첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 트론(TRX)은 HTX 해킹 후 손실을 입을 수 있습니다: 이 사전 판매가 더 안전한 옵션입니까?

Tron (TRX) could suffer after the HTX hack: is this presale a safer bet?

트론(TRX)은 HTX 해킹 후 손실을 입을 수 있습니다: 이 사전 판매가 더 안전한 옵션입니까?

풀어 주다: 2023/12/16 22:06 읽다: 818


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/657da780cafdd229f5a18b88

Recent headlines have been buzzing with concerns about the vulnerabilities of major players. The TRX community is facing a potential setback after the HTX Hack, leaving many investors uneasy about the security of their assets. 

최근 헤드라인에는 주요 기업의 취약점에 대한 우려가 떠돌고 있습니다. TRX 커뮤니티는 HTX 해킹 이후 잠재적인 어려움에 직면해 있으며 많은 투자자들이 자산 보안에 대해 불안해하고 있습니다.

This article delves into the implications of the HTX Hack and explores a potentially safer option for investment – Galaxy Fox, a new player with one of the best upcoming ICO campaigns.

이 기사에서는 HTX Hack의 의미를 자세히 살펴보고 잠재적으로 더 안전한 투자 옵션인 곧 최고의 ICO 캠페인 중 하나를 진행하는 새로운 플레이어인 Galaxy Fox를 살펴봅니다.

TRX could suffer after major HTX hack

On November 22, the HTX and Heco cross-chain bridge, a protocol connecting an exchange and the Ethereum network, fell victim to a hacking incident, resulting in a staggering loss of over $116 million in crypto assets. This was the second major attack on HTX within three months, raising eyebrows within the crypto community.

11월 22일, 거래소와 이더리움 네트워크를 연결하는 프로토콜인 HTX와 Heco 크로스체인 브리지가 해킹 사고의 희생양이 되어 암호화폐 자산에서 1억 1600만 달러가 넘는 막대한 손실을 입혔습니다. 이는 3개월 만에 HTX에 대한 두 번째 주요 공격으로 암호화폐 커뮤니티 내에서 눈살을 찌푸리게 했습니다.

Tron founder and HTX advisor Justin Sun publicized that the exchange would fully compensate affected users for their losses from the hack. This comes after a similar incident in late September, where assets worth $8 million were stolen from HTX, only to be returned after negotiations with the hacker.

Compounding the issue, another platform linked to Sun, Poloniex, was hacked in mid-November, with stolen funds amounting to a hefty $125 million. While the exchange couldn’t recover the stolen assets, Sun assured affected users that reimbursement for their losses would be facilitated through an airdrop.

문제를 더욱 복잡하게 만드는 것은 Sun과 연결된 또 다른 플랫폼인 Poloniex가 11월 중순에 해킹당하여 1억 2,500만 달러에 달하는 막대한 자금을 도난당했다는 것입니다. 거래소가 도난당한 자산을 복구할 수는 없지만 Sun은 피해를 입은 사용자에게 에어드롭을 통해 손실에 대한 보상이 용이해질 것이라고 확신했습니다.

In total, HTX, Heco Bridge, and Poloniex have collectively suffered losses of almost $250 million within a mere three months. Such security breaches are raising doubts among users about the safety of their assets on platforms associated with Justin Sun, including Tron (TRX).

Galaxy Fox: a much safer bet

Amid this crypto turmoil, Galaxy Fox emerges as a potential beacon of stability and innovation. Meme coins, once regarded as mere online jokes, have gained significant traction, and Galaxy Fox is positioned as a serious contender in this space.

이러한 암호화폐 혼란 속에서 Galaxy Fox는 안정성과 혁신의 잠재적인 표지로 부상하고 있습니다. 한때 단순한 온라인 농담으로 여겨졌던 밈 코인이 상당한 관심을 얻었고, 갤럭시폭스는 이 분야에서 강력한 경쟁자로 자리매김하고 있습니다.

This best upcoming ICO distinguishes itself as a full utility coin, drawing inspiration from successful meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, as well as play-to-earn tokens like Axie Infinity. Offering multiple avenues for profit, including token ownership, staking, and participation in a web3 endless runner game, Galaxy Fox is capturing the attention of the crypto community.

Galaxy Fox has reached a milestone of $1M in its presale! Priced at $0.001122 per $GFOX, the presale is already in Stage 3, with over 1.2 billion tokens distributed to early investors. The community is buzzing with anticipation as the next stage looms on the horizon, promising a token price of $0.00132.

Galaxy Fox’s web3 runner game and NFTs

Galaxy Fox의 web3 러너 게임과 NFT

Galaxy Fox introduces a unique play-to-earn dynamic through its web3 runner game, providing players with opportunities to earn $GFOX tokens by showcasing their gaming prowess. Adding an extra layer of strategy, the game incorporates the coolest NFT assets, each with distinctive attributes that influence in-game performance.

Notably, Galaxy Fox plans to unleash a collection of 3,000 unique NFTs throughout its presale. These NFTs are available for minting on the Galaxy Fox website and tradable on OpenSea. They feature unique characters from the Galaxy Fox Ecosystem, adding a touch of collectible excitement to the best upcoming ICO space.

특히, 갤럭시폭스는 사전판매 기간 동안 3,000개의 고유한 NFT 컬렉션을 출시할 계획입니다. 이러한 NFT는 Galaxy Fox 웹사이트에서 주조할 수 있으며 OpenSea에서 거래할 수 있습니다. 그들은 Galaxy Fox 생태계의 독특한 캐릭터를 특징으로 하며 다가오는 최고의 ICO 공간에 수집 가능한 즐거움을 더합니다.



As the crypto community navigates through uncertainties, Galaxy Fox emerges as a good crypto to buy and a secure investment alternative for investors seeking stability and growth potential. With its innovative Features, committed community, and ongoing presale, this project offers a fresh perspective on meme coins, blending utility with excitement.

To be part of this exciting journey, explore the Galaxy Fox presale on their website and join the community on Telegram. Galaxy Fox stands as a beacon of resilience and innovation, ready to redefine your crypto experience.

이 흥미진진한 여정에 참여하려면 Galaxy Fox 웹사이트에서 사전 판매를 살펴보고 Telegram 커뮤니티에 가입하세요. Galaxy Fox는 여러분의 암호화폐 경험을 재정의할 준비가 되어 있는 회복력과 혁신의 상징입니다.

To learn more about $GFOX, visit Galaxy Fox Presale or join the community.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/tron-trx-could-suffer-after-the-htx-hack-is-this-presale-a-safer-bet-tbt73900.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/tron-trx-could-suffer-after-the-htx-hack-is-this-presale-a-safer-bet-tbt73900.html

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