フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン(DOGE)の収益性が2023年の最高レベルに到達

Dogecoin (DOGE) Profitability at Highest Level in 2023


リリース: 2023/12/25 21:04 読む: 524




The Dogecoin (DOGE) price has slumped marginally by 0.77% to $0.09309, a price level that appears to be dampening sentiment in the coin’s bid to end the month on a positive note. Despite this bearish trend, Dogecoin’s profitability sits at its highest level for the year, as data from IntoTheBlock pegs this metric at 66.86%.

ドージコイン(DOGE)の価格は0.77%安の0.09309ドルと小幅下落したが、この価格水準が同コインの月末を明るい雰囲気で終えようとする心理を弱めているようだ。この弱気傾向にもかかわらず、IntoTheBlock のデータがこの指標を 66.86% と固定しているため、Dogecoin の収益性は今年最高レベルにあります。

According to the data, a total of 3.56 million addresses are in the money, leaving just about 1.4 million addresses out of the money. For Dogecoin, this profitability level is the best recorded in 2023 after long periods of price drawdowns. Unique on-chain metrics from IntoTheBlock spell better omens for Dogecoin as the meme coin race tightens some more.

データによると、合計 356 万のアドレスが資金に含まれており、資金がないのはわずか約 140 万のアドレスです。ドージコインの場合、この収益性レベルは、長期にわたる価格下落を経て、2023 年に記録された最高のものです。 IntoTheBlock の独自のオンチェーン指標は、ミームコイン競争がさらに激化する中、ドージコインにとって良い兆しを示しています。

One of these metrics, the number of active addresses based on profitability, has also soared by a mile. Per the IntoTheBlock data, addresses in this category add up to 6,390, while active addresses out of the money come in at 2,180.

これらの指標の 1 つである収益性に基づくアクティブ アドレスの数も、1 マイル急増しました。 IntoTheBlock データによると、このカテゴリのアドレスは合計で 6,390 個に達し、アクティブなアドレスは 2,180 個になります。

These figures are important for Dogecoin as they help establish its dominance in the evolving world of cryptocurrencies. They also serve as a major prop-up for Dogecoin in its bid to chart a higher price in the near future.


How is Dogecoin surviving the meme coin revolution?


One major trend in the broader crypto ecosystem is a defined meme coin revolution that has seen the emergence of relatively newer entrants like PEPE and BONK, among others.

より広範な暗号エコシステムにおける主要なトレンドの 1 つは、特に PEPE や BONK などの比較的新しい参入者の出現を伴う定義されたミームコイン革命です。

Despite tough competition, Dogecoin is still the best asset of the hoard, as it boasts of a market capitalization of $13,250,806,393, placing it as the 10th largest cryptocurrency at the time of writing. Without much utility to show its long-standing community, Dogecoin is riding the trend based on its first-mover advantage.


With massive whale support, Dogecoin remains the most stable meme coin and arises as a more viable option compared to the more volatile ones around today.



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