첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > XRP, BNB와 같은 알트코인은 비트코인과의 관련성을 잃습니다: 데이터

XRP, BNB Among Altcoins Losing Correlation With Bitcoin: Data

XRP, BNB와 같은 알트코인은 비트코인과의 관련성을 잃습니다: 데이터

풀어 주다: 2023/11/29 06:44 읽다: 610


원본 소스:https://www.newsbtc.com/xrp-news/xrp-bnb-altcoins-losing-correlation-bitcoin/

Data shows altcoins have been losing correlation with Bitcoin recently, and among them, XRP and BNB have seen particularly pronounced decoupling.

데이터에 따르면 알트코인은 최근 비트코인과의 상관관계를 잃어가고 있으며, 그중 XRP와 BNB는 특히 뚜렷한 디커플링을 보였습니다.

XRP & BNB Have Seen Largest Drops In 60-Day Correlation To Bitcoin

XRP 및 BNB는 비트코인과의 60일 상관관계에서 가장 큰 하락세를 보였습니다.

As pointed out by an analyst in a post on X, BTC has recently seen a drop in correlation with the altcoins. The “correlation” here refers to an indicator that keeps track of how tied the prices of any two assets are right now.

When the value of this metric is positive, it means that the given assets respond to moves in each other’s price by moving in the same direction. The closer the indicator’s value is to 100%, the stronger this correlation is.

On the other hand, negative values imply that there is a negative correlation between the assets, as their prices are moving opposite to each other. In this case, the extreme is -100%, so the more negative the value, the more tight the relationship is.

반면, 음수 값은 가격이 서로 반대 방향으로 움직이기 때문에 자산 간에 음의 상관관계가 있음을 의미합니다. 이 경우 극한값은 -100%이므로 값이 음수일수록 관계가 더 긴밀해집니다.

The 0% mark represents the point where no correlation exists between the prices, implying that movements in one have no bearing on how the other might perform.

Now, here is a chart that shows what the 60-day correlation between Bitcoin’s daily log returns and various altcoins looks like right now, as well as how it compared a year back:

As displayed in the above graph, the 60-day correlation between Bitcoin and XRP appears to have significantly decreased in this period, as it has plunged from nearly 80% to almost 40%. This means that XRP’s price has been moving much more independently of BTC during the past 60 days.

위 그래프에서 볼 수 있듯이 이 기간 동안 비트코인과 XRP의 60일 상관관계는 거의 80%에서 거의 40%로 급락하면서 크게 감소한 것으로 보입니다. 이는 XRP의 가격이 지난 60일 동안 BTC와 훨씬 더 독립적으로 움직였다는 것을 의미합니다.

BNB (BNB), Avalanche (AVAX), and Solana (SOL) have also seen some decoupling from the original cryptocurrency. Still, these alts have seen the indicator decline by much less than XRP has observed.

Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are the altcoins that have observed the least amount of change. However, in the case of the memecoin the correlation was lesser than the other assets to begin with, so even with the small decoupling, its correlation level is still matching that of BNB.

카르다노(ADA)와 도지코인(DOGE)은 변화량이 가장 적은 알트코인입니다. 그러나 Memecoin의 경우 처음부터 다른 자산에 비해 상관관계가 낮았기 때문에 작은 디커플링에도 불구하고 상관관계 수준은 여전히 ​​BNB와 일치합니다.

Generally, correlation is something to watch for whenever an investor is trying to diversify their portfolio, as two assets with significant correlation wouldn’t provide much safety.

Thus, as XRP is currently the cryptocurrency least correlated with Bitcoin on this list, it might be a better diversification option than coins like Ethereum (ETH) or Polygon (MATIC), which have the 60-day value of the indicator at relatively high levels still.

따라서 XRP는 현재 이 목록에서 비트코인과 가장 관련성이 낮은 암호화폐이기 때문에 상대적으로 높은 수준의 60일 지표 가치를 갖는 이더리움(ETH) 또는 폴리곤(MATIC)과 같은 코인보다 더 나은 다각화 옵션이 될 수 있습니다. 아직.

XRP Price

Just a few days back, XRP had revisited the territory above the $0.63 mark, but it wasn’t long before it slipped again and went under the $0.60 level. Since this low, though, the cryptocurrency has seen some recovery, as it has now neared $0.61 once again.

불과 며칠 전, XRP는 0.63달러 이상의 영역을 재방문했지만 얼마 지나지 않아 다시 하락하여 0.60달러 수준 아래로 떨어졌습니다. 하지만 이 최저 수준 이후 암호화폐는 어느 정도 회복되어 이제 다시 0.61달러에 가까워졌습니다.

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