首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币百万富翁表示比特币最近的上涨“可能是牛市陷阱”

Dogecoin millionaire suggests Bitcoin’s recent rise ‘might be a bull trap’


发布: 2023/10/25 00:16 阅读: 625



Glauber Contessoto, known widely as the “Dogecoin Millionaire” for his massive investment in the meme-inspired cryptocurrency earlier this year, tweeted a word of caution about Bitcoin’s (BTC) recent price surge.

格劳伯·康特索托 (Glauber Contessoto) 因今年早些时候对这种受迷因启发的加密货币进行了大量投资而被广泛称为“狗狗币百万富翁”,他在推特上对比特币 (BTC) 最近的价格飙升发出了警告。

On Oct. 23, Contessoto urged investors to stay cautious. He claimed that “technically speaking we shouldn’t be anywhere near an actual bull run right now.”


The #Bitcoin historically predates all bull runs in the past and the next one isn’t until April 2024. This could merely be a bull trap. Invest accordingly.

从历史上看,#Bitcoin 的出现早于过去所有的牛市,而下一次牛市要到 2024 年 4 月才会出现。这可能只是一个牛市陷阱。相应地进行投资。

Glauber Contessoto


Contessoto took a major risk when he invested over $250,000 in Dogecoin (DOGE) in February, when it was trading around 4-to-5 cents. His bet paid off just two months later in April when he became a dogecoin millionaire on paper as the price surged to around 73 cents.

Contessoto 在 2 月份投资了超过 25 万美元的狗狗币 (DOGE),当时该币的交易价格约为 4 到 5 美分,他冒了很大的风险。两个月后的 4 月份,他的赌注得到了回报,随着狗狗币价格飙升至 73 美分左右,他成为纸面上的百万富翁。

You might also like: Bitcoin ready for new rally as 80% of supply is in profit

您可能还喜欢:比特币已准备好迎接新一轮反弹,因为 80% 的供应量都在盈利

Since then, Contessoto has continued to hold and has refused to sell despite dogecoin’s volatility. The now-millionaire even quit his day job at a music company in June to focus on building his “dogecoin millionaire” persona online. He now requests to be paid in Dogecoin for any social media promotions he does with crypto companies.

此后,尽管狗狗币波动较大,Contessoto 仍继续持有并拒绝出售。这位现在的百万富翁甚至于六月份辞去了在一家音乐公司的日常工作,专注于在网上打造他的“狗狗币百万富翁”形象。他现在要求以狗狗币支付他与加密货币公司进行的任何社交媒体促销活动。

Bitcoin is trading at over $34,000 as of press time, after seeing an 11 percent increase over the last 24 hours and 20 percent over the last seven days.

截至发稿时,比特币交易价格超过 34,000 美元,过去 24 小时内上涨 11%,过去 7 天上涨 20%。

CoinMarketCap’s fear and greed index currently stands at 67.5 — with any level exceeding 50 being considered a greed phase that makes a downturn more likely.

CoinMarketCap 的恐惧和贪婪指数目前为 67.5,任何超过 50 的水平都被视为贪婪阶段,更有可能导致经济低迷。

Read more: Bitcoin to hit $45k in 2023 as funding rates signal FOMO, Matrixport says

了解更多:Matrixport 表示,由于融资利率发出“FOMO”信号,比特币将在 2023 年达到 4.5 万美元


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