첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 개를 테마로 한 밈 코인의 부상: Spotlight on Bonk(BONK)

The Rise of Dog-Themed Memecoins: Spotlight on Bonk (BONK)

개를 테마로 한 밈 코인의 부상: Spotlight on Bonk(BONK)

풀어 주다: 2023/12/17 06:00 읽다: 923


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/657dc01fb2b30f6f4cf70485

Those who follow the cryptocurrency market even from a distance may have noticed the increasing interest in dog-themed memecoins. Memecoins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have made headlines by turning many people into millionaires overnight. Particularly, Dogecoin, which was supported by famous billionaire Elon Musk, quickly shone its star and triggered the memecoin frenzy. During this period, numerous memecoins were launched, and one of the memecoins that has attracted attention in recent weeks is Bonk (BONK). In this article, you can find answers to questions such as what is Bonk, what is BONK coin, and how to buy BONK, which are listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance.

멀리서라도 암호화폐 시장을 지켜보는 사람들은 개를 테마로 한 밈코인에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있음을 알아차렸을 것입니다. Dogecoin(DOGE) 및 Shiba Inu(SHIB)와 같은 Memecoin은 많은 사람들을 하룻밤 사이에 백만장자로 만들어 헤드라인을 장식했습니다. 특히, 유명 억만장자 엘론 머스크(Elon Musk)의 지원을 받은 도지코인(Dogecoin)은 빠르게 스타를 빛내며 밈코인 열풍을 촉발시켰습니다. 이 기간 동안 수많은 밈코인이 출시되었으며, 최근 몇 주 동안 주목을 받은 밈코인 중 하나가 봉크(BONK)이다. 이 글에서는 바이낸스와 같은 주요 암호화폐 거래소에 상장되어 있는 Bonk란 무엇인지, BONK 코인은 무엇인지, BONK 구매 방법 등의 질문에 대한 답변을 찾을 수 있습니다.

What is Bonk?

Bonk operates on the Solana Blockchain and is the largest memecoin on the Blockchain. Bonk’s aim is to bring liquidity back to the Solana ecosystem. Developers describe Bonk as a memecoin “created by the people, for the people.” BONK coin is originally a Solana Program Library (SPL) token and adopts Solana Blockchain’s Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms.

Bonk는 솔라나 블록체인에서 운영되며 블록체인에서 가장 큰 밈코인입니다. Bonk의 목표는 솔라나 생태계에 유동성을 다시 가져오는 것입니다. 개발자들은 Bonk를 “사람에 의해, 사람을 위해 만들어진” 밈코인으로 묘사합니다. BONK 코인은 원래 솔라나 프로그램 라이브러리(SPL) 토큰이며 솔라나 블록체인의 역사 증명(PoH) 및 지분 증명(PoS) 합의 메커니즘을 채택합니다.

Although Bonk’s developers are anonymous, they have provided some background information about the origin of the memecoin by following the footsteps of the creator of Shiba Inu. Although the individual creator(s) are unknown, the creation of the token is associated with Dexlabs, a decentralized exchange and launchpad.

The Bonk team states that they were tired of the toxic tokenomics created by Alameda on the Solana Blockchain and introduced BONK with the goal of creating a fun memecoin that would give everyone a fair chance. Bonk was developed to recapture the liquidity of the DEXs in the Solana ecosystem, which had collapsed in the weeks prior to its launch.

Bonk 팀은 Alameda가 Solana 블록체인에서 만든 독성 토큰경제학에 지쳤으며 모든 사람에게 공정한 기회를 제공할 재미있는 밈코인을 만들겠다는 목표로 BONK를 도입했다고 말합니다. Bonk는 출시 몇 주 전에 붕괴된 솔라나 생태계에서 DEX의 유동성을 되찾기 위해 개발되었습니다.

November and December 2022 were a challenging period for Solana investors, and the Solana ecosystem suffered significant damage from the FTX and Alameda scandal. The collapse of Alameda and the sharp decline of SOL shook the confidence of many investors in the ecosystem and further reduced liquidity. Bonk started working on a dog-themed memecoin before the collapse of Solana and launched the BONK coin on December 25, 2022. As promised, a significant portion of the memecoin’s supply was distributed to Solana artists, collectors, and developers through an AirDrop, contributing to the recovery of liquidity on the Solana Blockchain.

Where to Buy BONK Coin?

BONK coin can be safely purchased and sold from Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. BONK coin was listed on Binance on December 15, 2023, and is available for trading in the BONK/USDT, BONK/FDUSD, and BONK/TRY pairs.

BONK 코인은 거래량 기준 세계 최대 암호화폐 거래소인 바이낸스에서 안전하게 매매할 수 있습니다. BONK 코인은 2023년 12월 15일 바이낸스에 상장되었으며 BONK/USDT, BONK/FDUSD, BONK/TRY 쌍으로 거래가 가능합니다.

To purchase BONK coin, one must first register with the Binance exchange if not already a member. After completing the registration process, cryptocurrency or fiat currency such as Turkish Lira must be transferred to the account wallet on Binance. Once the transfer is complete, BONK coin can be purchased in any of the three trading pairs mentioned above.

To make a purchase in the BONK/USDT trading pair, first, navigate to the interface of this trading pair. In the limit tab on the trading pair interface, enter the desired amount to purchase. Once the amount is entered, the purchase is completed with a BONK Buy order.

BONK/USDT 거래 쌍에서 구매하려면 먼저 이 거래 쌍의 인터페이스로 이동하세요. 거래 쌍 인터페이스의 한도 탭에서 원하는 구매 금액을 입력하세요. 금액을 입력하시면 BONK Buy 주문으로 구매가 완료됩니다.

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-rise-of-dog-themed-memecoins-spotlight-on-bonk-bonk/

계속 읽기: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-rise-of-dog-themed-memecoins-spotlight-on-bonk-bonk/

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