フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインと柴犬はどちらも10%以上下落したが、スポンジトークンは220%の急騰の後強気

Dogecoin & Shiba Inu Both Slide Over 10% But Sponge Token is Bullish After Pumping 220%


リリース: 2023/11/16 12:00 読む: 258



Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, the world’s two largest meme coins, have seen their prices tumble over 10% in the past few days.


Both coins have experienced two consecutive bearish daily closes and appear to be on track for a third today.


However, while dog-themed cryptos are suffering, one relative newcomer, Sponge (SPONGE), is making waves and has pumped a whopping 220% in the past week.

しかし、犬をテーマにした仮想通貨が苦戦している一方で、比較的新参者のスポンジ (SPONGE) が波紋を広げており、過去 1 週間でなんと 220% も値上がりしました。

Dogecoin Price Slumps as Investor Hype Fades


Dogecoin is trading around the $0.073 level after reaching a high of $0.082 on Saturday.


The coin rode a massive wave of retail investor hype throughout October to post incredible gains, becoming one of the biggest positive movers among established meme coins.


However, in the past three days, interest has cooled significantly, with DOGE struggling to maintain itself above $0.080.


Lacking significant catalysts or developments from the core development team, DOGE’s value is heavily influenced by investor sentiment.

コア開発チームによる重要な触媒や開発が欠けているため、DOGE の価値は投資家心理に大きく影響されます。

Although daily spot trading volume remains elevated at $727 million, much of this can be attributed to speculative traders closing their positions and taking profits.


While diehard DOGE community members remain committed, many retail investors believe the coin’s bull run has ended.


The DOGE price is now at a critical juncture between key support and resistance levels on the daily chart – meaning the next few days could decide the coin’s fate in the final weeks of 2023.


Shiba Inu Falls From Highs as Traders Take Profits


Shiba Inu has also experienced a dramatic comedown in the past few days, now trading around the $0.0000084 level.


After posting a significant upward wick on Saturday, SHIB has dropped over 12%, erasing a considerable portion of its gains from the previous uptrend.


This long wick suggests substantial selling pressure at higher prices, indicating that traders may have been taking profits after the recent rally.


Supporting this is data from the Shiba Inu Fear & Greed Index, which has dropped to 46% in the past few days, placing it firmly in “Neutral” territory.


This decline shows that the positivity seen throughout October is now being tempered by caution among investors, reflecting a more balanced sentiment.


However, the recently launched magazine “The SHIB” offers a new avenue for engaging the Shiba Inu community.

しかし、最近創刊された雑誌「The SHIB」は、柴犬コミュニティに参加するための新しい道を提供します。

For its second edition, the magazine’s NFT giveaway sparked excitement, featuring boxing legend Manny Pacquiao as the cover star.

第 2 版では、ボクシングの伝説のマニー・パッキャオを表紙のスターとして特集し、雑誌の NFT 特典が興奮を引き起こしました。

Initiatives like this magazine could help maintain community engagement during this period of declining prices, providing a ray of hope to SHIB holders.


Sponge Token Defies Meme Coin Slump with Staking & Airdrop Momentum


While Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have stalled after their massive run-ups, one meme coin is starting to make waves.


Sponge (SPONGE), inspired by the famous SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon, has pumped over 220% amid a flurry of positive developments in the past week.

有名な漫画「スポンジ・ボブ・スクエアパンツ」にインスピレーションを得たスポンジ (SPONGE) は、過去 1 週間で一連の前向きな展開の中で 220% 以上上昇しました。

The Ethereum-based token recently concluded a competitive airdrop event, distributing $100,000 worth of SPONGE tokens to active community members.

イーサリアムベースのトークンは最近、競争力のあるエアドロップ イベントを終了し、100,000 ドル相当の SPONGE トークンをアクティブなコミュニティ メンバーに配布しました。

This airdrop required participants to complete various social media tasks and accumulate trading volume on Uniswap to earn points for redeemable token rewards.


The event was a huge success, attracting over 20,000 eager SPONGE fans who competed for prizes.

イベントは大成功を収め、20,000 人を超える熱心な SPONGE ファンが賞品を求めて集まりました。

On the heels of this community-building effort, SPONGE launched its long-awaited staking protocol on November 1.

このコミュニティ構築の取り組みに続いて、SPONGE は 11 月 1 日に待望のステーキングプロトコルを開始しました。

This feature allows SPONGE holders to lock up their tokens in return for rewards, providing another incentive for long-term holding.

この機能により、SPONGE 保有者は報酬と引き換えにトークンをロックすることができ、長期保有に対する新たなインセンティブが得られます。

Between the airdrop hype and staking rollout, daily spot trading volume has rocketed over 138% to $3.1 million.

エアドロップの誇大宣伝とステーキングの展開の間に、1 日のスポット取引高は 138% 以上急増し、310 万ドルになりました。

With its dedicated community and engaging tactics, Sponge is proving that meme coins can still deliver gains, even while mainstream names like DOGE and SHIB struggle.

Sponge は、その献身的なコミュニティと魅力的な戦術により、DOGE や SHIB のような主流の名前が苦戦している中でも、ミームコインが依然として利益をもたらすことができることを証明しています。

Although the token’s price has pulled back slightly from yesterday’s high, the fundamentals remain the same – with many in the Sponge Telegram community believing now could be the ideal time to acquire SPONGE at a lower price.

トークンの価格は昨日の高値からわずかに下がっていますが、ファンダメンタルズは変わっていません。Sponge Telegram コミュニティの多くは、今が SPONGE を低価格で取得する理想的な時期であると信じています。

Buy SPONGE Token





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