フロントページ > 情報ニュース > XRPやBNBなどのアルトコインはビットコインとの関連性を失う:データ

XRP, BNB Among Altcoins Losing Correlation With Bitcoin: Data


リリース: 2023/11/29 06:44 読む: 610



Data shows altcoins have been losing correlation with Bitcoin recently, and among them, XRP and BNB have seen particularly pronounced decoupling.


XRP & BNB Have Seen Largest Drops In 60-Day Correlation To Bitcoin


As pointed out by an analyst in a post on X, BTC has recently seen a drop in correlation with the altcoins. The “correlation” here refers to an indicator that keeps track of how tied the prices of any two assets are right now.

X に関する投稿でアナリストが指摘したように、BTC は最近アルトコインとの相関性が低下しています。ここでの「相関関係」とは、2 つの資産の価格が現在どの程度結びついているかを追跡する指標を指します。

When the value of this metric is positive, it means that the given assets respond to moves in each other’s price by moving in the same direction. The closer the indicator’s value is to 100%, the stronger this correlation is.

このメトリクスの値が正の場合、指定された資産が同じ方向に動くことで互いの価格の動きに反応することを意味します。インジケーターの値が 100% に近づくほど、この相関関係は強くなります。

On the other hand, negative values imply that there is a negative correlation between the assets, as their prices are moving opposite to each other. In this case, the extreme is -100%, so the more negative the value, the more tight the relationship is.

一方、負の値は、価格が互いに反対に動いているため、資産間に負の相関があることを意味します。この場合、極値は -100% であるため、値が負であるほど、関係はより緊密になります。

The 0% mark represents the point where no correlation exists between the prices, implying that movements in one have no bearing on how the other might perform.

0% マークは、価格間に相関関係が存在しない点を表し、一方の値の動きが他方のパフォーマンスに影響を及ぼさないことを意味します。

Now, here is a chart that shows what the 60-day correlation between Bitcoin’s daily log returns and various altcoins looks like right now, as well as how it compared a year back:

ここで、ビットコインの日次ログリターンとさまざまなアルトコインとの 60 日間の相関関係が現在どのようになっているか、また 1 年前との比較を示したグラフが次のとおりです。

As displayed in the above graph, the 60-day correlation between Bitcoin and XRP appears to have significantly decreased in this period, as it has plunged from nearly 80% to almost 40%. This means that XRP’s price has been moving much more independently of BTC during the past 60 days.

上のグラフに示されているように、ビットコインと XRP の 60 日間の相関関係は、この期間で大幅に低下したようで、約 80% から約 40% に急落しました。これは、過去60日間でXRPの価格がBTCとはより独立して動いていることを意味します。

BNB (BNB), Avalanche (AVAX), and Solana (SOL) have also seen some decoupling from the original cryptocurrency. Still, these alts have seen the indicator decline by much less than XRP has observed.


Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are the altcoins that have observed the least amount of change. However, in the case of the memecoin the correlation was lesser than the other assets to begin with, so even with the small decoupling, its correlation level is still matching that of BNB.

Cardano (ADA) と Dogecoin (DOGE) は、変化が最も少ないアルトコインです。ただし、ミームコインの場合は、もともと他の資産に比べて相関が低かったため、多少のデカップリングを行ったとしても、相関レベルはBNBと同等となっています。

Generally, correlation is something to watch for whenever an investor is trying to diversify their portfolio, as two assets with significant correlation wouldn’t provide much safety.

一般に、投資家がポートフォリオを多様化しようとするときは常に相関関係に注意する必要があります。これは、有意な相関関係を持つ 2 つの資産があまり安全性を提供しないためです。

Thus, as XRP is currently the cryptocurrency least correlated with Bitcoin on this list, it might be a better diversification option than coins like Ethereum (ETH) or Polygon (MATIC), which have the 60-day value of the indicator at relatively high levels still.


XRP Price


Just a few days back, XRP had revisited the territory above the $0.63 mark, but it wasn’t long before it slipped again and went under the $0.60 level. Since this low, though, the cryptocurrency has seen some recovery, as it has now neared $0.61 once again.



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