首页 > 资讯新闻 > Tron (TRX) 可能会在 HTX 黑客攻击后遭受损失:这次预售是一个更安全的选择吗?

Tron (TRX) could suffer after the HTX hack: is this presale a safer bet?

Tron (TRX) 可能会在 HTX 黑客攻击后遭受损失:这次预售是一个更安全的选择吗?

发布: 2023/12/16 22:06 阅读: 818



Recent headlines have been buzzing with concerns about the vulnerabilities of major players. The TRX community is facing a potential setback after the HTX Hack, leaving many investors uneasy about the security of their assets. 

最近的头条新闻充斥着对主要参与者脆弱性的担忧。 HTX 黑客事件后,TRX 社区面临着潜在的挫折,让许多投资者对其资产的安全性感到不安。

This article delves into the implications of the HTX Hack and explores a potentially safer option for investment – Galaxy Fox, a new player with one of the best upcoming ICO campaigns.

本文深入探讨了 HTX 黑客攻击的影响,并探讨了一种可能更安全的投资选择——Galaxy Fox,这是一家即将推出的最佳 ICO 活动之一的新玩家。

TRX could suffer after major HTX hack

HTX 重大黑客攻击后,TRX 可能会遭受损失

On November 22, the HTX and Heco cross-chain bridge, a protocol connecting an exchange and the Ethereum network, fell victim to a hacking incident, resulting in a staggering loss of over $116 million in crypto assets. This was the second major attack on HTX within three months, raising eyebrows within the crypto community.

11 月 22 日,连接交易所和以太坊网络的协议 HTX 和 Heco 跨链桥遭遇黑客攻击,导致加密资产损失超过 1.16 亿美元。这是三个月内对 HTX 的第二次重大攻击,引起了加密社区的关注。

Tron founder and HTX advisor Justin Sun publicized that the exchange would fully compensate affected users for their losses from the hack. This comes after a similar incident in late September, where assets worth $8 million were stolen from HTX, only to be returned after negotiations with the hacker.

Tron创始人兼HTX顾问孙宇晨表示,该交易所将全额赔偿受影响用户因黑客攻击而遭受的损失。此前,9 月下旬曾发生过类似事件,HTX 价值 800 万美元的资产被盗,但在与黑客谈判后才归还。

Compounding the issue, another platform linked to Sun, Poloniex, was hacked in mid-November, with stolen funds amounting to a hefty $125 million. While the exchange couldn’t recover the stolen assets, Sun assured affected users that reimbursement for their losses would be facilitated through an airdrop.

雪上加霜的是,与 Sun 相关的另一个平台 Poloniex 在 11 月中旬遭到黑客攻击,被盗资金高达 1.25 亿美元。虽然交易所无法追回被盗的资产,但 Sun 向受影响的用户保证,将通过空投来补偿他们的损失。

In total, HTX, Heco Bridge, and Poloniex have collectively suffered losses of almost $250 million within a mere three months. Such security breaches are raising doubts among users about the safety of their assets on platforms associated with Justin Sun, including Tron (TRX).

短短三个月内,HTX、Heco Bridge 和 Poloniex 总共损失了近 2.5 亿美元。此类安全漏洞引起了用户对其在与孙宇晨相关的平台(包括 Tron (TRX))上的资产安全性的怀疑。

Galaxy Fox: a much safer bet

Galaxy Fox:更安全的选择

Amid this crypto turmoil, Galaxy Fox emerges as a potential beacon of stability and innovation. Meme coins, once regarded as mere online jokes, have gained significant traction, and Galaxy Fox is positioned as a serious contender in this space.

在这场加密货币动荡中,Galaxy Fox 成为稳定和创新的潜在灯塔。 Meme 币曾经被视为仅仅是网上的笑话,但现在已经获得了巨大的关注,而 Galaxy Fox 被定位为该领域的有力竞争者。

This best upcoming ICO distinguishes itself as a full utility coin, drawing inspiration from successful meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, as well as play-to-earn tokens like Axie Infinity. Offering multiple avenues for profit, including token ownership, staking, and participation in a web3 endless runner game, Galaxy Fox is capturing the attention of the crypto community.

这个即将推出的最佳 ICO 是一款功能齐全的代币,它从 Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu 等成功的 Meme 代币以及 Axie Infinity 等游戏赚钱代币中汲取灵感。 Galaxy Fox 提供多种盈利途径,包括代币所有权、质押和参与 web3 无尽跑酷游戏,正在吸引加密社区的注意力。

Galaxy Fox has reached a milestone of $1M in its presale! Priced at $0.001122 per $GFOX, the presale is already in Stage 3, with over 1.2 billion tokens distributed to early investors. The community is buzzing with anticipation as the next stage looms on the horizon, promising a token price of $0.00132.

Galaxy Fox 的预售已达到 100 万美元的里程碑!每 $GFOX 的定价为 0.001122 美元,预售已进入第三阶段,向早期投资者分发了超过 12 亿枚代币。随着下一阶段的出现,社区充满了期待,承诺代币价格为 0.00132 美元。

Galaxy Fox’s web3 runner game and NFTs

Galaxy Fox 的 web3 跑酷游戏和 NFT

Galaxy Fox introduces a unique play-to-earn dynamic through its web3 runner game, providing players with opportunities to earn $GFOX tokens by showcasing their gaming prowess. Adding an extra layer of strategy, the game incorporates the coolest NFT assets, each with distinctive attributes that influence in-game performance.

Galaxy Fox 通过其 web3 跑步游戏引入了独特的边玩边赚钱的动态,为玩家提供通过展示游戏实力来赚取 $GFOX 代币的机会。该游戏增加了一层额外的策略,融合了最酷的 NFT 资产,每种资产都具有影响游戏内性能的独特属性。

Notably, Galaxy Fox plans to unleash a collection of 3,000 unique NFTs throughout its presale. These NFTs are available for minting on the Galaxy Fox website and tradable on OpenSea. They feature unique characters from the Galaxy Fox Ecosystem, adding a touch of collectible excitement to the best upcoming ICO space.

值得注意的是,Galaxy Fox 计划在预售期间释放 3,000 个独特的 NFT。这些 NFT 可在 Galaxy Fox 网站上铸造,并可在 OpenSea 上交易。它们具有来自 Galaxy Fox 生态系统的独特角色,为即将到来的最佳 ICO 空间增添了一丝收藏乐趣。



As the crypto community navigates through uncertainties, Galaxy Fox emerges as a good crypto to buy and a secure investment alternative for investors seeking stability and growth potential. With its innovative Features, committed community, and ongoing presale, this project offers a fresh perspective on meme coins, blending utility with excitement.

随着加密货币社区克服不确定性,Galaxy Fox 成为一种值得购买的优质加密货币,也是寻求稳定性和增长潜力的投资者的安全投资选择。凭借其创新的功能、忠诚的社区和持续的预售,该项目为模因币提供了全新的视角,将实用性与兴奋感融为一体。

To be part of this exciting journey, explore the Galaxy Fox presale on their website and join the community on Telegram. Galaxy Fox stands as a beacon of resilience and innovation, ready to redefine your crypto experience.

要成为这一激动人心的旅程的一部分,请在其网站上探索 Galaxy Fox 预售并加入 Telegram 社区。 Galaxy Fox 是韧性和创新的灯塔,准备重新定义您的加密体验。

To learn more about $GFOX, visit Galaxy Fox Presale or join the community.

要了解有关 $GFOX 的更多信息,请访问 Galaxy Fox 预售或加入社区。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/tron-trx-could-suffer-after-the-htx-hack-is-this-presale-a-safer-bet-tbt73900.html



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