フロントページ > 情報ニュース > イーロン・マスク氏は、ドージコイン創設者の行動に対して個人的に感謝の意を表します

Elon Musk Gives Dogecoin Founder Personal Thanks for What He Just Did


リリース: 2023/11/25 06:27 読む: 410




The new owner of the popular social media site that used to be known to millions of people as Twitter and is currently being rebranded as X, tech mogul Elon Musk, has commented on a recent X post issued by Dogecoin co-creator Billy Markus.


In that comment Musk thanked him for that publication. It seems to be important and to have had a very encouraging effect on the X boss and the wealthiest person in the world, whom Musk has become over the past few years.


Musk thanks DOGE builder Billy Markus 


Billy Markus, who created the original meme coin DOGE together with another IT engineer Jackson Palmer and released it as a parody of Bitcoin in 2013, today published a tweet where he stated that the community should support the X app as much as it can.


This is very important, Markus believes, since no other social media platform supports free speech and ensures that users' rights are protected. X owner Musk dropped by to thank the DOGE cofounder for that, even calling him by his first name, which seems to be a first in their frequent correspondence through comments on X.

言論の自由をサポートし、ユーザーの権利が確実に保護されるソーシャル メディア プラットフォームは他にないため、これは非常に重要だとマーカス氏は考えています。 Xのオーナーであるマスク氏はDOGEの共同創設者に感謝するために立ち寄り、ファーストネームで呼びさえした。これは、Xに関するコメントを通じて頻繁にやり取りをする中では初めてのことのようだ。

Thanks Billy!


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 24, 2023

— イーロン・マスク (@elonmusk) 2023 年 11 月 24 日

Elon Musk is also believed to be favoring Markus (and considers him a friend, though they have never met, per one of Musk's tweets published this year), as Musk is a big fan of Dogecoin and is apparently one of its biggest holders.


Markus stated in response that he appreciates X app very much. In his earlier tweets, Markus celebrated the fact that Musk had implemented tools for content makers with large audiences to be able to make money on X. They include the Monetization feature that makes bloggers on X eligible for a share of advertising profits and Subscription, which lets them automatically write off a certain amount from the bank cards of their subscribers. This year, the DOGE founder has been one of the top few to profit from X.

これに対してマーカスは、X アプリを非常に高く評価していると述べました。マーカス氏は以前のツイートで、マスク氏が多数の視聴者を持つコンテンツ制作者がXで収益を上げられるツールを実装したという事実を称賛した。そのツールには、Xのブロガーに広告利益の分配の資格を与える収益化機能とサブスクリプションが含まれている。加入者の銀行カードから一定の金額を自動的に引き落とすことができます。今年、DOGE創設者はXから利益を上げた数少ないトップの1人となった。

Besides, in one of today's comments to his tweet, Markus mentioned access to the Grok AI chatbot recently launched by Musk on the X platform. It is available to Premium+ subscribers.

さらに、マーカス氏は彼のツイートに対する今日のコメントの中で、マスク氏が最近 X プラットフォーム上で立ち上げた Grok AI チャットボットへのアクセスについて言及しました。 Premium+ 加入者が利用できます。

yeah! and grok access 🔥


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) November 24, 2023

— 中本シベトシ (@BillyM2k) 2023年11月24日


At the start of April this year, Elon Musk indeed demonstrated his limitless love and support for Dogecoin as he amazed the community and all Twitter users when, all of a sudden, he replaced the iconic blue bird on Twitter's logo with the DOGE mascot.


The price of Dogecoin then staged a mind-blowing 1,992% price increase on that news. On April 4, it reached a peak of $0.096. However, this state of things did not last very long; after a few days passed, the bluebird was back in its place, and then DOGE slumped to $0.082 (with another rise to the $0.09 level following for a short time).

その後、そのニュースを受けて、ドージコインの価格は驚くべき1,992%の値上がりを見せました。 4月4日には0.096ドルの最高値に達した。しかし、この状態はそれほど長くは続きませんでした。数日が経過すると、ブルーバードは元の位置に戻り、DOGE は 0.082 ドルまで下落しました (その後、短期間で 0.09 ドルレベルまで上昇しました)。

This $0.082 level now seems to have turned into resistance for the meme coin as DOGE only then reached it three times this year after that — on July 26 and recently twice in November as Dogecoin spiked to the $0.086 level on Nov. 18 but failed to hold there.


At the time of this writing, the original canine token exchanges hands at $0.07819, after showing a nearly 4% drop within the last 24 hours, according to data provided by CoinMarketCap.



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