フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ビットコイン投資家は警告します: ビットコインを取引所から直ちに引き出してください!

Bitcoin Investors Receive Warning: Withdraw Your BTC from Exchanges Immediately!

ビットコイン投資家は警告します: ビットコインを取引所から直ちに引き出してください!

リリース: 2023/10/13 04:15 読む: 803



Blockstream’s CSO and Pixelmatic’s CEO, Samson Mow, shared a warning message regarding the largest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), from his personal account. Mow advised investors to withdraw their BTC from insecure intermediary platforms such as cryptocurrency exchanges and keep them in their cold wallets.

Blockstream の CSO 兼 Pixelmatic の CEO である Samson Mow 氏は、個人アカウントから最大の暗号通貨であるビットコイン (BTC) に関する警告メッセージを共有しました。モウ氏は投資家に対し、仮想通貨取引所などの安全性の低い仲介プラットフォームからBTCを引き出し、コールドウォレットに保管するようアドバイスした。

Warning to Bitcoin Investors


Mow addressed the risk of investors losing their cryptocurrencies due to the weak security of intermediary platforms such as cryptocurrency exchanges. He urged all Bitcoin investors to transfer their BTC to their cold wallets from cryptocurrency exchanges or other storage platforms. Mow stated, “By doing so, the BTC you have purchased will truly be under your control.”


Shortly before Mow’s warning, the Dogecoin (DOGE) team also issued a similar warning from their official Dogecoin account on X. The team highlighted the high level of suspicious activities and shady behaviors of centralized cryptocurrency exchanges and decentralized finance (DeFi). The warning message also emphasized the risks of these platforms exposing their users to unknowingly finance illegal or controversial socio-political or criminal plans.

Mow の警告の直前に、Dogecoin (DOGE) チームも、X の公式 Dogecoin アカウントから同様の警告を発しました。チームは、集中型仮想通貨取引所と分散型金融 (DeFi) の高レベルの不審な活動といかがわしい行為を強調しました。警告メッセージはまた、これらのプラットフォームがユーザーを、違法または物議を醸す社会政治的または犯罪的計画に知らず知らずのうちに資金提供する危険にさらす危険性も強調した。

The Dogecoin team recommended investors to withdraw their DOGE from cryptocurrency exchanges and store their assets in Trezor, Coinbase Wallet, and other self-custody wallets or decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges.

Dogecoinチームは投資家に対し、暗号通貨取引所からDOGEを引き出し、Trezor、Coinbase Wallet、その他のセルフカストディウォレットまたは分散型暗号通貨取引所に資産を保管することを推奨しました。

Bitcoin Miners Selling Heavily


The largest cryptocurrency, BTC, has experienced a 4.19% value loss in recent days and is currently trading at $26,732 at the time of writing. According to data from on-chain data platform IntoTheBlock, one of the main factors behind this decline seems to be miners dumping their BTC at an alarming rate.


According to this data source, miners have made the largest sale with a total of 20,000 BTC this week since April. Market analysts indicate that miners have started selling Bitcoin to cover their operational costs.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/bitcoin-investors-receive-warning-withdraw-your-btc-from-exchanges-immediately/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/bitcoin-investors-receive-warning-withdraw-your-btc-from-exchanges-immediately/


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