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The Zacks Savings and Loan industry is facing challenges due to the deteriorating commercial real estate market and high interest rates.
Companies like WSFS Financial Corporation, Provident Financial Services, and Riverview Bancorp are expected to weather the storm due to their attractive business models and strong relationship banking.
WSFS Financial Corporation、Provident Financial Services、Riverview Bancorp などの企業は、魅力的なビジネス モデルと強力なリレーションシップ バンキングにより、この嵐を乗り切ることが期待されています。
The industry is also witnessing trends like slowing loan demand, weakening asset quality, and digital ramp-ups.
This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of the Zacks Savings and Loan industry, highlighting key trends and companies to watch.
Industry Overview and Key Trends
The Zacks Savings and Loan industry comprises specialized U.S. banks that focus on extending residential mortgage finance. These institutions fund mortgages with savings insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”). They offer high interest rates on savings to attract deposits, enhancing their ability to lend mortgages. However, the industry is currently grappling with a few key trends.
ザックス貯蓄貸付業界は、住宅ローン融資の拡大に注力する米国の専門銀行で構成されています。これらの機関は、連邦預金保険公社 (「FDIC」) によって保証された貯蓄によって住宅ローンに資金を提供しています。彼らは預金を呼び込むために貯蓄金利を高く設定し、住宅ローンの融資能力を高めています。ただし、業界は現在、いくつかの重要なトレンドに取り組んでいます。
Slowing Loan Demand
The central bank’s aggressive monetary policy of last year has lowered the demand for loans due to fears of an economic downturn. High interest rates are keeping borrowers on the sidelines, resulting in a subdued lending backdrop.
Weakening Asset Quality
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