フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインが 1 日の最大値である 170% の動きを再現したらどうなるでしょうか?

What Happens If Dogecoin Replicates Its Largest 170% Single-Day Move?

ドージコインが 1 日の最大値である 170% の動きを再現したらどうなるでしょうか?

リリース: 2023/12/16 07:34 読む: 903



Back in 2021, Dogecoin had put on its largest single-day move at a time when DOGE euphoria was at its peak. This had pushed the price from around $0.17 to over $0.47 in the space of a single day. This remains the most momentous 24 hours for the meme coin, and a repeat would be explosive for its price.


A 170% Single-Day Move For Dogecoin?


Dogecoin is trading considerably lower than its all-time high of $0.7 back in 2021. However, it is still a long way from its starting point in early 2021 when it traded at around $0.0018. The current $0.096 value at the time of this writing is also around a 30% increase in the price in the span of two months, which puts it on a bullish trajectory.


Nevertheless, Dogecoin is yet to carry out the kind of move that would satisfy investors who have patiently waited for it to return to even 50% below its all-time high price, just like Bitcoin. In this case, a rapid rise just like the one seen in 2021, could be expected.


Now, if the kind of single-day movement that happened on April 16, 2021, were to repeat, DOGE would certainly become one of the top gainers in the market. A 170% move from here would put the meme coin’s price at roughly $0.25 at the peak.

さて、2021 年 4 月 16 日に起こったような 1 日限りの動きが繰り返された場合、DOGE は間違いなく市場でトップの値上がり銘柄の 1 つになるでしょう。ここから 170% 上昇すると、ミームコインの価格はピーク時に約 0.25 ドルになります。

The last time that the Dogecoin price was this high was back in November 2022 before the infamous crypto market crash triggered by the FTX collapse. However, this move is not out of the realm of possible for DOGE, especially with multiple significant events coming up.


Events That Could Drive DOGE Rally

DOGE ラリーを推進する可能性のあるイベント

According to the developments of the last few months, the events that could drive Dogecoin to stage a similar rally are taking place toward the end of the year, and the beginning of 2024. The first of these two is the Astrobotic Moon mission expected to take off on December 24, 2023.

過去数か月の展開によると、ドージコインが同様の上昇を起こすきっかけとなる可能性のある出来事が、年末から2024年の初めにかけて起こると考えられています。これら2つのうちの1つ目は、予定されているアストロボティック・ムーン・ミッションです。 2023 年 12 月 24 日にオフになります。

Astrobotic had opened up slots for people to purchase items that would be added to the Rocket and sent to the moon, and the Dogecoin community had bid to have a physical DOGE coin sent to the moon. The space mission which has been years in the making is finally confirmed for take-off. This launch is no doubt expected to contribute to a rise in the DOGE price as excitement grows.

Astrobotic はロケットに追加されて月に送られるアイテムを購入できる枠を人々に開放しており、Dogecoin コミュニティは物理的な DOGE コインを月に送ろうと入札していました。何年にもわたって準備されてきた宇宙ミッションが、ついに離陸することが確認されました。この発売により、興奮が高まるにつれて DOGE 価格の上昇に寄与すると予想されることは間違いありません。

The second event that holds a lot of promise for Dogecoin is the DOGE-1 satellite mission by Geometry Energy. The mission recently received approval from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). DOGE-1 is the first space mission entirely funded by DOGE and will be sent out by Elon Musk’s SpaceX into lunar orbit in January 2024. Additionally, the satellite will be taking ad placements, all paid for in DOGE.

Dogecoin にとって大きな期待を抱かせる 2 番目のイベントは、Geometry Energy による DOGE-1 衛星ミッションです。このミッションは最近、国家電気通信情報局 (NTIA) から承認を受けました。 DOGE-1はDOGEが全額資金提供した初の宇宙ミッションで、2024年1月にイーロン・マスク率いるSpaceXによって月周回軌道に送り出される予定である。さらに、衛星は広告掲載も行われ、その費用はすべてDOGEで支払われる。

As these two events draw closer, the bullish case for DOGE becomes stronger. If all goes as expected, the DOGE price is expected to have doubled by the time that January 2024 rolls around.

これら 2 つのイベントが近づくにつれ、DOGE に対する強気の見方が強まります。すべてが予想通りに進めば、2024 年 1 月までに DOGE 価格は 2 倍になると予想されます。


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