フロントページ > 情報ニュース > さよならカボス:Dogecoin の最愛のマスコットである柴犬が死去

Goodbye Kabosu: Dogecoin’s Beloved Shiba Inu Mascot Passes Away

さよならカボス:Dogecoin の最愛のマスコットである柴犬が死去

リリース: 2024/05/24 18:39 読む: 343



Dogecoin Mourns the Passing of Beloved Shiba Inu, Kabosu


In a heartfelt announcement via its official account, Dogecoin confirmed the passing of Kabosu, the adored canine that became the face of the popular cryptocurrency. According to the post, Kabosu peacefully departed on the morning of May 24th at 7:50 am, surrounded by love and care.


"Today, Kabosu, our beloved friend and inspiration, passed away peacefully in the arms of her human companion. The impact this remarkable dog has had on the world is immeasurable. She was a beacon of pure joy and boundless love. Please hold her spirit and her family close to your hearts, and carry her legacy with you as your own story unfolds – we are all fortunate to have been touched by her presence," the post reads.

「今日、私たちの最愛の友人であり、インスピレーションを与えてくれたカボスが、人間の伴侶の腕の中で安らかに息を引き取りました。この素晴らしい犬が世界に与えた影響は計り知れません。彼女は純粋な喜びと限りない愛の灯台でした。どうか彼女の魂を守ってください」彼女と彼女の家族をあなたの心の近くに置き、あなた自身の物語が展開するにつれて彼女の遺産を持ち歩きましょう – 私たちは皆、彼女の存在に感動できて幸運です」と投稿には書かれています。

Dogecoin's Cherished Shiba Inu Dies at Age 17


Kabosu, a Shiba Inu, gained internet stardom due to her distinctively alert and endearing expression, captured in a photograph by her owner. This image later became the iconic face of Dogecoin, embodying the playful spirit of the digital currency that was initially created as a jest.


Related Reading: Why Dogecoin Founder Billy Markus Predicts Ethereum Will Reach $100,000

関連記事: ドージコイン創設者ビリー・マーカスがイーサリアムが10万ドルに達すると予測する理由

Kabosu's likeness fueled the meme-driven rise of Dogecoin, which has since emerged as a significant player within the cryptocurrency community. The official blog post shared by Dogecoin recounts the tranquil moments leading up to Kabosu's passing:


"Last night, as usual, [Kabosu] ate rice and drank plenty of water. As the soft light streamed through the window and birds sang on a beautiful morning, I stroked her as if she were sleeping, and she quietly passed away."


The blog also highlighted the profound bond between Kabosu and her owner, who expressed immense gratitude towards everyone who cherished Kabosu over the years:


"For so long, Kabosu has been loved by all of you, and for that, I am deeply grateful. Kabosu was the happiest dog in the world, and I was the happiest owner. She is still here, smiling and wagging her tail, always by my side."


Related Reading: Trump Campaign Accepts Bitcoin, ETH, XRP, Dogecoin, SHIB for Election War Chest

関連記事: トランプ陣営、選挙戦資金としてビットコイン、ETH、XRP、ドージコイン、SHIBを受け入れる

Kabosu's Legacy


Kabosu was adopted by Japanese kindergarten teacher Atsuko Sato from a pet shelter in 2008, after being rescued from a puppy mill. Her serene and slightly amused expression in a 2010 photograph posted online captured the attention of netizens, leading to widespread meme circulation.

カボスは、子犬工場から保護された後、2008年に日本の幼稚園教諭、佐藤温子さんにペット保護施設から引き取られた。 2010 年にオンラインに投稿された写真の彼女の穏やかで少し楽しげな表情がネチズンの注目を集め、ミームの拡散につながりました。

The meme's popularity ultimately inspired the creation of Dogecoin in December 2013. The founders of Dogecoin, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer, chose Kabosu's image for the logo of their new cryptocurrency to reflect its fun and friendly ethos, contrasting with the more serious tone of other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

このミームの人気は、最終的に 2013 年 12 月のドージコインの作成に影響を与えました。ドージコインの創設者であるビリー・マーカスとジャクソン・パーマーは、他の暗号通貨のより深刻なトーンとは対照的に、その楽しくてフレンドリーな精神を反映するために、新しい暗号通貨のロゴにカボスのイメージを選びました。ビットコインのような暗号通貨。

Dogecoin has since experienced significant growth, both in value and in its community, with Kabosu's image at the forefront, symbolizing both the whimsy and the unexpected success of the digital currency.


Community Outpouring


Dogecoin's community has expressed widespread condolences. Sato announced a farewell party: "We will hold a farewell party for Kabo-chan on Sunday, May 26th, from 1pm to 4pm at Flower Kaori in Kotsu no Mori, Narita City."


At press time, DOGE traded at $0.1585.


DOGE Price Uptrend Remains Intact, 1-Day Chart | Source: DOGEUSD on TradingView.com

DOGE価格上昇トレンドはそのまま、1日チャート |出典: TradingView.comのDOGEUSD

Featured image from Atsuko Sato, chart from TradingView.com



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