでは、わずか 1 か月あまりですでに 65 万ドルが集まり、ミームコイン市場の有力な競争相手としての地位を確立しています。

Meme Kombat combines staking rewards and Play-to-Earn battles, with MK stakers able to earn 112% APY on their holdings during the presale.

Meme Kombat はステーキング報酬と Play-to-Earn バトルを組み合わせており、MK ステーカーはプレセール中に保有資産の 112% APY を獲得できます。

MK holders can also bet on AI-powered meme battles and rake in even more tokens if their chosen character wins.

MK 保有者は、AI を活用したミームバトルに賭けて、選択したキャラクターが勝った場合にはさらに多くのトークンを集めることができます。

Meme Kombat’s whitepaper outlines that the project has solid tokenomics to encourage holding, with 30% of the total MK supply set aside for rewards.

Meme Kombat のホワイトペーパーでは、このプロジェクトには保有を促進する確かなトケノミクスがあり、MK の総供給量の 30% が報酬用に確保されていると概要が説明されています。

Additionally, 50% of the MK supply has been earmarked for presale buyers – an incentive that has likely contributed to the project’s early success.

さらに、MK の供給量の 50% は予約販売購入者向けに割り当てられており、これがプロジェクトの早期成功に貢献したと考えられます。

Considering MK’s novel concept, surging presale popularity, and backing from prominent influencers like Inspector Mindblow, it’s clear why many early backers are speculating that the token could 10x once listed on exchanges.

MK の斬新なコンセプト、急増するプレセール人気、そして Inspector Mindblow のような著名な影響力者からの支援を考慮すると、多くの初期支援者がトークンが取引所に上場されれば 10 倍になる可能性があると推測している理由は明らかです。

Prospective investors can buy MK tokens for $0.1667 by visiting the official Meme Kombat website.

投資を考えている人は、Meme Kombat の公式 Web サイトにアクセスして、MK トークンを 0.1667 ドルで購入できます。




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