フロントページ > 情報ニュース > DOGE 共同創設者、Dogecoin コミュニティの生産性の欠如を明らかに

DOGE Co-founder Reveals Lack of Productivity in the Dogecoin Community

DOGE 共同創設者、Dogecoin コミュニティの生産性の欠如を明らかに

リリース: 2023/10/13 06:16 読む: 738



Dogecoin, the popular meme token, has been making headlines recently. One of its co-creators, Billy Markus, addressed the lack of productivity in the DOGE community. In his striking remarks, Markus had previously made waves in the crypto markets.

人気のミームトークンであるドージコインが最近話題になっています。共同作成者の 1 人である Billy Markus は、DOGE コミュニティの生産性の欠如について言及しました。マーカス氏はその印象的な発言で、以前にも仮想通貨市場に波紋を広げていた。

Critical Statement from DOGE Co-founder!

DOGE 共同創設者からの批判的声明!

Billy Markus, also known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto on social media platform X, stated that the DOGE community has not developed anything productive. However, he also added that developing for the meme token blockchain is painful and stressful. In his statement, the expert said:


What does the DOGE community actually want? I have never seen them really do anything productive; personally, I don’t understand why anyone would develop this product or spend time on it for this community unless they enjoy pain and stress.

DOGE コミュニティは実際に何を望んでいますか?私は彼らが実際に何か生産的なことをしているのを見たことがありません。個人的には、痛みやストレスを楽しむ人以外の人が、なぜこのコミュニティのためにこの製品を開発したり、それに時間を費やしたりするのか理解できません。

Markus, who is no longer associated with Dogecoin, highlighted the harm the community has done to the Dogecoin Foundation, stating that the non-profit organization’s announcements are often met with hostility and negativity. Markus said the following in his remarks:


Whenever the Foundation says something, it is met with relentless attacks, so they stopped. It doesn’t make sense to try to communicate with hostile people who only listen to their own nonsense.


Bold Accusations Towards the DOGE Community!


According to Markus, developing Dogecoin can be challenging due to the lack of presale and pre-mining (features that other digital assets possess) and the community’s reluctance to donate. Markus concluded his statement on the matter by saying:


Since there is no presale or pre-mining like other cryptocurrencies, how do you expect Dogecoin development to be ideally financed? The community may have donated a total of $40,000 over 10 years, with 95% in the first 6 months.

他の仮想通貨のようなプレセールやプレマイニングがないため、ドージコインの開発にはどのように理想的に資金調達できると思いますか?コミュニティは 10 年間で総額 40,000 ドルを寄付した可能性があり、その 95% が最初の 6 か月で寄付されました。

Earlier this year, Markus made headlines by referring to the crypto scene as “stupid.” At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.0579 with a marginal decrease in the last 24 hours.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/doge-co-founder-reveals-lack-of-productivity-in-the-dogecoin-community/

続きを読む: https://en.coin-turk.com/doge-co-founder-reveals-lack-of-productivity-in-the-dogecoin-community/


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