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The Rise of Dog-Themed Memecoins: Spotlight on Bonk (BONK)

以狗為主題的迷因幣的興起:聚焦 Bonk (BONK)

發布: 2023/12/17 06:00 閱讀: 923



Those who follow the cryptocurrency market even from a distance may have noticed the increasing interest in dog-themed memecoins. Memecoins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have made headlines by turning many people into millionaires overnight. Particularly, Dogecoin, which was supported by famous billionaire Elon Musk, quickly shone its star and triggered the memecoin frenzy. During this period, numerous memecoins were launched, and one of the memecoins that has attracted attention in recent weeks is Bonk (BONK). In this article, you can find answers to questions such as what is Bonk, what is BONK coin, and how to buy BONK, which are listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance.

那些即使從遠處關注加密貨幣市場的人也可能已經注意到人們對以狗為主題的迷因幣越來越感興趣。像狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬幣(SHIB)這樣的 Memecoin 已經成為頭條新聞,讓許多人一夜之間成為百萬富翁。尤其是由著名億萬富翁埃隆·馬斯克支持的狗狗幣迅速閃耀並引發了模因幣熱潮。在此期間,推出了眾多模因幣,最近幾週引起關注的模因幣之一是邦克(BONK)。在本文中,您可以找到諸如什麼是Bonk、什麼是BONK幣以及如何購買BONK等問題的答案,BONK在幣安等主要加密貨幣交易所上市。

What is Bonk?


Bonk operates on the Solana Blockchain and is the largest memecoin on the Blockchain. Bonk’s aim is to bring liquidity back to the Solana ecosystem. Developers describe Bonk as a memecoin “created by the people, for the people.” BONK coin is originally a Solana Program Library (SPL) token and adopts Solana Blockchain’s Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms.

Bonk 在 Solana 區塊鏈上運行,是區塊鏈上最大的迷因幣。 Bonk 的目標是將流動性帶回 Solana 生態系統。開發者將 Bonk 描述為「由人民創造、為人民服務」的迷因幣。 BONK幣最初是Solana程式庫(SPL)代幣,採用Solana區塊鏈的歷史證明(PoH)和股權證明(PoS)共識機制。

Although Bonk’s developers are anonymous, they have provided some background information about the origin of the memecoin by following the footsteps of the creator of Shiba Inu. Although the individual creator(s) are unknown, the creation of the token is associated with Dexlabs, a decentralized exchange and launchpad.

儘管 Bonk 的開發者是匿名的,但他們追隨 Shiba Inu 創造者的腳步,提供了一些有關 memecoin 起源的背景資訊。儘管個人創建者未知,但代幣的創建與去中心化交易所和啟動板 Dexlabs 相關。

The Bonk team states that they were tired of the toxic tokenomics created by Alameda on the Solana Blockchain and introduced BONK with the goal of creating a fun memecoin that would give everyone a fair chance. Bonk was developed to recapture the liquidity of the DEXs in the Solana ecosystem, which had collapsed in the weeks prior to its launch.

Bonk 團隊表示,他們厭倦了 Alameda 在 Solana 區塊鏈上創建的有毒代幣經濟,並推出 BONK,目標是創建一個有趣的迷因幣,為每個人提供公平的機會。 Bonk 的開發是為了重新奪回 Solana 生態系統中 DEX 的流動性,該生態系統在推出前幾週已經崩潰。

November and December 2022 were a challenging period for Solana investors, and the Solana ecosystem suffered significant damage from the FTX and Alameda scandal. The collapse of Alameda and the sharp decline of SOL shook the confidence of many investors in the ecosystem and further reduced liquidity. Bonk started working on a dog-themed memecoin before the collapse of Solana and launched the BONK coin on December 25, 2022. As promised, a significant portion of the memecoin’s supply was distributed to Solana artists, collectors, and developers through an AirDrop, contributing to the recovery of liquidity on the Solana Blockchain.

2022 年 11 月和 12 月對 Solana 投資者來說是充滿挑戰的時期,FTX 和 Alameda 醜聞使 Solana 生態系統遭受了重大損害。 Alameda的崩盤和SOL的大幅下跌動搖了許多投資者對生態系統的信心,並進一步減少了流動性。 Bonk 在Solana 崩潰之前就開始開發以狗為主題的memecoin,並於2022 年12 月25 日推出了BONK 幣。正如承諾的那樣,memecoin 供應的很大一部分通過AirDrop 分發給了Solana 藝術家、收藏家和開發人員,貢獻了恢復 Solana 區塊鏈上的流動性。

Where to Buy BONK Coin?

哪裡可以買到 BONK 幣?

BONK coin can be safely purchased and sold from Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. BONK coin was listed on Binance on December 15, 2023, and is available for trading in the BONK/USDT, BONK/FDUSD, and BONK/TRY pairs.

BONK幣可以從幣安安全地購買和出售,幣安是全球交易量最大的加密貨幣交易所。 BONK幣於2023年12月15日於幣安上市,可於BONK/USDT、BONK/FDUSD和BONK/TRY貨幣對中進行交易。

To purchase BONK coin, one must first register with the Binance exchange if not already a member. After completing the registration process, cryptocurrency or fiat currency such as Turkish Lira must be transferred to the account wallet on Binance. Once the transfer is complete, BONK coin can be purchased in any of the three trading pairs mentioned above.

要購買 BONK 幣,如果還不是會員,則必須先在幣安交易所註冊。完成註冊程序後,必須將加密貨幣或土耳其里拉等法定貨幣轉移到幣安上的帳戶錢包。轉帳完成後,可以在上述三個交易對中的任何一個交易對中購買BONK幣。

To make a purchase in the BONK/USDT trading pair, first, navigate to the interface of this trading pair. In the limit tab on the trading pair interface, enter the desired amount to purchase. Once the amount is entered, the purchase is completed with a BONK Buy order.

如需購買BONK/USDT交易對,請先導覽至該交易對的介面。在交易對介面的限額標籤中,輸入需要購買的數量。輸入金額後,即可透過 BONK 購買訂單完成購買。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-rise-of-dog-themed-memecoins-spotlight-on-bonk-bonk/



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