フロントページ > 情報ニュース > 2024年に購入するのに最適なミームコイン

The best meme coins to buy for 2024


リリース: 2023/12/25 20:31 読む: 260



Meme coins currently rank among the most sought-after tokens in the cryptocurrency market. Renowned for their high volatility, some of the most notable meme coins have experienced staggering increases of over 10,000% in recent months. Investors have amassed significant wealth by strategically acquiring the right meme coin at opportune moments.


With the broader crypto market experiencing gains and expectations of significant developments in 2024 that should continue these gains, investors might be looking at less expensive options that will provide them with an introduction to the cryptocurrency world.

より広範な仮想通貨市場が利益を上げており、2024 年もその成長が続くであろう重要な発展が期待されているため、投資家は仮想通貨の世界への入門となる、より安価な選択肢に目を向けているかもしれません。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

ドージコイン (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE), the pioneering meme coin, was introduced in 2013 as a playful jest. Although sharing the same source code as Bitcoin (BTC), it has no restrictions on the quantity of DOGE tokens that can be mined.

先駆的なミームコインであるドージコイン(DOGE)は、2013 年に遊び心のある冗談として導入されました。ビットコイン(BTC)と同じソースコードを共有していますが、マイニングできるDOGEトークンの量に制限はありません。

Despite the seemingly unfavorable tokenomics for sustaining value, many enthusiasts view Dogecoin as a potential future currency. This token facilitates instantaneous and highly cost-effective global money transfers, making it an attractive option. The swift movement of tokens between wallets might even outperform Bitcoin.




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As of now, Dogecoin holds the position of the 10th-largest cryptocurrency based on market capitalization, surpassing $13 billion. It experiences an average daily trading volume exceeding $450 million.

現在、ドージコインは時価総額ベースで10番目に大きい暗号通貨の地位を占めており、130億ドルを超えています。 1 日の平均取引高は 4 億 5,000 万ドルを超えています。

At the time of press, DOGE is valued at $0.09314, representing a decrease of -0.92% in the past 24 hours while recovering its price by 21.26% year-to-date. 


DOGE YTD price chart. Source: Finbold

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Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu (SHIB), initially touted as the original ‘Doge killer’ token, has demonstrated enduring popularity as a meme cryptocurrency. In 2021, the coin gained widespread attention by reaching an all-time high of $0.000080.

柴犬(SHIB)は、当初はオリジナルの「ドージキラー」トークンとしてもてはやされていましたが、ミーム暗号通貨として根強い人気を示しています。 2021年、このコインは史上最高値の0.000080ドルに達し、広く注目を集めました。

While it has since declined by 90% from that peak, it maintains a significant market cap of $6.3 billion. Currently ranked as the 16th-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, it is the second-largest in the meme coin category, trailing only behind Dogecoin.


The value of SHIB faced a significant impact during the bearish period, but a positive shift might be on the horizon for this project. The Shiba Inu development team has recently introduced the Shibarium network, a tailored blockchain designed to facilitate swift and cost-effective transactions. 

SHIB の価値は弱気期に大きな影響を受けましたが、このプロジェクトでは前向きな変化が起こる可能性があります。柴犬開発チームは最近、迅速かつコスト効率の高い取引を促進するように設計されたカスタマイズされたブロックチェーンであるShibariumネットワークを導入しました。

The launch of the Shibarium network additionally paves the way for SHIB staking, a development that has the potential to enhance the token’s overall value.

さらに、Shibarium ネットワークの開始により、トークンの全体的な価値を高める可能性のある SHIB ステーキングへの道が開かれます。

At the time of writing, SHIB was trading at $0.00001078, marking a decrease of -1.03% in the previous 24 hours. However, it made gains of 29.60% year-to-date.


SHIB YTD price chart. Source: Finbold

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Floki (FLOKI)

フローキ (FLOKI)

Floki (FLOKI) emerged as one of the numerous meme coins inspired by the success of SHIB in 2021, riding the wave of the Shiba Inu-themed trend. 

Floki (FLOKI) は、柴犬をテーマにしたトレンドの波に乗り、2021 年の SHIB の成功に触発された数多くのミームコインの 1 つとして登場しました。

FLOKI is primarily associated with entertainment, lacking any intrinsic utility. Nevertheless, this has yet to deter meme enthusiasts from enthusiastically embracing it. Following its launch, the token experienced a remarkable surge, surpassing 7,000% in value within weeks and reaching impressive trading volumes, peaking at $225 million.

FLOKI は主にエンターテイメントに関連付けられており、本質的な実用性はありません。それにもかかわらず、このことはまだミーム愛好家が熱狂的に受け入れることを思いとどまらせるには至っていない。発売後、このトークンは目覚ましい急騰を見せ、数週間以内に価値が 7,000% を超え、最高で 2 億 2,500 万ドルという驚異的な取引量に達しました。

It has witnessed a significant decline from its previous highs; however, this token has substantial potential. With a market cap exceeding $340 million, it’s evident that investors continue to express strong interest and support for FLOKI.

以前の高値から大幅に下落しました。ただし、このトークンには大きな可能性があります。時価総額は 3 億 4,000 万ドルを超えており、投資家が引き続き FLOKI に強い関心と支援を示していることは明らかです。

FLOKi is priced at $0.00003644, highlighting 1.42% gains made in the past 24 hours while adding an impressive 298.26% to its value in the previous 365 days, as per information retrieved on December 25.


FLOKI YTD price chart. Source: Finbold

" class="wp-image-145148" srcset="/uploads/20231225/170350749665897628c50d3.png 1024w、/uploads/20231225/170350749665897628c50d3.png 300w、/uploads/202312 25/170350749665897628c50d3.png 768w、/uploads/20231225/170350749665897628c50d3。 png 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px">

Considering everything, the mentioned assets have exhibited resilience and positive advancements recently, suggesting the possibility of further gains in the upcoming year. Nevertheless, the dynamics in this industry can be unpredictable, emphasizing the importance of conducting thorough individual research.


Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

免責事項: このサイトのコンテンツは投資アドバイスとみなされるべきではありません。投資は投機的なものです。投資する場合、資本はリスクにさらされます。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/the-best-meme-coins-to-buy-for-2024-tbt74711.html

出典: https://thebittimes.com/the-best-meme-coins-to-buy-for-2024-tbt74711.html


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