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Prospects for Dogecoin Rally Based on Historical Price Patterns


リリース: 2024/02/28 10:04 読む: 446




You can also read this news on BH NEWS: Prospects for Dogecoin Rally Based on Historical Price Patterns

このニュースはBH NEWSでも読むことができます: 過去の価格パターンに基づくドージコイン上昇の見通し

An analysis of Dogecoin‘s historical price patterns suggests the possibility of an upcoming rally for the cryptocurrency. While past trends are not definitive indicators of future outcomes, they often capture the attention of investors who may act on these patterns, potentially influencing the market. Dogecoin’s past includes instances of long consolidation periods followed by significant price surges, such as the dramatic 8,773% bull market after a 679-day consolidation that began in December 2013.

ドージコインの歴史的な価格パターンの分析は、仮想通貨が今後上昇する可能性を示唆しています。過去の傾向は将来の結果を示す決定的な指標ではありませんが、多くの場合、これらのパターンに基づいて行動する投資家の注目を集め、市場に影響を与える可能性があります。ドージコインの過去には、2013 年 12 月に始まった 679 日間の統合後の 8,773% の劇的な強気相場など、長期の統合期間とそれに続く大幅な価格急騰の例が含まれています。

Dogecoin’s Past Market Movements


The cryptocurrency has shown a tendency to enter lengthy periods of consolidation after specific chart formations, notably falling wedges, similar to those observed in Bitcoin‘s halving charts. An example of this was between January 2018 and February 2019, a span during which Dogecoin experienced an extraordinary 23,740% rally.

暗号通貨は、ビットコインの半減チャートで観察されたものと同様、特定のチャート形成、特にウェッジの下落後に長期にわたる値固め期間に入る傾向を示しています。その一例は、2018 年 1 月から 2019 年 2 月の間であり、この期間にドージコインは 23,740% という驚異的な上昇を経験しました。

Predictions for Dogecoin in 2024

2024 年のドージコインの予測

Recent analysis points to a pattern from May 2021 to June 2022 that closely resembles the earlier formations, hinting at the potential for a major uptrend. If the pattern holds true, the consolidation phase could end as soon as April 2024, possibly aligning with the Bitcoin halving period and setting the stage for a significant Dogecoin rally.


Despite the optimistic projection, the current cryptocurrency market environment presents new challenges that differ from past cycles. Meme coins like Dogecoin might struggle to replicate past successes in a market that increasingly values technological innovation. Nonetheless, if similar growth rates are realized, Dogecoin’s price could see a substantial increase, potentially reaching highs of one dollar, a more realistic target than the previously projected three dollars when considering the market’s growth and value.


The anticipation of Dogecoin’s price movement is based on a combination of historical analysis and current market conditions. While the possibility of a rally exists, the ever-changing dynamics of the cryptocurrency market imply that predictions should be approached with cautious optimism.

Dogecoin の価格変動の予測は、過去の分析と現在の市場状況の組み合わせに基づいています。上昇の可能性は存在しますが、暗号通貨市場のダイナミクスは常に変化しており、予測には慎重な楽観主義を持って取り組む必要があることが示唆されています。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Prospects for Dogecoin Rally Based on Historical Price Patterns

この投稿は BH NEWS に最初に掲載されました: 過去の価格パターンに基づくドージコイン上昇の見通し


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