첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Elon Musk의 새로운 Cybertruck 웹사이트 코드에 숨겨진 Dogecoin에 대한 충격적인 세부 정보

Shocking Hidden Dogecoin Detail in Elon Musk’s New Product Cybertruck’s Website Code

Elon Musk의 새로운 Cybertruck 웹사이트 코드에 숨겨진 Dogecoin에 대한 충격적인 세부 정보

풀어 주다: 2023/12/02 08:07 읽다: 857

원저자:Bitcoin Sistemi

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/656a5ae1812ea6437a3aac0b

In a surprising move, Tesla has quietly updated its website to allow customers to pay with Dogecoin (DOGE) for the new Tesla Cybertruck model.

Because when the site codes are examined, it is seen that there are many new codes related to DOGE integration.

왜냐하면 사이트 코드를 살펴보면 DOGE 통합과 관련된 새로운 코드가 많이 있는 것을 알 수 있기 때문입니다.

However, this change has not been officially announced, it is currently only available as coded information on the website and it is not currently possible to pay with DOGE.

This isn't the first time Tesla has accepted Dogecoin as a form of payment. Previously, when Tesla added the ability to pay for an ATV for kids with Dogecoin, the DOGE price increased significantly. However, the price had dropped the next day.

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관련 뉴스: 그레이스케일, 비트코인 ​​가격이 2024년에 크게 급등할 수 있다고 말하고 세부 정보 공개

Tesla's journey with the Cybertruck has been a long one. The first production candidate Cybertruck was completed in July, nearly four years after it was first announced and two years after production was scheduled to begin. Last year, CEO Elon Musk cited supply chain issues affecting the supply of components as a factor in delaying Cybertruck production to 2023.

After four years of delays and missteps, the Tesla Cybertruck has finally arrived. Musk hosted a delivery event at the company's factory in Austin, Texas, where he highlighted the vehicle's towing capabilities, bulletproof doors, and straight-line speed. A few customers picked up their Cybertrucks at the event, but opening the door was a bit difficult. Following the event, the company published updated details about the vehicle's features, price, and more on its website.

4년간의 지연과 실수 끝에 Tesla Cybertruck이 마침내 도착했습니다. 머스크는 텍사스 오스틴에 있는 회사 공장에서 배송 행사를 주최하여 차량의 견인 능력, 방탄 도어 및 직선 속도를 강조했습니다. 몇몇 고객이 이벤트에서 사이버트럭을 픽업했지만 문을 여는 것이 약간 어려웠습니다. 행사가 끝난 후 회사는 웹사이트에 차량의 기능, 가격 등에 대한 업데이트된 세부 정보를 게시했습니다.

Elon Musk previously accepted Tesla car payments with Bitcoin, but canceled this type of payment, citing environmental concerns.

*This is not investment advice.

*본 글은 투자 조언이 아닙니다.

Continue Reading: Shocking Hidden Dogecoin Detail in Elon Musk’s New Product Cybertruck’s Website Code

계속 읽기: Elon Musk의 신제품 Cybertruck의 웹 사이트 코드에 숨겨진 충격적인 Dogecoin 세부 정보

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