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The Rise of Dog-Themed Memecoins: Spotlight on Bonk (BONK)

以狗为主题的模因币的兴起:聚焦 Bonk (BONK)

发布: 2023/12/17 06:00 阅读: 923



Those who follow the cryptocurrency market even from a distance may have noticed the increasing interest in dog-themed memecoins. Memecoins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have made headlines by turning many people into millionaires overnight. Particularly, Dogecoin, which was supported by famous billionaire Elon Musk, quickly shone its star and triggered the memecoin frenzy. During this period, numerous memecoins were launched, and one of the memecoins that has attracted attention in recent weeks is Bonk (BONK). In this article, you can find answers to questions such as what is Bonk, what is BONK coin, and how to buy BONK, which are listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance.

那些即使从远处关注加密货币市场的人也可能已经注意到人们对以狗为主题的模因币越来越感兴趣。像狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬币(SHIB)这样的 Memecoin 已经成为头条新闻,让许多人一夜之间成为百万富翁。尤其是由著名亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克支持的狗狗币迅速闪耀并引发了模因币热潮。在此期间,推出了众多模因币,最近几周引起关注的模因币之一是邦克(BONK)。在本文中,您可以找到诸如什么是Bonk、什么是BONK币以及如何购买BONK等问题的答案,BONK在币安等主要加密货币交易所上市。

What is Bonk?


Bonk operates on the Solana Blockchain and is the largest memecoin on the Blockchain. Bonk’s aim is to bring liquidity back to the Solana ecosystem. Developers describe Bonk as a memecoin “created by the people, for the people.” BONK coin is originally a Solana Program Library (SPL) token and adopts Solana Blockchain’s Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms.

Bonk 在 Solana 区块链上运行,是区块链上最大的模因币。 Bonk 的目标是将流动性带回 Solana 生态系统。开发者将 Bonk 描述为“由人民创造、为人民服务”的模因币。 BONK币最初是Solana程序库(SPL)代币,采用Solana区块链的历史证明(PoH)和股权证明(PoS)共识机制。

Although Bonk’s developers are anonymous, they have provided some background information about the origin of the memecoin by following the footsteps of the creator of Shiba Inu. Although the individual creator(s) are unknown, the creation of the token is associated with Dexlabs, a decentralized exchange and launchpad.

尽管 Bonk 的开发者是匿名的,但他们追随 Shiba Inu 创造者的脚步,提供了一些有关 memecoin 起源的背景信息。尽管个人创建者未知,但代币的创建与去中心化交易所和启动板 Dexlabs 相关。

The Bonk team states that they were tired of the toxic tokenomics created by Alameda on the Solana Blockchain and introduced BONK with the goal of creating a fun memecoin that would give everyone a fair chance. Bonk was developed to recapture the liquidity of the DEXs in the Solana ecosystem, which had collapsed in the weeks prior to its launch.

Bonk 团队表示,他们厌倦了 Alameda 在 Solana 区块链上创建的有毒代币经济,并推出 BONK,其目标是创建一种有趣的模因币,为每个人提供公平的机会。 Bonk 的开发是为了重新夺回 Solana 生态系统中 DEX 的流动性,该生态系统在推出前几周已经崩溃。

November and December 2022 were a challenging period for Solana investors, and the Solana ecosystem suffered significant damage from the FTX and Alameda scandal. The collapse of Alameda and the sharp decline of SOL shook the confidence of many investors in the ecosystem and further reduced liquidity. Bonk started working on a dog-themed memecoin before the collapse of Solana and launched the BONK coin on December 25, 2022. As promised, a significant portion of the memecoin’s supply was distributed to Solana artists, collectors, and developers through an AirDrop, contributing to the recovery of liquidity on the Solana Blockchain.

2022 年 11 月和 12 月对于 Solana 投资者来说是充满挑战的时期,FTX 和 Alameda 丑闻使 Solana 生态系统遭受了重大损害。 Alameda的崩溃和SOL的大幅下跌动摇了许多投资者对生态系统的信心,并进一步减少了流动性。 Bonk 在 Solana 崩溃之前就开始开发以狗为主题的 memecoin,并于 2022 年 12 月 25 日推出了 BONK 币。正如承诺的那样,memecoin 供应的很大一部分通过 AirDrop 分发给了 Solana 艺术家、收藏家和开发人员,贡献了恢复 Solana 区块链上的流动性。

Where to Buy BONK Coin?

哪里可以买到 BONK 币?

BONK coin can be safely purchased and sold from Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. BONK coin was listed on Binance on December 15, 2023, and is available for trading in the BONK/USDT, BONK/FDUSD, and BONK/TRY pairs.

BONK币可以从币安安全地购买和出售,币安是全球交易量最大的加密货币交易所。 BONK币于2023年12月15日在币安上市,可在BONK/USDT、BONK/FDUSD和BONK/TRY货币对中进行交易。

To purchase BONK coin, one must first register with the Binance exchange if not already a member. After completing the registration process, cryptocurrency or fiat currency such as Turkish Lira must be transferred to the account wallet on Binance. Once the transfer is complete, BONK coin can be purchased in any of the three trading pairs mentioned above.

要购买 BONK 币,如果还不是会员,则必须首先在币安交易所注册。完成注册过程后,必须将加密货币或土耳其里拉等法定货币转移到币安上的账户钱包。转账完成后,可以在上述三个交易对中的任何一个交易对中购买BONK币。

To make a purchase in the BONK/USDT trading pair, first, navigate to the interface of this trading pair. In the limit tab on the trading pair interface, enter the desired amount to purchase. Once the amount is entered, the purchase is completed with a BONK Buy order.

如需购买BONK/USDT交易对,请先导航至该交易对的界面。在交易对界面的限额选项卡中,输入需要购买的数量。输入金额后,即可通过 BONK 购买订单完成购买。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-rise-of-dog-themed-memecoins-spotlight-on-bonk-bonk/



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