フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 現在の弱気市場におけるドージコイン(DOGE)の将来と予測

The Future and Predictions of Dogecoin (DOGE) in the Current Bear Market


リリース: 2023/10/13 04:15 読む: 574



Bear markets have been exhausting cryptocurrency investors for nearly 2 years now, and it seems like they will never end. After struggling to surpass the $26,800 level and turning it into support, the price of BTC has once again dropped below it. The $28,300 resistance was challenging, and there are many things happening around the world that are negatively affecting risk markets. So, how is the meme coin king doing?

弱気市場はここ 2 年近く仮想通貨投資家を疲弊させており、決して終わることはないようです。 26,800ドルのレベルを超えるのに苦労し、それをサポートに変えた後、BTCの価格は再び26,800ドルを下回りました。 28,300ドルの抵抗は困難であり、世界中でリスク市場に悪影響を与える多くのことが起こっています。それで、ミームコインキングの調子はどうですか?

Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)

DOGE price is currently finding buyers at $0.0577. The inflation data today was bad, and Fed members are saying that interest rates will be kept at their peak for a long time. So, Fed won’t allow cryptocurrencies to breathe until the first half of 2024. With Ukraine, Serbia, Syria, and the possibility of a conflict between Palestine and Israel, all short-term predictions and analyses seem to be futile.


On October 9th, the DOGE price lost its horizontal support level. The bulls, who had been holding $0.06 since June 10th, couldn’t resist the chaos any longer. Additionally, DOGE has been following a downward sloping resistance trendline for weeks. These two levels present us with a descending triangle formation that signals a bearish move.

10月9日、DOGE価格は水平サポートレベルを失いました。 6月10日以来0.06ドルを保有していた強気派は、もはや混乱に抵抗できなかった。さらに、DOGEは数週間にわたって下向きの抵抗トレンドラインをたどっています。これら 2 つのレベルは、弱気の動きを示す下降三角形の形成を示しています。

The Future and Price Prediction of DOGE


Since August 17th, DOGE has been lingering at such low levels for the first time. It had dropped to $0.055 at that time as well. The RSI on the daily chart supports the bearish scenario. As we mentioned before, $0.055 and $0.05 have come into focus. The readings on the weekly chart are not different from what we have described.

8月17日以来、DOGEは初めてこれほど低い水準で推移している。この時点でも0.055ドルまで下落していた。日足チャートのRSIは弱気シナリオを裏付けている。前述したように、0.055 ドルと 0.05 ドルが注目されています。週足チャートの測定値は、ここで説明したものと変わりません。

If DOGE, which is trading within the descending triangle, experiences a clear breakdown, the price could drop to $0.02. This level, which we previously warned as the bottom area, has become a more likely option after recent developments.


So, is there anything good for DOGE? If we see a strong bounce from $0.057, it could rally up to $0.07. But is this possible while the Middle East conflict continues to pose a growth risk and BTC has lost its $26,800 support? Cryptocurrencies are full of surprises. However, it seems that what has happened in the past 2 years has also affected adrenaline junkie crypto millionaires who love surprises. SBF, Zhu, and most of the names triggering volatility are in prison.

それで、DOGEにとって何か良いことはありますか? 0.057ドルからの強い反発が見られる場合は、0.07ドルまで上昇する可能性があります。しかし、中東紛争が引き続き成長リスクをもたらし、BTCが26,800ドルのサポートを失っている間に、これは可能でしょうか?暗号通貨には驚きがたくさんあります。しかし、過去2年間に起こったことは、サプライズが大好きなアドレナリン中毒の仮想通貨億万長者にも影響を与えているようだ。 SBF、Zhu、そして変動を引き起こした名前のほとんどは刑務所にいます。

The short-term outlook is negative, and it seems to continue like this until BTC makes a nice surprise.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware of the high volatility and therefore the risk associated with cryptocurrencies and should conduct their own research.

免責事項: この記事に含まれる情報は投資アドバイスを構成するものではありません。投資家はボラティリティの高さ、したがって暗号通貨に関連するリスクを認識し、独自の調査を行う必要があります。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-future-and-predictions-of-dogecoin-doge-in-the-current-bear-market/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-future-and-predictions-of-dogecoin-doge-in-the-current-bear-market/


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