フロントページ > 情報ニュース > Syscoin幹部、無許可で1億個の新しいSYSトークンを作成した疑いで告発

Syscoin execs accused of unauthorized creation of 100 million new SYS tokens


リリース: 2024/07/29 04:45 読む: 512



Syscoin, one of the oldest blockchain platforms globally, faces allegations of a sustained conspiracy to manipulate the supply of its SYS token and allegedly defraud investors through the Syscoin Foundation.


Established in 2014, Syscoin aimed to merge the best aspects of Bitcoin and Ethereum, offering a stable platform for decentralized applications. In 2018, the Syscoin Foundation was created to support and develop the platform.

2014 年に設立された Syscoin は、ビットコインとイーサリアムの最良の部分を融合し、分散型アプリケーションに安定したプラットフォームを提供することを目的としていました。 2018 年に、プラットフォームのサポートと開発を目的として Syscoin Foundation が設立されました。

Allegations of Fraud against Syscoin


A recent report by the Dogecoin Foundation raises concerns of serious misconduct within the Syscoin Foundation and SYS Labs Holding Ltd. Investigations are reportedly underway into potential financial crimes involving these entities.

ドージコイン財団による最近の報告書は、シスコイン財団とSYS Labs Holding Ltd.内での重大な不正行為の懸念を引き起こしています。伝えられるところによれば、これらの組織が関与する潜在的な金融犯罪について捜査が進行中です。

Directors Jagdeep Sidhu, Willy Ko, Christopher O'Shea, Michiel Naring, and Bradley Stephenson stand accused of issuing 100 million new Syscoins without proper authorization. According to a source quoted by Cryptopolitan:


"It was an adversarial move intended to dilute the token supply and conceal financial mismanagement."


The issuance of these additional tokens was allegedly disguised as a legitimate community vote. Christopher O'Shea, using the pseudonym "BigPoppa," submitted a proposal that was supposedly approved by the community.

これらの追加トークンの発行は、正当なコミュニティ投票として偽装されたとされています。 Christopher O'Shea は、「BigPoppa」という仮名を使用して、コミュニティによって承認されたと思われる提案を提出しました。

However, the authenticity of this vote is highly questionable. Allegations suggest that it was either fabricated after the fact or conducted in secrecy, excluding most of the community.


The Syscoin Foundation claimed that the new tokens would bolster the foundation's reserves and support the ecosystem.


However, the Dogecoin Foundation alleges that the funds were diverted to SYS Labs, enabling the directors to profit while leaving the foundation and its investors facing financial harm.

しかし、ドージコイン財団は、資金がSYS Labsに流用され、財団とその投資家が経済的損害に直面する一方で、理事らが利益を得られるようにしたと主張している。

João Fernandes, the head of business development at Rollux, reportedly proposed redirecting Syscoin's masternode governance budget to the Rollux project.

Rollux の事業開発責任者である João Fernandes 氏は、Syscoin のマスターノードのガバナンス予算を Rollux プロジェクトに振り向けることを提案したと伝えられています。

The Dogecoin Foundation claims that Rollux was initially developed and funded by the Syscoin Foundation. However, once the project reached a certain stage, it was transferred to SYS Labs, significantly increasing its value and the personal holdings of the directors.

Dogecoin Foundation は、Rollux は当初 Syscoin Foundation によって開発され、資金提供を受けていたと主張しています。しかし、プロジェクトが一定の段階に達すると、SYS Labsに移管され、その価値と取締役の個人的な保有額が大幅に増加しました。

Official Intervention


The allegations have drawn the attention of Dutch authorities, prompting a criminal investigation. The Functional Public Prosecutor's Office is reportedly examining potential financial crimes, including theft, embezzlement, fraud, forgery, and money laundering.


The fallout from these actions has had severe consequences for Syscoin investors. The issuance and sale of 100 million additional tokens reportedly caused the token's value to plummet.

これらの行為による影響は、Syscoin 投資家に深刻な影響を及ぼしました。 1億枚の追加トークンの発行と販売により、トークンの価値が急落したと伝えられている。

The Dogecoin Foundation's report also accuses the directors of failing to file corporate tax returns, stating:


"Intentionally failing to file a corporate income tax return or filing an incorrect return constitutes a criminal offense."


This is a serious offense under Dutch law.


CEO Denies Resignation Claims


On July 25th, Decrypt published an article reporting that Jagdeep Sidhu would resign amidst the unfolding allegations. The article claimed he intended to establish a new entity called 'Syscoin Red.' Willy Ko commented:

7月25日、Decryptは疑惑が明らかになる中、Jagdeep Sidhuが辞任するだろうと報じた記事を掲載した。記事では、同氏が「Syscoin Red」と呼ばれる新しい組織を設立するつもりであると主張した。ウィリー・コーは次のようにコメントしました。

"The foundation's treasury wallet is not a multi-signature wallet. I have raised concerns about the lack of transparency on using the foundation's funds."


Matthew Mappin, a former business development manager at SYS Labs, reportedly stated to Decrypt that the community had repeatedly raised concerns with the directors regarding "the lack of financial transparency, the opaque relationship between the Syscoin Foundation and SYS Labs."

SYS Labsの元事業開発マネージャーであるMatthew Mappin氏はDecryptに対し、コミュニティは「財務上の透明性の欠如、Syscoin財団とSYS Labsの不透明な関係」について取締役らに繰り返し懸念を表明していたと述べたと伝えられている。

On the same day, Sidhu took to Twitter to refute claims of his departure from Syscoin. He dismissed Decrypt's article as an attempt to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD).


O'Shea, for his part, told Decrypt that "Treasury funds are held in a cold wallet, and on a monthly basis, an amount is transferred to a hot wallet to cover operational and ecosystem expenses."





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