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Unprecedented Surge in Dogecoin Wallet Addresses Sparks Market Speculation


リリース: 2024/01/30 21:32 読む: 849




You can also read this news on BH NEWS: Unprecedented Surge in Dogecoin Wallet Addresses Sparks Market Speculation

このニュースはBH NEWSでも読むことができます: ドージコインウォレットの前例のない急増が市場の投機を引き起こす

The Dogecoin (DOGE) community is abuzz with excitement following a report of an extraordinary increase in the number of new wallet addresses. Cryptocurrency analyst Ali Martinez highlighted a 1100% surge in new Dogecoin wallet creations over a single week, sparking speculation about a potential price rally for the memecoin, with eyes on the $0.10 milestone.

新しいウォレット アドレスの数が異常に増加したという報告を受けて、ドージコイン (DOGE) コミュニティは興奮で沸き立っています。仮想通貨アナリストのアリ・マルティネス氏は、ドージコインウォレットの新規作成数が1週間で1100%急増したことを強調し、0.10ドルの節目を見据えたミームコインの価格上昇の可能性についての憶測を引き起こした。

Dogecoin’s Wallet Expansion Phenomenon


Ali Martinez’s revelation of the 1100% growth in Dogecoin wallet addresses, with a record 247,240 new wallets created on January 29th alone, has taken the crypto community by storm. This remarkable growth has set a new record for the number of Dogecoin wallets, suggesting a heightened interest in the cryptocurrency.


The surge in Dogecoin’s network growth is believed to potentially influence its market price positively. Analysts and investors are now closely watching DOGE’s price, considering the $0.10 level as a pivotal target that could be reached amid the growing interest.


Speculation about Dogecoin’s future has also been fueled by hints of corporate adoption. Elon Musk’s recent activity, including opening a “Payments” account, has led to conjecture that DOGE might be integrated into a new payment system on a major social media platform.

ドージコインの将来についての憶測は、企業による採用のヒントによっても加速されています。 「ペイメント」アカウントの開設などイーロン・マスク氏の最近の活動により、DOGEが主要なソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム上の新しい決済システムに統合されるのではないかという憶測が広がっている。

Further supporting the currency’s appeal, Mark Cuban’s Dallas Mavericks continue to accept Dogecoin as payment, reinforcing the coin’s legitimacy and integration into mainstream transactions. This ongoing support from high-profile figures and businesses contributes to the increasing acceptance of Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies.


The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Unprecedented Surge in Dogecoin Wallet Addresses Sparks Market Speculation

この投稿は最初に BH NEWS に掲載されました: ドージコインウォレットの前例のない急増が市場の投機を引き起こす


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