첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin 백만장자는 비트코인의 최근 상승이 '황소 함정이 될 수 있다'고 말합니다.

Dogecoin millionaire suggests Bitcoin’s recent rise ‘might be a bull trap’

Dogecoin 백만장자는 비트코인의 최근 상승이 '황소 함정이 될 수 있다'고 말합니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/25 00:16 읽다: 625


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6537dbec4ad2ae12100fb07f

Glauber Contessoto, known widely as the “Dogecoin Millionaire” for his massive investment in the meme-inspired cryptocurrency earlier this year, tweeted a word of caution about Bitcoin’s (BTC) recent price surge.

올해 초 밈에서 영감을 받은 암호화폐에 대규모 투자를 하여 '도지코인 백만장자'로 널리 알려진 글라우버 콘테소토(Glauber Contessoto)는 최근 비트코인(BTC)의 가격 급등에 대해 경고의 말을 트윗했습니다.

On Oct. 23, Contessoto urged investors to stay cautious. He claimed that “technically speaking we shouldn’t be anywhere near an actual bull run right now.”

The #Bitcoin historically predates all bull runs in the past and the next one isn’t until April 2024. This could merely be a bull trap. Invest accordingly.

#Bitcoin은 역사적으로 과거의 모든 강세장보다 앞서며 다음 강세장은 2024년 4월이 되어야 합니다. 이것은 단지 불트랩일 수 있습니다. 그에 따라 투자하십시오.

Glauber Contessoto

글라우버 콘테소토

Contessoto took a major risk when he invested over $250,000 in Dogecoin (DOGE) in February, when it was trading around 4-to-5 cents. His bet paid off just two months later in April when he became a dogecoin millionaire on paper as the price surged to around 73 cents.

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당신도 좋아할 수도 있습니다: 공급량의 80%가 수익을 내고 있기 때문에 비트코인은 새로운 랠리를 준비하고 있습니다.

Since then, Contessoto has continued to hold and has refused to sell despite dogecoin’s volatility. The now-millionaire even quit his day job at a music company in June to focus on building his “dogecoin millionaire” persona online. He now requests to be paid in Dogecoin for any social media promotions he does with crypto companies.

Bitcoin is trading at over $34,000 as of press time, after seeing an 11 percent increase over the last 24 hours and 20 percent over the last seven days.

비트코인은 지난 24시간 동안 11%, 지난 7일 동안 20% 상승한 후 보도 시간 현재 34,000달러 이상에 거래되고 있습니다.

CoinMarketCap’s fear and greed index currently stands at 67.5 — with any level exceeding 50 being considered a greed phase that makes a downturn more likely.

Read more: Bitcoin to hit $45k in 2023 as funding rates signal FOMO, Matrixport says

더 읽기: 자금 요율이 FOMO 신호를 보내면서 비트코인은 2023년에 45,000달러에 도달할 것이라고 Matrixport는 말합니다.

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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